The Collection of The End

One thousand and eighty-two, element 0 (42)

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After "Green Light Zero" "difficultly" lit a bonfire at the top of the lair, my perspective switched to the "Biological Evolver" again to make final adjustments and transformations to the "Green Lights".

This theoretically "last seen" interior of the "Hakoniya" recreates the previous three-story majestic lair, but the top platform that looks like a "throne" has been enlarged a lot, and there is also a pile of blazing fire in the middle. There were many "green lights" of different sizes surrounding the bonfire, and the largest one holding a torch and waving it was naturally the "zero green light".

However, this "last chance to change the shape" is actually of little use, because "Green Light"'s current "orc form" is already very complete, unless I am willing to completely overthrow the previous shape and create a different one. Creatures, otherwise you can only slightly modify the details in the corners.

In addition, although they are said to be differentiated subspecies, the appearance of "Captain" and "Little Follower" cannot be adjusted at all. Their appearance seems to scale and evolve from the shape of "Green Light Zero" according to certain rules.

For example, the "Little Follower" is always about half smaller than the "Green Light Zero", and his appearance is not aggressive enough and looks cute, while the "Guard Captain" remains slightly shorter than the "Green Light Zero". His posture is slightly less ferocious and imposing, but he can still see some shrewdness.

Torches have the attributes of "making tools" and "using flames" at the same time. As a "green light", it has become a symbol of intelligent creatures. It is barely qualified. Just look at the curious and fearful attitude of most other green lights towards torches and campfires. The "Chief" position of "Green Light Zero" has been stabilized.

After observing for a while, I noticed that "Green Light Zero" seemed to be persuading other green lights to learn to use fire. At least that's what the bubbles above its head meant, but the effect was very little. Most of the green lights just stayed around and didn't move. At most, they would grill some fruits and eat them on the bonfire, but they were not willing to take the torch from "Green Light Zero".

[A sense of déjà vu: “Whoever jumps into the waterfall will be recognized as the king”. 】

I sighed a little and tried to adjust the "green light" one last time.

But as I said before, there is nothing to change about the green light group itself. We can only fine-tune it to make their body shape more powerful, and integrate various components to stack the attribute points to "4, 4, 4" - -In fact, as long as you are willing to spend time to continue forming alliances and exterminating other creatures to collect components, you can stack all attributes to 5, but a series of events have led to no such opportunity.

After making sure there was nothing else to tweak, I clicked the green checkmark - Lead your tribe, Chief~

[Tip: After gaining intelligence, you should not build nests like ordinary animals. Before the biological evolver is permanently closed, please design at least one house for the 'Green Light' group. 】

[Tip: Even if there is no distinction between genders, intelligent creatures still need clothing to resist cold or attacks. Before the biological evolver is permanently closed, please design at least one set of clothing for the 'green light' group. 】

[Tip: Since the 'Green Light' group has the special skill 'Beast Master', you can choose an ally of a biological stage to become a 'domestic animal' or an 'animal companion'. Creatures with level 4 or above or with an 'Elite Template' can become a 'Guardian Beast' '. 】

The biological evolver did not close as expected and switch back to reality. Instead, several rows of prompts appeared on my sister's side.

Face shaping, clothing design, house blueprints, choosing pets, if you were a person with difficulty in choosing, you would probably be crazy.

[Tip: If you continue to exit without making a choice, it will be left to the ‘Green Light’ group to design and choose. ] Prompt my sister to post another one very thoughtfully.

No, no way, in that case you will definitely design something full of "WAAAGH!" style.

It's time for them to see what it means to be a legendary designer.


[What did you say before? ‘WAAAGH! 'style? Legendary designer? 】

'I now need to materialize a face to cover...'

Looking at the "Green Lights" who are carrying logs to build houses in full swing,

I don't have any idea to record the stupid system's accounts at the moment.

This is a peninsula with only sandy beaches, gravel and woods, so there is nothing wrong with a slightly rough two-piece suit made of bark, vines, and leaves, right?

When cobblestones and gravels are very scarce, it would be okay for an ordinary house to only use gravels to enclose a rough area, then surround it with round logs with sharpened ends, dig a hole downwards, and cover it with wooden boards, right?

The chief's hall is used as a meeting place. A circle of logs is erected with the firepit as the center. It is reasonable to only seek bigness but not comfort.

In order to ensure combat effectiveness and protect weapons from moisture, the barracks for the guards to rest are raised with a wooden base, so it is natural that they are generally airtight.

Who knew that after they were all made, they would fit so perfectly into the style of the green-skinned orcs, and they would fit together even more seamlessly...

[Looking at the bright side, at least they are not the murderous style of the original greenskins. 】

'No comfort at all! ’

At this moment, the reminder sister started playing the familiar cutscene prompt again:

[Tip: Building houses and weaving clothes, the ‘Green Light’ tribe is steadily moving from intelligent creatures to civilization, but they are not the only ones embarking on this path. 】

[Tip: In the process of stepping from the ocean to the land and in the process of contact with other creatures, many homologous creatures left actively or passively because they did not agree with the behavior style of the 'Green Light' group. Now, they want to To prove to the 'Green Light' tribe that they are right. 】

Following the prompting sister's words, the overlooking angle of the Green Light Tribe gradually increased until it was enough to see the entire continent to which the peninsula belonged. The corners are zoomed in, each showing a tribe also building houses and gathering food.

It's very simple to describe them: they just changed the color scheme, but otherwise look exactly the same "green light".

[Tip: The carnivorous ‘Red Light’ tribe regards any creature they encounter as food, and only creatures that can be kept in captivity have not been exterminated. There is no room for peaceful coexistence between them and other tribes. 】

[Tip: The vegetarian ‘Purple Light’ tribe tries to get along with all creatures in a friendly manner, and even if they are attacked, they are limited to passive defense. They are eager to form alliances with other friendly tribes. 】

[Tip: When all other tribes on the same continent are in a 'destroyed' or 'allied' state, the 'tribe phase' will end. 】

Let me guess, after the "Green Light Tribe" develops to a certain level, the "Orange, Yellow, Blue and Blue" tribes of the same level will also appear at the same rate of development?

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