The Collection of The End

One thousand and fifty-six, element 0 (29)

During the mission of Green Light to occupy the new nest, an elite creature "Eight-Eyed Spider" rushed out and ate the "little eggshell". If it was allowed to continue its mischief, not only would the operation of occupying the nest fail, but the "eight-eyed spider" would also fail. This skill also needs to be weakened to the point where it cannot be seen, so it must be lured away.

But even if you want to attract attention, you can't let the little follower become the number one enemy, that will only turn it into food.

Before that, there is one more question that needs to be confirmed.

‘How is the hatred of creatures in this world calculated? ’

[Just deal with whoever is hit more painfully, or you can just hit whoever is within the attack range. By the way, there are no taunting skills. 】

'Well, about this, the stinging and poisonous green light is professional. ’

I commanded the "Green Light Zero" to duck slightly, aim at a certain crab leg with a spike on the shoulder, and directly launch the "Push".

At this time, the "Eight-Eyed Spider" was raising its other leg and chasing after a certain one-legged creature called "Dog Mushroom". It had no time to avoid it. Of course, it could also be that it looked down on these "lower creatures" and had no intention of doing so. hide.

Then, the spikes of "Green Light Zero" and the little follower that followed directly hit the crab legs, each making a hole, but "Eight-Eyed Spider" ignored it and still stretched out its sharp claws. crab legs chasing their targets.

The creature that hops on one leg, looks like a mushroom, but has a dog's mouth. Its attributes are only "1, 1, 2", but its jumping frequency is not bad, and it can barely escape from the claws of the "Eight-Eyed Spider". But he couldn't hold on for long.

But it doesn’t matter, next is the moment to witness the miracle.

With two puffs of venom, two balls of venom flew out from the poison sac on Green Light's body and accurately hit the crab legs. However, the little follower's ball was just randomly applied on the surface of the crab leg shell, while the "Zero Green Light" hit it accurately. It flew into the hole made earlier.

Sizzle! There was a sound of hot pot being poured into cold water, and a burst of black smoke rose from it. The crab legs shrank suddenly, and the huge body of the "Eight-Eyed Spider" lost its balance and almost fell down. There is no way to continue chasing the "Dog Mushroom".

Just as I expected, the green light follower will only attack in the same way, and has no idea about the related techniques. It also sprays poison after thrusting, and it does not hit the hole. Naturally, it does not have the "zero green light" effect. The damage or "hate value" is high.

However, the "Eight-Eyed Spider" has many legs after all. After shaking a few times, it has stabilized its figure again. At this time, it is turning the eight eyes on its big head to look down.

"Green Light Zero" took the opportunity to spray out another stream of venom, hitting one of the guy's eyes.

Zizzi! Click! Click!

Hitting the vital point, the effect was outstanding. The "Eight-Eyed Spider" was like a thunderbolt, shaking its body randomly, and its giant jaws biting aimlessly as its head swung.

At this point, my "hatred" action was basically completed. Not only did it corrode the internal structure of the crab's legs and cause serious damage, but I also blinded one of its eyes.

Next, the final step.

"Green Light Zero" shook its body, and the "nozzle" violently sprayed out a burst of gas, suddenly increasing its movement speed and darting out under the eyelids of the remaining seven eyes of the "Eight-Eyed Spider".

The little follower's current result was just to drill a harmless hole in the crab's leg and spray two harmless venoms on the outside of the crab shell. The "Eight-Eyed Spider" didn't take him seriously at all.


Ka Chong! Ka Chong!

"Green Light Zero" flew ahead with the acceleration of its jet, while the huge "Eight-Eyed Spider" waved its seven crab legs and chased after it. Behind it was the green light that relentlessly attacked the crab legs. Little follower.

As for the temporarily "hired" allies, they stayed near the lair that needed to be occupied and did not participate in the chase.

Think about it, if they can be mobilized at will, as long as they find a wild nest and start occupying it, they can form a very powerful team, which is extremely beneficial in both negotiation and combat, so they should be restricted to only participate in "occupation" The defense of the nest.

But why can this crab be chased out?

[That's a spider~] After the stupid system complained, he enthusiastically pointed out: [At 10 o'clock ahead, there are a group of very strong creatures there! 】

'Yeah? How strong is it? ’ I followed the instructions and directed the green light to turn around, and asked smoothly.

[According to the average algorithm you invented...close to level 4? 】

‘What did I invent? ’

[Otherwise, do you think these indigenous creatures have the ability to rank each other according to their combat effectiveness? 】


He then commanded the "Green Light Zero" to run wildly for a while. During this period, he sprayed poison on the "Eight-Eyed Spider" several times to stabilize the hatred, and finally saw the "powerful creature" that the stupid system said.

[Leap Dragon, carnivorous, 'Attack: 4', 'Friendliness: 3', 'Speed: 3']

[Tip: This biological group is permanently hostile to the ‘green light’. 】

Who did my "Green Light" offend?

If "Leap Dragon" must be included in "dragon", it is also a very strange-looking dragon. It has an orange body, huge bat wings, a very fat belly and legs, a pair of very small front paws, and a small mouth. It's quite big, but the shape of the entire head looks more like a cow, with a pair of vertical pupils shining fiercely.

‘...Have I wasted too much time on the path of evolution? Why are there always other creatures rushing ahead? ’

[Of course, when the green light 'landed', it had already shown the 'evolution path' of the biological stage in front of all creatures. As long as you are not lazy and collect and evolve diligently, there will always be some who surpass you, but they don't know what's next. How to develop at each stage, so even if there is a species that is lucky enough to evolve to level 5, it will be stuck there because it cannot be upgraded. 】

‘A sense of déjà vu as a certain vector control cannot find a way to level up to Level 6. ’

[I sometimes have to admire your ability to associate. 】

Within a few words, "Green Light Zero" had already rushed into the chassis of the "Digging Dragon". Those deformed monsters either opened their mouths to gnaw, or stretched out their claws to grab, and some jumped up and kicked them - I was very I suspect that this is the orthodox attack method. They are probably related to Puss in Boots.

If it were an ordinary creature, it would probably have fallen into the dilemma of having a wolf in front and a tiger behind it, but "Green Light Zero" had no such worries. Under my control, it moved among more than a dozen "Leaping Dragons" with extreme precision and agility. " He dodged and moved around like a nimble swift, passing directly through the monster group without being hit by any attack.

[You praise yourself so much——]

bump! boom!

The huge "Eight-Eyed Spider" following closely behind has the characteristic of "being an enemy of all living things", so naturally it will not worry about the nest of the "Dipping Dragon". While kicking away a blocking dragon with its front foot, its back foot has already knocked them away. Most of the nest was overturned.


The tiny amount of hatred that the "Leap Dragons" had originally placed on "Green Light Zero" for "breaking into their own territory" was instantly attracted by the provocation of the "Eight-Eyed Spider".

Very good, now "Green Light Zero" can sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers, but before that, we have to find a way to take away the stubborn little follower who is still attacking the Eight-Eyed Spider.

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