The Collection of The End

One thousand and eighty-nine, element 0 (49)


When the Red Light Chief was killed, he let out a huge roar far greater than before.

'What does it say? [You guys wait and see] or [I will come back]? ’

[He said: 'Despicable foreigner! ’]

‘You are just guessing! ’

The reason why I guessed the first two sentences is because when the "Red Light Chief" was killed, he did not turn into a red ball on the ground. Instead, after falling to the ground for a moment, the entire "person" became transparent and illusory, and then floated up and disappeared.

This weird death scene tells you at a glance that it can be resurrected in some strange place.

As for the meaning of the stupid system's "translation", it is actually not impossible, because the "Red Light Chief" was beaten to death by his own Red Light tribe members.

That was the credit of the "Queen of Purple Light". She walked to the edge of the pit in a graceful manner, and before she said anything or did anything, several red lights in the pit immediately turned around and hit their own chief.

After she winked at the pit and blew a kiss, the situation was completely out of control.

If I had to describe it, it would probably be like a swarm of angry bees swarming towards a honey thief?

So the unlucky Hongguang Chief died like this.

The skills used by the Queen of Purple Light during this period are:

[Piper: Attracts other creatures to gather and approach for fighting or socializing. 】

[Group Charm: Transform enemies within a certain range to fight for yourself. If the target group is hostile, the charmed creatures will directly attack the creatures that resist the charm. 】

Although I am a little confused about how this Purple Light Queen with a completely different look can charm the members of the Red Light Tribe, I will never ask about it and give the stupid system a chance to complain "What misunderstanding do you have about your identity?"

Because I have a human-side aesthetic, I have distorted the aesthetics of the entire universe. Mary Sue went too far.

The question now is, how to deal with the Red Light members who were helping us attack the Red Light Chief just now?

[How about trap killing? Just reverse the 'trap' you just used. 】Silly System said.

This guy is becoming more and more like Gaia.

He was ready to kill the creatures on the planet at every turn, but unfortunately the little boy's voice never had any momentum.


‘What I just commanded the Green Light workers to dig holes and build traps is considered a skill? ’

[It’s not that the skills have been created. Do you have any misunderstanding about your identity? 】


Hell, let him spit it out.

As for skills——

[Traps: Tribal chiefs can set up various traps to capture small animals and use them to continuously provide food for carnivorous tribe members. 】

Um...small animals? food?

I looked at the members of the Red Light tribe in the trap. They were all staring at the Purple Light Queen and the Green Light Chief who were arguing about something on the edge of the trap. They had no consciousness of being behind bars.

It can be seen from the bubbles above the heads of the two leaders that the Green Light Chief hopes to ignore these difficult-to-handle prisoners and lead the "barbarians" to attack the Red Light Tribe's base while the Red Light Tribe is suffering heavy losses, while the Purple Light Queen wants to First recruit these prisoners into your own fighting force and then go together.

By the way, the combat effectiveness of those "barbarians" is quite impressive. When facing red light spearmen, they were one against two without any pressure - although at that time, they were surrounded on all sides, and they had a considerable advantage in melee and long-range combat. that is.

【It’s green! It's green! 】The stupid system suddenly shouted.

Who is green?

I looked around and found that the red light in the pits had a flash of light, and the whole "person" turned purple, then flashed again, and turned green again.

[Tip: A group of (Alotsof) ‘Red Light Spear Throwers’ admire the ‘Purple Light Queen’ and join her team. 】

[Tip: The ‘Purple Light Tribe’ donated some troops to the ‘Green Light Tribe’. 】 turns out to be the red chief green who just died.


Since the "Green Light Tribe" did not actually defeat the "Red Light Tribe", the buildings for training these spear throwers are not unlocked on the building page, but there are still two more buildings.

[Altar of Heroes: Used to resurrect chiefs or other heroes. 】

[Hunter’s Lodge: After the remote unit is stationed, it will hunt wild animals on its own and continue to provide food for the carnivorous tribe members. 】

Therefore, because an enemy chief died in front of them, the "Green Light Tribe" spontaneously responded to this situation. As for the other one, it was incidental to the fact that they had an extra group of meat-eating units.

After I casually found a piece of land near the Green Light Tribe and photographed the shadows of these two buildings, the "Green Light Chief" actually made exactly the same arrangement through the "bubble" on the top of his head, so a group of "laborers" around him "Question marks popped up on top of their heads.

Tsk, even if this guy "Green Light Zero" becomes the chief, if his every move is still completely based on my behavioral logic, what's the point of letting him have self-awareness and become the chief? At least there will be no "delay" if I control it directly.

【are you--】

‘What does this have to do with my identity? ’

[――Forgot that you have been controlling it since the cell stage? Have you heard of the imprint effect? 】


Okay, maybe I'm a little neurotic, but now I don't even have the physical body, let alone the nerves.

In addition, "Trap", as a regular skill, has also entered the skill column of "Green Light Chief" - if there is such a thing.

Thanks to this, the "food" icon on the interface has become a composite pattern of a green apple and a red chicken drumstick side by side, which is simply ugly.

The last consequence of this defensive battle was that three large "fall areas" collapsed in a fan shape around the Green Light Tribe's "meeting hall", making it appear higher than its original position.

If you think about it carefully, could it be that the nine-story lair you saw before actually came from this?

There is nothing we can do about it. Although the Red Light Tribe is attacking in a straight line, no one can guarantee that they will not judge the situation and take a detour. If the trap set up becomes the Maginot Line of Defense, it will be embarrassing. I They had to dig three large semicircle traps around the main base. In this way, no matter which side they attacked from, they would definitely fall into the pit, let alone the "Piper".

Finally, the trap is to trap the enemy, and now the guy in the trap is one of our own...

"WRRRRY!" The original "Red Light Spear Throwers" shouted the same war cry as the Red Light Chief, and then jumped out of the trap like grasshoppers.

Okay, I understand. The reason why you couldn't come out before was because of the suppression of my identity.


The Green Light Chief waved his hand triumphantly and pointed directly in the direction of the red light.

Are you going to take advantage of the fact that the enemy hero hasn't resurrected to destroy your home?

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