The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Eighty-One, Legacy of the Void (13)

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Korhal IV, underwater ruins.


The Utes on the screen did not react at all to Emil's gesture of kindness, and just repeated the strange high-frequency syllable language again.

Maybe he or she didn't mean the same thing, but Arcturus couldn't tell the difference.

" doesn't seem to be responding?" Emil muttered to himself, and then operated the control panel of the robotic arm again.

This time, the two hands were separated front and back, the hand facing forward was spread flat with the palm upward, and then the fingers hooked towards the Ute on the screen.

Where is the peace that was promised? Why did you start provoking?

"[————]" But this action was still useless.

Speaking of which, humans and Utes clearly had a war, and they should analyze each other's language no matter what. However, because that war only lasted less than a year and ended because the other side fled the star area, did Utes analyze humans? The language is unclear, but most humans have not had time to analyze such high-frequency signals.

"Record this sentence, send it to Gorgon and forward it to the Khayut Research Institute," Arcturus ordered: "Continue to search for other possible leftover information and storage media before receiving feedback."

Obviously, this thing that has been in the dust for many years and was activated by accident should not be a communication device. Judging from the Ute's lack of any body language, it is probably something similar to a human-computer interaction interface, and Ai Mir's actions did not allow it to react.

In the following time, the Nautilus shuttled back and forth in the giant "machine room" with a large number of lights activated, trying to find something similar to the Utes based on human experience with computers and storage media. Although there were many results, Arcturus highly doubted the proportion of valuable information contained therein.

During this process, Emil used his robotic arm several times to make various strange gestures on the largest screen. Even with Arcturus's experience, he could only recognize tactical gestures, mute language and Morse code.

Hmm, what's the origin of that kind of rapid gestures of different hand shapes that collide with each other?

"Sir, the weight of the items carried by the Nautilus is close to the upper limit, and the air is about to run out. We must float up." Captain Nemo reported to Arcturus.

"You can throw away some relics that are too heavy first," Arcturus watched Emil playing rock, paper, scissors on the screen: "I want to know what this message means."

"Then..." Captain Nemo quickly calculated using the portable panel: "We can stay at most about 1 hour and 20 minutes, sir."

"Then wait another hour. By then, regardless of whether the institute sends feedback or not, we will start to float."

"As you command, sir."


"Sir, the Korhal Research Institute has sent feedback!" Fifty minutes later, the submarine communicator suddenly reported loudly: "At the same time, a translation program for the Ute language was sent!"

"Loader, please read the meaning of that sentence first." Arcturus responded immediately.

If I remember correctly, humans should not have deciphered Ute's language yet, but being able to figure out such a thing is probably because there are language-related things in the relics that Emil activated before. Of course, it is also possible that Ute's language is found. Translation program for human languages…

"Yes, that sentence means -" the communication soldier replied: "[An unknown star gate has been activated, please initiate countermeasures immediately.]"

Unknown star gate? In Korhal?

Korhal dared to declare his separation from the Tyranid Federation precisely because there is only one star gate in this system. As long as it is blocked, the Federation's revenge will be difficult to succeed, but if there is an unknown star gate...

Arcturus' expression tightened, and then relaxed: If this news can be passed on, his father must have already known it and responded to it, so the feedback here is so slow, so the next step should be——

"Captain Nemo! Get the Nautilus close to that screen!" The one who shouted this was Emil, who had been occupying the manipulator to prevent the submarine mechanic from using it.

"Okay, Miss Emile." Captain Nemo started executing without saying a word.

Who is the top official here?

Arcturus cursed, but knowing it was not time to worry about this, he walked quickly to his sister to see how she operated.

"I originally thought it was controlled by remote control or artificial intelligence, but now it seems too high to look at them." Emil directed the robot hand and made a contemptuous gesture: "This is basically a touch pad."

The Ute who controlled the touchpad with a bunch of tentacles, uh... some not-so-good pictures flashed before Arcturus' eyes.

As the Nautilus approached the "touch panel", Emil clicked on it with a "finger".


"[An unknown stargate has been activated, please initiate countermeasures immediately.]"


"[An unknown fleet is passing through the star gate, please initiate countermeasures immediately.]"

Following Emil's movements, the "Ute" began to utter high-frequency and high-speed syllables continuously, and the translation program just loaded performed the translation dutifully.

"[The asteroid monitoring station has been destroyed and confirmed as a hostile target.]"

"[The enemy fleet is heading towards the 'Four Claws' orbit.]"

"[The asteroid monitoring station has been destroyed, raising the alert level."

"[The enemy fleet has entered the 'Four Claws' orbit and the surveillance satellite has been destroyed.]"

"[Lost enemy fleet signal.]"

"[High-energy reaction detected, confirmed to be a high-yield fusion weapon.]"

"['Four Claws' enters emergency state.]"

Not to mention how the Tyranid Federation found the abandoned star gate and activated it, high-yield, fusion... Could it be the "Apocalypse"? How could they be so heartless? Want to destroy Korhal IV entirely?

"The Nautilus will enter communication silence immediately and urgently surface to return to the 'Gorgon'!" Arcturus gave the order immediately and decisively.

Those guys in the Federation who secretly want to drop the Apocalypse have to get away, so they should agree on a sequence of dropping and detonating. Before then, they should have time to evacuate the residents of Kohal into the shelter. If they are lucky, with the combat power of Gorgon, Maybe we can intercept them outside the atmosphere——

"[Fusion strike detected en route.]"

Damn it, is it too late?

"[Activate countermeasures, please summon psionic energy users to charge the 'Planet Shield'.]"


When Arcturus turned his head in shock, he saw his sister directing a mechanical arm to poke directly into the groove next to the screen. At the same time, her whole body lit up with two dazzling lights of red and ice blue.

"[Charging progress, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%]"

The synthesized voice of the translation software reported the charging progress at an unusually fast speed, and the dazzling light around Emil dimmed almost instantly, as if a warm bonfire turned into embers in a few seconds.

"Hey! Wait!" Arcturus rushed over quickly to pull his sister away.

"Hmm...I can't think of any cool lines at the moment, so..." Emil waved the hand that didn't control the mechanical arm to Arcturus and winked: "[The Force is with you] .”


At this moment, from the deepest trench to the highest mountain, from the large-scale underwater city to the ruins with only ruins left, there are countless Ute ruins that have been discovered or yet to be discovered. Their own existence has something that has been forgotten for countless years. All the relics are functioning again under the mysterious connection given by the nether energy.

Countless golden shields rising from various parts of Kohal passed over the bewildered Kohal fleet. Under the confused and astonished eyes of the residents of Kohal, they merged and combined at high altitude to form a super giant spherical shield that protected the entire planet. shield.

Almost at the same time, this barrier violently collided with the 10,000 "Apocalypse" dropped from outside the atmosphere, covering the entire world of Korhal, with no blind spots at 360 degrees. In the process of confronting each other, , the barrier was on the verge of collapse several times, but finally managed to hold on with difficulty.

Although the Nautilus was in the deep sea, it could still feel the terrible vibration that shook the entire Korhal, but Arcturus was completely unaware of it.

He gently held his sister in his arms, who was still breathing but whose brainwaves were in straight lines. His face was ferocious and he gritted his teeth:

"Thailand, Lun, Union, country!"

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