The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Seventy, Legacy of the Void (2)

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Kehal IV, Governor's Mansion.

"Welcome home~brother~"

Arcturus Mengsk (), wearing a long gray trench coat and brown combat uniform, just walked into the house when he saw his little sister running over holding a big gift box:

"Happy birthday!"

"Shh - keep your voice down, Emil," he hurriedly gestured to silence his sister: "Where are father and mother?"

Arcturus is a tall and burly young man with beautiful short hair as golden as an ear of wheat, his eyes are deep lake blue, his cheeks and chin have sparse, seemingly unkempt stubble, and his face is thin and sharp. , the overall facial features look a bit serious and ferocious, but this ferocity only leaves favor and helplessness when facing the girl in front of him.

"Dad is still at work, and mom is instructing the maids to prepare lunch." Emil lowered his voice slightly, but then raised it again: "Happy birthday! Brother!"

"Okay, okay, thank you, but please don't shout any more." Arcturus reluctantly took the gift box.

He originally planned to put it aside for the time being, but seeing his sister's "quickly take it apart, take a look, and then praise me" look, he gave up on this move that would be disrupted by various small means later.

"Well, let me see what surprise our little princess has prepared for her brother?" Arcturus took Emil to the living room and sat down, and began to open the gift box.

It feels very light. Normally it should be a tie, scarf or hat? No, no, if you can guess, she is not his sister.

Although he thought so, when Arcturus finally took out a golden spaceship model from the box, he was still surprised by his sister's tendency to choose gifts.

"If I remember correctly, Emil, was this the gift you gave me for your birthday last year?" He raised the model and gestured back and forth like it was flying.

"No, last year the gift was the 'Golden Horse No. 1'!" Emil retorted righteously.

"Uh...then what is this?" Arcturus had an ominous premonition.

"This is the 'Golden Horse No. 2'!" The little girl raised her hand and pointed.

"..." So it turns out that changing the number means it's a different product? Arcturus decided to take some time today to find out where the profiteer came from to deceive his sister.

"My brother will command a large fleet in the future," Emil also imitated Arcturus and gestured twice: "One spaceship is definitely not enough, I will give my brother a thousand!"

If you give one as a gift every year... let's just treat it as a sister wishing you a long life.

"Thank you Emil, you can play by yourself, I'll go see my mother and then leave." Arcturus put the "Golden Horse No. 2" into his windbreaker pocket, and then looked in the direction of the kitchen.

"But dad already knows that you are back." Emil blinked.

"I don't think he has time to care about my schedule." Arcturus frowned.

"Moura told dad that you will return to Keha today," Emil pointed to the airport in the distance outside the window: "You even told her the flight schedule."

"That guy..." Arcturus, who had already stood up, didn't know which foot to take first.

"[Arcturus Mengsk! Come to my study!]" A slightly older but still imposing middle-aged male voice came from the communicator in the living room.


"Tell me, what have you gained in the past year as a federal mercenary?"

Tyranid Federation Councilor, the Fourth Governor of Korhal, the father of Arcturus and Emil, Angus Mengsk () sat behind the huge mahogany desk, flipping through a record board in his hand, and opened his mouth to the person who had just left. Arcturus asked as he entered the study.

Well? Father's attitude seems to be quite peaceful at this time? At least it's not as opposed to it as it was at the beginning.

Arcturus took a peek, turned to look at the holographic bookshelf behind his father instead of his face and said.

“Firearms, fighting, stealth, and tactical team command have all made great progress.

However, there was little gain in terms of vehicle driving, intelligence analysis, and large corps commanding due to limited opportunities for practice. "

"So, do you think you 'progressors' are qualified to be the governor of a colonial star?" Angus asked again without looking up.

"Not yet."

"But you still insist that your choice was right?"


Angus finally put down the clipboard in his hand and raised his head to look directly at his eldest son. Arcturus originally seemed to be planning to avoid it, but he only turned his head slightly and returned to look at his father.

The appearance of the father and son is as similar as if they were carved from the same mold, but Angus's faintly blond hair can only be seen as gray, and he did not wear the same white beard that covered his cheeks and chin. Shaved off, it makes him look much older than his peers.

However, even so, Angus, who was wearing a straight governor's uniform, still had a stronger aura than Arcturus, who was only wearing mercenary clothes.

After staring at each other for a moment, Angus picked up the official record board again: "Oh, since you have seen what you want to see but still haven't changed your mind, tell me your reasons."

"The Tyranid Federation seems to be stable, but the moment of collapse is not far away." Arcturus paused, and when his father did not respond, he continued: "Why did the Congress recruit a large number of mercenaries to replace the army in developing the country?" Border, annihilate pirates? Of course because their control over places far away from the capital star is no longer as good as before. When the distance between star fields is relatively far and a large number of clones are used, no ambitious person will be willing to do so. Follow the orders and arrangements from Terra that have been delayed for who knows how long.”

"Although everyone appears to be human, over the years they have been divided into different - this word may not be accurate - nations due to coming from different colonial ships, being in star fields with inconsistent environments, and conflicts with each other."

"Currently, the colonial stars in the Gallente, Minmatar, Caldari, Jupiter and other star fields have become distant from our Amarr star field. If the first-generation leaders of the six colonial ships were not still alive, they would They have probably been looking for various reasons to secede from the Federation for a long time.”

"So, although there is no big problem with your plan to let me stay in Korhal and enter the National Academy for further study in order to become the governor of Korhal in the future, our enemies will not give me this time. Once the two parties start a war, A strong general who can protect the people is naturally more important than a governor who manages the planet."

"And I, your son, Arcturus Mengsk, have initially mastered a mercenary army, and it has continued to grow in various actions this year. I am not talking big words, just based on the Federation's situation at this time. In terms of military strength, my boys can defeat the federal army that is ten times their size."

After Arcturus finished speaking his thoughts in one breath, he was slightly surprised that he was not interrupted by his father, so he looked blankly at the old man behind the desk.

"Haha..." Angus did not comment on his son's speech. He chuckled and slid the record board in his hand towards him: "Look at this."

"Huh? This is-"

After seeing the title of the recordboard document clearly, Arcturus just wanted to swallow all the words he just said.

"Draft Agreement on the Secession of the Korhal System from the Terran Federation"

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