The Collection of The End

One thousand and sixty-nine, legacy of the void (1)

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Korhal IV, living room of the Governor's Palace.

"Hmm... bionic man..." Emil Mengsk () said to himself while looking at the e-reader in his hand.

This is a petite girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a dark blue jacket and jeans, a blue woolen scarf like a ribbon, and a peaked cap tilted on her head. She seems to be thinking about something. What.

"I'm sorry, miss, do you have any questions?" The tutor, who was handsome, dark-skinned, kind-hearted, and had a hearty smile. He was wearing a neat formal suit and stopped explaining. He put down the silver data tablet he was demonstrating and turned to her. asked.

"It's nothing... I just think..." Emil blinked: "You rashly used the kind of jump technology that we can't analyze so far. It's a miracle that not a single colonial ship has disappeared."

"No, Miss, I think you understand the wrong way. Just like the human history I explained before, it is precisely because of the occurrence of those miracles and small-probability lucky events that we can lament them here. Otherwise, there will be Another intelligent species is here lamenting the misfortune of humanity's demise," the governess retorted gently.

"Well, I understand." Emil thought for a while and then nodded as if he had an understanding.

"Then, I will continue," the tutor paused: "As I said before, in 2070 AD, due to dissatisfaction with the slowness of human exploration of the universe, the world's richest man, Mr. Victor Manswell, spent a huge sum of money Invested in private space exploration, and launched six deep space colonization spacecraft each carrying three million gene pools to the Alpha Centauri Nebula in 2075. They were named Manswell, Hyacinth, and Iris respectively. , Qiuju, Narcissus and Wintersweet, which express Mr. Manswell’s aspirations for peace and development.”

"I know, next is the 'time gap'." Emil raised his hand.

"Yes, Miss, the planned plan for these colony ships is that the ship's computer will determine the navigation route, and some volunteers who occasionally thaw and wake up will perform maintenance. It will take an extremely long time to finally reach a habitable planet, but the first batch When the volunteers woke up, they found that the six colony ships were in a strange space now called 'subspace', and all timing tools had completely failed, so it was impossible to judge how long it had been since the launch of the spacecraft. This incident It's called a 'time gap'." The tutor continued:

“After discussion with the volunteer representatives, they decided to maintain the plan made before departure. However, since the timing tool was no longer effective, someone must stay awake at all times and wake up his replacement before going back to sleep. At the time, it seemed that this made no sense. The question is that they have given up on the possibility of reaching the new world. Therefore, a few years later, when six colonial ships left the subspace and arrived in the Cthulhu (Koprulu) sector, these volunteers who had already shown their age were jointly elected as The leader of mankind, the young lady’s father, Mr. Angus Mengsk () is one of them.”

"Yeah, yeah." Emil supported his chin with two fists and listened carefully.

"The first planet that the colony ship arrived at was Terra, the capital of the Tyranid Federation (). What is very amazing is that its rotation, revolution, gravity, temperature and even air proportions are exactly the same as the planet where the colony ship originally set off. The characteristics of the earth are exactly the same. Although many people at the time suggested naming it 'Gaia Planet' or 'Second Earth', the name was eventually chosen, which is synonymous with 'Earth'." The tutor's His fingers moved across the data pad, displaying Terra's various data:

"Due to being lost in the 'subspace' for an unknown period of time, even if some nostalgic people proposed to still use the AD calendar, how to determine the current time is still a problem. In the end, the first generation of the Federation Council decided to use the day when the spacecraft arrived on Terra. In the first year of the new calendar, the sector time will be based on the landing location of Terra, which is the Terra calendar (TR) and Terra time we are using.


"With only the technology of the colonial ship, it was able to develop to the present level in just seventy-nine years. It's amazing." Emil turned his eyes towards the window.

Since the living room itself is more suitable for living, although there are many objects and hangings with obvious technological sense, it is not too obtrusive overall, but the scenery outside the giant floor-to-ceiling windows is quite shocking.

This is a jungle of buildings with bronze exteriors that stand like blades. At the bottom of this jungle, on the interlaced roads and overpasses, various vehicles are busy, and occasionally aircrafts pass by between the buildings. High up, huge airships carry equally huge information boards broadcasting various announcements, news and even advertisements.

"No, miss, this is not humankind's own technology, otherwise we would have continued the Earth's technology and architectural style." The tutor shook his head: "It comes from a pioneer () civilization."

"Pioneer?" Emil tilted his head in confusion.

"The first generation of colonists initially developed in Tyran and began to explore the surrounding star areas. They almost immediately discovered this ancient civilization on the verge of extinction and named it [Ute]." The tutor adjusted the record board in his hand. It shows a huge, strange creature that looks like a squid or an octopus. Judging from the picture, they are entrenched in some kind of underwater city that has a very unique shape, but is inexplicably similar to the scenery outside the window.

"Eh-" Emil leaned back, expressing his dissatisfaction with the image of this soft-bodied creature.

"Oh, sorry," the tutor quickly clicked twice to eliminate the octopus pattern: "What follows is a war with the 'Pioneers' that only lasted less than a year."

"Huh? Are they that weak?" Emil blinked, as if he didn't understand.

"On this point, there is currently no information leaked from the Federation, but what is certain is that after being attacked by humans, they did not fight back but fled directly." The tutor turned the page again, showing a not very clear, giant spaceship. The scene of taking off does look like a hasty escape.

"But humans can't explore the bottom of every planet yet, right? Maybe there are Utes hiding secretly?" Emil pointed to the light blue sea in the distance outside the window.

"About this...who knows," the tutor closed the data pad: "Today's history class is over. I should teach advanced mathematics next time. Miss, you can look forward to it."

"..." Amy suddenly showed a look of despair.

"Pretending to be pitiful may be useful for the master, wife and young master, but it is useless for me who must complete my work." The tutor smiled and walked to the door: "See you tomorrow, Miss Emil."

"Well...see you tomorrow, Mora."

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