The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Seventy Five, Legacy of the Void (7)

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Kehal IV, Governor's Mansion.

Arcturus is in the living room checking the reports on the "New Year's Assassination Incident" sent by his subordinates. Of course, these reporters are limited to his own mercenary team. As for the more rigorous and larger-scale content, Korhal has his own local investigation. The agency reports to the father.

"It is confirmed that one person from the 'War Porcupine' is missing, and he joined on December 9th..."

As expected, there were spies lurking on Kohal's side, and he and she were very efficient in transmitting information. The date of the lurking happened to be the day before he summoned them to come to Kohal.

"The 'Chinook' transport helicopter that the assassin took when he escaped could not be found. Its number is not in any equipment sequence of the War Porcupine. Its specific parameters are..."

This should be the support provided by the local spies. I can talk to my father later.

"While the assassins were escaping, most of the many explosions and incidents that interfered with the search in Korhal have been confirmed to be coincidences or accidents."

Hmm, even if it was an accident, it could probably be used at any time. An accident was imminent. After such a failed assassination, my father's control over Korhal must have been greatly enhanced.

"Sniper bullet analysis report (with photos)."

... Arcturus looked at the long and narrow bullet displayed on the panel and fell into deep thought for a moment.

The 0.338 caliber tungsten steel bullet has an effective range of 1,800 to 2,000 meters, has a very low kinetic energy attenuation rate, and always maintains approximately three times the speed of sound before reaching the maximum range.

So, how good is the sister who cuts it in half with precision?

Arcturus raised his head and glanced at Emil, who was reclining on the sofa opposite and dozing off.

Since she was indoors, she did not dress up like a literary girl who looked very warm. She still wore the light blue sportswear at home, but she still wore a scarf that was indestructible no matter whether it was cold or warm.

Regarding his sister's performance in this incident, his father has classified it as a first-level Keha secret. The relevant pictures and videos have been strictly controlled, and the specific analysis can only be accessed by him.

Arcturus was quite critical of his father's handling of this situation. Seriously, was this matter that important? If you want to know the specific abilities, just ask Emil? She showed it in such a big way and had no intention of hiding it. Isn't her intention obvious?

Uh... No, if you think about it carefully, if my sister insisted that she was a Jedi Knight who had awakened the Force, it would be really difficult to handle.

Arcturus recalled what he had seen through the telescope yesterday, and realized that his sister's abilities were exactly the same as those of a Jedi. Of course, she was a Jedi from the dark side.

If my sister has not awakened to the Force, it cannot be that she actually has power far beyond that and just chose the Star Wars setting to play role-playing, hahaha...

"Huh? Brother, what are you doing?"

When Arcturus came back to his senses after his thoughts had wandered a little, he found that Emil had already approached him, tilting his head and looking at him strangely with his beautiful blue eyes, and waving his little hand in front of his eyes. go.

"Uh... I was just thinking, the red lightsaber should be exclusive to the Sith, right? Did you make a mistake somewhere?" He answered smoothly and did a little test.

"That's right," Emil took out the "light saber hilt" from her coat pocket: "The normal state is Jedi, and the reverse (Alter) state is Sith."

Is it true that literary girls and sports girls have an inverted relationship? In addition, your original lightsaber has been taken away by your father. This is obviously a laser pointer for class——


The girl flicked her wrist, and a silver-blue light blade protruded from the "hilt". Except for the different color, the appearance and the sense of threat it brought were exactly the same as the red double-edged lightsaber.

Great, Arcturus thought impassively, his father's analysis team could tear up their report and rewrite it.


"Arctus, do you know what [Planet Energy ()] is?"

In Angus's office, Mr. Governor was holding his chin with his hands folded, watching the scientists he summoned test his daughter, and asked his son casually.

At this time, Emil had taken off her peaked cap and was wearing a weird mechanical helmet. She seemed to be shaking her head from side to side because she felt it was interesting. Several researchers in white coats beside her were working on a machine. There was a lot of activity in front of the huge instruments showing various graphs and ripples.

"Sounds similar to magic." Arcturus thought for a while and found that except for his sister, the characters in his knowledge who had this concept were basically fictitious.

"We don't know yet whether magic exists, but basically all the first generation humans know that psionic energy exists, and a standard has been specially formulated for this: psionic energy level (PsiIndex). According to Emil's current ability, there is no The question is above level eight." Angus responded.

"The first, psionic energy is the ability possessed by that pioneer civilization?" Arcturus understood the meaning of this almost instantly.

"Strictly speaking, almost all humans have this ability from the soul. However, because the relevant detection equipment comes from the Ute civilization, it is not certain whether humans have this ability originally or acquired it after coming to this star region," Angus continued to explain: "Ute has extended the use of this ability to all aspects of production and life, which has caused a lot of obstacles for humans with insufficient psychic abilities to receive their inheritance."

"Until someone with a strong enough psychic level appears?" Arcturus roughly understood the importance of his sister.

"Currently, the psychic level is roughly divided into ten levels," Angus nodded in agreement, and then continued: "Levels 1 to 2 are normal human levels. Basically, they can't do anything. Occasionally, some people can bend them." Spoon, and at levels 3 to 4, you can initially use the equipment left by Ute, but it is still nothing special. At levels 5 to 6, you can already use various powerful weapons left by Ute and have very keen intuition. , the 'ghost' who came to assassinate me this time should be at this level. Level 7 to 8 can already release psionic energy, condense it into shape, or move objects through the air. Emil's current performance is in line with this level. , as for levels 9 to 10, in addition to strengthening the previous abilities, it seems that it can also affect the thinking of other creatures, such as reading minds, creating hallucinations, and even predicting the future."

After finishing these long words, Angus seemed to feel thirsty and reached for the water glass, only to find that there was no water in it. As soon as he was stunned, he saw the teapot next to him flying up and pouring water into the cup.

When Arcturus turned around to look, he found that the sister wearing a helmet was pointing at the teapot with two fingers, and a large amount of test data that was completely different from before appeared on the huge and complex instrument at the side.

"Congratulations! Mr. Mengsk!" A researcher shouted in an almost broken voice: "Your daughter's psionic energy level is level ten!"

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