The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Seventy-Four, Legacy of the Void (6)

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Kehal IV, Governor's Avenue.

You are obviously a Sith!

"Ghost" is a well-trained special agent force. Talking to enemy targets is strictly prohibited. Talking to herself before shooting like Kerrigan did before is already a violation. Calling out Emile's name in shock is a violation of the rules. It's even bigger. If she said this directly, the training given to her by the Tyranid Federation could be called child's play.

However, even if the girl's strange words were ignored, the strength she showed, such as her high-speed movement or flight, and her weapons that could easily cut through thick metal, should not be underestimated. Based on this, Kerrigan judged that the mission had failed and that she was very After possibly not being a match for Emil, who showed abnormal abilities, she made a prompt decision to evacuate. She turned the muzzle of the "Widowmaker" and fired at the weird governor's daughter, then threw a smoke bomb, and then A tactical roll away from the window and deeper into the building.

Of course, it is strafing. As the main weapon of "Ghost", if it only has sniper mode, the mission completion rate of all agents will be reduced by more than half. In fact, this weapon, like the Nano Combat Suit, also has two forms. One is the "sniper mode" with extremely long range and strong penetration, but the firing speed is extremely slow and requires the help of eyepieces for calibration. The second is the charge mode. When this mode is enabled, the "Widowmaker" will shorten its muzzle. Put away the scope and switch the magazine used, and it becomes a submachine gun that is more powerful than the standard infantry firearm. The switching process takes much less time than the switching of combat uniforms.


Although Kerrigan had determined that this random shooting would not pose any threat to Emil, after seeing her through the smoke through the eyepiece and blocking all the bullets with a light saber (Light Saber), she still felt a sense of urgency. A strong sense of unreality.

"StarWar", this epic about space and the universe, was in an era when the Tyranid Federation was busy developing, expanding and constructing, resulting in relatively poor cultural achievements. Almost everyone can talk about the plot. The last two sentences, especially when the current situation of "massive use of human clones" is very similar to it.

However, the first technology that was proven to be impossible, the Force lightsaber, appeared in the hands of that girl so grandly... Could this be the reason why Angus dared to declare independence?

Presumably the bullet that sniped Angus before was intercepted in this way.

Buzz buzz - The smoke bomb dropped by Kerrigan before had no effect, and was easily cut and dispersed by the swing of the red lightsaber.

"You know nothing about the Force." Emile Mengsk didn't seem to want to let Kerrigan leave, and followed her into the building while reciting a certain line.


Kerrigan did not choose to break into the unknown room, but just ran along the corridors and stairs of the building, fighting and retreating. The only good news at the moment is that Emil did not show that kind of rapid charging and flying from a distance again. The ability, and using the lightsaber to fire and block bullets will also slow down her pursuit slightly.

"Rem! I need to evacuate! Tell me the nearest evacuation point!" While escaping, Kerrigan contacted the backup of this operation through the liaison device of the combat suit, although every ghost regarded using this backup method as a shame. , but no one proposed to cancel this arrangement. After all, no one can guarantee that they will always have a 100% task completion rate.

"[Those 'piggies' are searching around like crazy, and I can't ensure the existence of a long-term evacuation point!]" Reim responded quickly: "[In five minutes, I will arrive at the evacuation point in the AX10 area, but You can only stay for three minutes!】"

Eight minutes... Kerrigan quickly scanned the automatically planned route on the eyepiece... enough.


"Huh...huh...that girl,

Is it a monster? "

Less than six minutes later, Kerrigan's bullets were empty, all the tactical booby traps were used up, and even the very small number of "EMP bombs" rationed were consumed.

The worst part is that when having to fight in close combat several times, the Nano Combat Suit was severely damaged and more than half of its original functions were lost. This meant that this very risky plan of "hide and switch to ghost mode" could not be implemented. .

During this brief but fierce confrontation, Kerrigan was basically certain that Emil Mengsk had not received any systematic combat training at all and knew nothing about conventional tactics and trap locations in street fighting. In other words, he had arranged it himself. The girl couldn't escape the trap at all, but she managed to break through with the lightsaber and the "Force Thunder" she showed later.

Bullets would be easily blocked by the lightsaber, and those booby traps with poisonous gas, smoke, tear gas, corrosion, etc., which would make ordinary people completely lose their combat power if they hit one, were completely ignored by her, and she could only cough twice. Voice.

Kerrigan doubted whether her literary girl-like clothes were some kind of special camouflaged armor, so he looked for an opportunity at a corner and shot an EMP round at her, but the EMP bomb that was activated was enough to lock a battleship. The field just made her stop and wipe her glasses.

Although she was close to the evacuation point, Kerrigan was not sure if she boarded Reim's transport plane to evacuate, whether the girl would fly straight over like she did when she launched the sniper attack, and then use her lightsaber to destroy the entire spaceship. Everything comes in two halves.


Emil blasted open a wall in front of Kerrigan and walked out.

"I'm not a monster," she clearly heard Kerrigan say to her: "You know nothing about the Force."

Does she like this sentence that much?

Kerrigan looked at the newly updated route, pressed the detonation button, turned around and ran.

Boom boom!

With the sound of several small explosions, a large piece of the ceiling where she was previously fell instantly downwards, burying Emil.

Although I don't think this attack can do anything to her, it can at least delay her for a while. As long as she boards the transport ship, Rem's flying skills should be enough to escape the pursuit of the war porcupine.

Just after Kerrigan jumped out of the building window and landed accurately on a Chinook transport, the familiar buzz of a lightsaber came from behind.

Hucha... Hucha...

Emil was seen standing at the window she had just jumped out of. He gently twirled the double-edged lightsaber in his right hand and cut off a large piece of the metal wall. He then held it in the air with his left hand and tilted his head slightly toward the transport plane.

That means...just fly and see if I can hit you?

How many Star Wars memes does this girl want to play?

No, wait...

Speaking of which, Mrs. Mengsk’s name seems to be...

Kerrigan signaled Reim in the driver's seat to drive the ship quickly while taking off the loudspeaker from the bulkhead.

"[Child! I am your mother!]"

Snap, the huge metal Emil was holding in the air was about to shatter due to excessive force.

The Chinook transport plane flew away quickly amid the pilot's wild laughter and cries of pain as he was beaten.

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