The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Ninety, Element 0 (50)


After the "captured" Red Light Spear Thrower "surrendered", the Green Light Chief and the Purple Light Queen also reached an agreement on the next actions.

Accompanied by the familiar green-skin war cry, the bubble graphic on the head of "Green Light Chief" turned into a moving image, showing that he pulled a dotted arrow representing the "departure" command from his base and pointed it at " Where the "Red Light Tribe" is located, this "bubble" has won the approval of most Green Light members, and the "Purple Light Queen" who has just helped it a lot is eager to go with it.

"WA!" The "little follower" looked like he wanted to compete with her to see who came first, while the "guard captain" looked at her and pretended to be dumb.

In the end, I had to prepare logistical supplies for them.

According to my understanding of these guys, they must be planning to set off directly for a quick trip, and think that just picking some food from the groves on the roadside is enough, even if there are spear throwers who need meat. , just place a few traps to catch some animals.

This plan was so naive.

When the Red Light Tribe fought all the way over, they killed all the living creatures they saw along the way, and the plants affected by the aftermath of the battle would naturally dry up and die or stop growing. It was completely impossible to find food on the spot. no way.

Of course, there is another possibility. Based on my experience in the "creature stage", if all the ordinary creatures in the same range die, the "level" of the creatures that reappear in the range will be based on the level of the enemy that killed them. The corresponding increase can be regarded as "dynamic balance"? This will also make it more difficult for the Green Light Force to resupply.

So, the only option is to bring your own dry food...well, maybe it should be called dried fruit?

So far, the workers of the Green Light Tribe have not found ingredients such as grains or vegetables. The main food is still the fruits from surrounding fruit trees or shrubs, and the only storage methods are air-drying or sun-drying.

As for the mode of transportation, it is naturally the "animal companion" of the Green Light tribe - the bull demon.

This kind of animal is quite ferocious in the biological stage, but becomes much weaker after entering the tribal stage. Although it still looks like a strong tauren, it does not have the corresponding combat power, and its IQ is slightly worrying.

In the previous two battles of "Empty City Strategy" and "Invite the King into the Urn", in order to prevent these powerful men with insufficient IQ from accidentally falling into the trap, I did not let them play, but this is when they come into play.

Since the Green Light Tribe has not yet developed technology similar to the "wheel\

,"Even if I wanted to instruct them to build a cart and pull it out, they couldn't do it. The end result was that the barbarian bull demons each held a bottomed, hollow tree trunk or wood filled with various fruits to follow the team.

As for the preparation of food, it is left to the "Silver Pegasus" that cannot be used because the Green Light Tribe has no gender. They are not willing to be ridden by Green Light, but they are still used to deliver fruits to the corresponding "units". No problem.

[Referred to as ‘wooden cow and flowing horse’? 】

‘…You are really a genius. ’



The Green Light counterattack force consists of a large group of "Green Light Barbarians", many "Green Light Guards" and a group of "Green Light Laborers", followed by many undisciplined bull demons and those who don't even have discipline. Some silver pegasus.

Of course, the ones who were most out of shape were Chief Green Light and his party who were performing a romantic comedy at the front of the team.

When this large force moves in the opposite direction from where the Red Light Tribe attacked, it is almost impossible to get lost, because the road has been cleared by the members of the Red Light Tribe, and as expected, they encountered many empty spaces along the way. A biological lair with traces of the battle remaining.

At the beginning, the traces of the battle near the nest were relatively clear, but the further away from the peninsula where the Green Light Tribe was, the blurr those traces became. Until a certain critical point in the distance, those originally empty nests were suddenly filled with many giants. Eggs, sporangia, cocoons and other things with living things inside are occupied. Going forward, various corresponding creatures hatch out, and their postures are completely consistent with the judgments made through those "eggs". As for the level, there is no The doubts are all at the upper limit of level 5 of the biological stage, and they all have strong hostility towards the Green Light Force.

The only good news is that they are intimidated by the strength of this force and do not dare to approach and launch an attack.

So, for now, this scenario is basically in line with my second speculation.

And this situation is quite beneficial to the Green Light Tribe, because——


The Green Light Chief, who was very irritated by the constant arguments between the Purple Light Queen and the little followers, suddenly rushed out and roared at a group of "Jasper Tigers" who were peeping from a distance.

[Tip: ‘Green Light Chief’ used the ‘Beast Master’ skill against the ‘Jasper Tiger’ tribe. 】

[Tip: All ‘Jasper Tigers’ are willing to join the team of ‘Green Light Chief’, but require 1250 units of food (vegetarian). Do you want to pay? 】

Um...what's going on? What about the charm you promised? Why did it change to employment? And what kind of vegetarian food do tigers eat?

[It’s all about using food to enchant you. Do you want to be a free hand? ] The stupid system complained.

‘How can I do it with nothing? At least there has to be Gwent. ’

[...As for food, guys with green appearance are basically vegetarian. ] The stupid system seemed to be so shocked that it forcefully changed the topic.

Well, I thought about the green animals in my impression for a while, and found that this makes sense.

I looked at the jade tigers who came over to watch the chief after hearing the chief's roar, and decisively chose "yes".

Snap, snap.

Silver Pegasus flapped their wings and flew from behind the team. They used their horns to pick up many fruits from the "barrel" held by the bull demon and threw them to the group of jade tigers. The green tigers pushed and collided with each other. They raised their heads to grab food, and from time to time, one who had eaten enough would join the green light's team.

"Little Follower" and "Guard Captain" were not interested in these green guys. They only looked at them for a few times and then looked away. On the contrary, "Purple Light Queen" was quite interested in them and even caught one with the most colorful fur. The good one is used as a mount - and then he kisses and touches the huge tiger head, and even winks at Chief Green Light.

[I think she is hinting at something. ] The stupid system said in a tone of enlightenment.

‘You don’t have to think about it, because everyone can see it. ’ I glanced at the “little follower” over there who was glaring at the “Queen of Purple Light”.

"WAAAGH!" Chief Green Light seemed to realize that his distracting behavior was self-defeating. He did not return to the main force and continued to rush to the next biome that seemed to be quite powerful.

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