The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Eighty, Legacy of the Void (12)

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Korhal IV, battleship Gorgon.

"Brother wants to come too? Then who should we give the 'Gorgon' to?"

"The first mate's responsibility is to coordinate everything on the entire ship when the captain leaves the ship. Although everyone is not familiar with the ship yet, there are currently no emergencies that I have to deal with."

"Hmm~ Okay then."

At this time, the Gorgon was hovering at a low altitude of less than a hundred meters above the sea, and Emil was planning to board the deep-sea submarine she named "Nautilus". She seemed to be very interested in Acker, the captain. It was a little strange that Turs wanted to go with him, but he didn't intend to insist on refusing.

It's just a joke. My father would transfer Gorgon not because he is his son, but to protect this precious sister. If the old man knew that he dared to let his sister go to the sea to play in a submarine, he would be punished when she returned. It's hard to imagine how to clean it up. If she bumps into something again, I'm afraid her mother, who has always been gentle, will become violent.

Arcturus cursed as he walked into the small submarine that was about to be rappelled to the sea.

The "Nautilus" is 140 meters long, with a very wide head and narrowing from the middle to the rear. The overall shape is streamlined like a water drop. A short access tower like a fin is erected directly above it. The attached deck is also very narrow. It The full complement is 35 people, the maximum submersible depth is 12,000 meters, the maximum surface speed is 60 knots, and the submersible speed is 50 knots. It can be said that it is overqualified to deal with this kind of undersea ruins survey, but because I don’t know whether this operation will be activated, especially With its unique defensive weapon system, having excess combat power is no problem at all.

"You can only activate those relics through the submarine's preset psychic transmission equipment, because their safety has not been evaluated, and any stored underwater relics cannot be directly touched, do you understand?" Aktur? Si solemnly warned his sister who followed him into the cabin.

"Okay~" Emil was turning his head and looking around in the submarine, responding very nonchalantly.

...It seems that I made the right decision by following her. Otherwise, if the little princess really wants to do something, no one on the submarine can stop her.


A few hours later, under the sea.

Gudong, bang.

Listening to the sound of pressure and deformation coming from the outer wall of the submarine from time to time, even Arcturus can't help but feel a little frightened. You know, even if the spacecraft crashes in space, as long as the life cycle system operates normally and can send a distress signal, then The probability of being rescued is not small, but in the deep sea... I am afraid that it will be crushed by the huge water pressure in an instant.

Because the Ute ruins cannot provide better underwater technology, and there are many planets to be developed, the seabed of each planet is basically ignored. The action at this time can only be said to be a last resort. After all, Ke It is very likely that we will not be able to exchange materials with the outside world for a long time.

"Wow~ Brother, look, it's an anglerfish!" Emil pressed his face against the thick porthole and looked out without feeling nervous at all.

"What's wrong with the anglerfish...?"

Arcturus couldn't help but gasp when he casually cast his gaze over.

The anglerfish is indeed nothing to look at, but what about the anglerfish that is big enough to swallow the Nautilus in one bite? And there’s more than one!

I saw about five or six giant monsters "carrying lanterns" with wide mouths slowly passing by the submarine in the direction of the Nautilus.

With such a huge difference in size, even if you know that a torpedo can destroy them, you will still feel inexplicably scared.

"Please don't worry, Miss Emil. Although our stealth system is not suitable for operating under the sea, there is no problem at all in evading these brainless guys." The captain of the submarine responded with a smile.

Well... his name is Nemo, Captain Nemo. His name was not given by Emile, but he became the captain because of his name. I just hope that this journey to find the relics does not really require walking 20,000 miles. .

"How far are we from our destination?" Arcturus looked away from the large-mouthed fish.

Since the detection of the Ute ruins from the air can only focus on a large area, the actual location must be measured after actually getting into the water and getting close. Judging from the captain's confident command of the submarine, he must already know the exact location.

"Sir, those deep-sea anglerfish grew so big precisely because of the influence of the ruins. It can be said that it is a fixed program in every ruins." The captain responded, "Look, we have arrived."

As the submarine skirted an undersea cliff, a huge undersea city covered with seaweed, dominated by dark yellow and bronze, and composed of huge pillars, appeared in front.


When the pioneer relic is an entire city, the method of "activation" must be changed accordingly. After all, there are no staff to classify it in advance. The activation along the way is more likely to light up a row of street lights, but that's right. Because it's a city, it's always good to go directly to important or central areas.

If he sees something of value on the road, Emil can control the two mechanical arms protruded by the submarine to "release psionic energy" to try to activate them, and the submarine will give valuable information after collecting relevant information. Or worthless markers waiting to be collected by subsequent explorers.

"Sir, this city seems to be some kind of..." Captain Nemo seemed to consider the wording: "A high-tech industrial city?"

"You mean you found a lot of computer-like things?" Arcturus frowned. If it were a "relic" in the form of data, there might not be a problem of being lost, and the technology contained in it would be relatively complete, but if you want Translating it into human language will be a big project.

"If we have to say it, we may have discovered a 'computer room'," the captain pointed outwards: "Those large flat surfaces that only showed messy images when we passed by and activated them should be their 'monitors'."

Buzz, buzz, buzz——

At this time, Emil, who was directing the submarine's robotic arm to poke around, didn't know where he hit. A large number of indicator lights and many "screens" lit up. After the image was distorted many times, a strange, long-looking man appeared on the screen. The strange creature that looks like an octopus and a squid is Ute, the original owner of this ruins.

"[————]" It emits a strange high-frequency syllable, which makes everyone who hears it feel slightly uncomfortable.

Oops, we didn’t anticipate this, so we didn’t bring a linguist—

Just as Arcturus was thinking this, he saw Emil directing the four-fingered robotic arm to make a "V" gesture toward the big screen, and then said through the submarine's loudspeaker:

"We come for peace!"

Ah...this meme is quite old.

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