The Collection of The End

One thousand and seventy-nine, legacy of the void (11)


Korhal IV.

"After a month-long referendum, Korhal officially passed the Secession from the Terran Federation Act with 98% of the votes in favor. Starting today, Korhal will no longer be legally subordinate to the Terran Federation."

"Although the results of this vote were obviously affected by the 'Governor Assassination' on New Year's Day, the vast majority of citizens interviewed expressed support for this bill."

"After the passage of the bill, former Korhal Governor Angus Mengsk has been sworn in as Korhal's president and publicly stated that his son Arcturus Mengsk will not run for the next president."

"Affected by Korhal's departure from the Federation, political entities in the Gallente, Minmatar, Caldari, and Jupiter domains recognized Korhal, and then followed suit and enacted similar laws. The Tyranid Federation has It’s on the verge of falling apart.”

"In order to prevent possible retaliation from the Terran Federation, President Mengsk stated that the curfew order issued in January will not be revoked for the time being until it is confirmed that the diplomatic situation has improved."

"As you can see, after the bill was passed, many clones who obtained citizenship spontaneously took to the streets to celebrate, and many natural people also joined them. Below, please see our reporter's report on the scene -"

Click, Arcturus Mengsk turned off the news.

"Stop listening, they can't possibly report that you activated more than half of the pioneer relics collected by Kohal, leading to the rapid advancement of the current technological level." He said to his sister who looked over: "That's confidential, how could it be published in public?" Channel broadcast?”

"I just want to hear what they think of 'Gorgon'." Emil blinked.

"I won't comment. My father has already announced that I brought it here."

"Hmph, it's obviously from me."

"Yes, yes, thank you Emil."

Arcturus comforted his sister while looking out through the bridge porthole. It must be said that when he was in a huge war machine, he felt a sense of security and power that was unimaginable on an ordinary ship.

As we all know, all the current technologies of humans in the Cthulhu Sector are basically copied from the pioneers who look like squids and octopuses. Therefore, the technology tree is very crooked. It only talks about combat in the atmosphere, and does not care about armor. and firepower. The ground troops are still conventional infantry tanks, but Transformers have appeared in the sky. Yes, it means that the air cannot attack the ground.

It can't defend against air defense when it lands. Apart from its cool deformation, it's a completely stupid Viking fighter.

In terms of space warfare, the main force is undoubtedly the "Behemoth" battleship. Its conventional secondary guns are of average power. The most powerful main gun will use up more than 80% of the ship's capacitor at one time, and the energy is concentrated when it starts running. The shape looks like a squid spraying ink. After all, it is a creation of Ute, so this is inevitable.

Among the relics activated by Emil before, there was actually a huge Pioneer battleship. It was originally located on the bottom of a shallow sea somewhere and was treated as a Ute relic by researchers at the Seaside Research Institute. After all the lighting fixtures were turned on, the director's expression was quite interesting.

The design concept of this Pioneer battleship is very different from that of the ordinary Behemoth class. Not only has the single-shot main gun been improved to a double-shot scatter shot, but it has also been equipped with dense ground-attack turrets and thicker armor to improve ground-attack capabilities. In addition to being unprecedentedly strengthened, it can also directly break through the atmosphere to take off and land, avoiding the dilemma of behemoth-class battleships that can only be built in space ports.

Faced with the possibility of facing retaliation from the Tyranid Federation at any time, Korhal's military mobilized urgently, and it only took a month to repair the battleship and successfully launch it into the air. As for its name, it was named after Emil as "when it fires" "Gorgon" was named after the snake girl.

It has to be said that after this large and powerful battleship cruised over all the cities in Korhal, it largely calmed the citizens' uneasiness about seceding from the Federation.

After this major harvest, Angus Mengsk, the former governor of Kehal, the current president, and the father of the brothers and sisters, naturally would not stop there. After visiting all the research institutes with his daughter, he ordered Aktu to Else took Emil to other Ute ruins that were still under the sea and had not yet been discovered and investigated to try to activate more battleships or relics. At the same time, in order to avoid encountering a similar assassination in the New Year, he simply allocated this battleship to He uses.

However, the problem with this operation is that Utes are an aquatic creature. Among all their technologies, there is no underwater closed vehicle, that is, a submarine. This has resulted in almost no technology for deep-sea exploration in the entire star region. Humans want to To explore their relics, you must build your own underwater ships. This generational difference in civilization makes it difficult to excavate relics and ruins on a large scale.

Even if my sister is a level 10 nether energy user, she still needs to breathe, right?

Hmm... Speaking of which, Emil once announced that he would give himself a thousand battleships. Isn't this how he would achieve it?

If there were a thousand Gorgons, Korhal wouldn't have to worry about the Tyranid Federation's retaliation and just fight all the way to capture Tarsonis.

Uh, no, wait a minute, if there are a thousand Gorgons, the logistics and supply requirements will be astronomical. Judging from Korhal's current productivity...

"Brother? What are you doing? You laugh, frown, and gnash your teeth." Emil stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Arcturus: "We have arrived above the predetermined sea area."

In order not to look out of place in a serious occasion, Emil did not wear the girlish clothes after boarding the ship. Instead, her mother specially selected her clothes, which were very in line with the Star Wars characteristics, including a black leather jacket and leather pants with red edges. And a large cloak with a hood, and a pocket specially sewn on the waist to hold the hilt of the lightsaber - she must have been pampering her too much.

"Ah, cough," Arcturus naturally would not admit that he had just daydreamed about something that had not happened yet: "I was just thinking, if I find a few more battleships, how should I name them, and use the names of mythical monsters? "

"If you find a lot of them, just use 'Gorgon' as the model." Emil nodded his cheek with his finger: "For example, the 'Medusa' and the 'Stheno' of the 'Gorgon-class' , 'Eurielle' and the like."

...The fruitful girl also has a wealth of knowledge about these monsters in ancient legends. Arcturus thought for a while and decided not to point out that the name of a certain battleship was repeated.

"Well, if we find another type of battleship, it will be called the Minotaur class." Emil was still thinking about it.

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