The Collection of The End

Chapter 111: A trigger is imminent

My name is Elijah,

Can't get rid of this red...


"Kotomine Kirei, where did you hide Lin Hao?"

After nearly an hour of trying to get Tokiomi-sensei out of bed, and dealing with Gilgamesh's verbal logic traps, and finally boarding the Golden Brilliant Boat to find the hiding places of other camps, Kotomine Kirei saw Caster blocking in the airspace ahead.

Yes, in the air, Caster was still in that strange attire with red eyes and silver hair, a full-body dress, and a crown on his head. His whole body was filled with cold air, and he stood in front of the golden flying boat in an unstable posture of floating up and down.

It seems that the information is accurate, Kirei thought quickly, because Caster has extremely high [acting alone] ability that does not conform to his status, but in the end he can't take the initiative to contact his Master, usually it is Lin Hao who communicates unilaterally.

For the same reason, Lin Hao is now in a room that can isolate magic detection, her own magic power fluctuations are very weak, and because she has been transmitting magic power to Amir, she is unconscious. As a result, even her Servant can't find her. For the specific location, I can only come to the door to find myself who has been judged to be the culprit.

Compared with her Master, Kotomine Kirei does not have much affection for Caster, whose real name is the Holy Maiden of Winter. In order to realize the "third law" of the Einzbern family, he sacrificed himself to the root, and looked forward to her The offspring of clones can fulfill this wish. This approach is no different from those parents who impose their own wishes that cannot be fulfilled on their children. "imposed" about.

Although the information shows that she can also use Lin Hao's teleportation magic, it is undoubtedly just a poor imitation. The commonality between them, or the compatibility that can make the summoning come true, is probably only "willing to sacrifice for a greater goal." yourself" that's all.

Judging from this, Caster's wish is also very simple. She is going to help her master obtain the Holy Grail, and when Lin Hao makes a wish to "bear all the pain and misfortune in the world", transfer those things to herself, and then take advantage of them. Seizure immediately returns to the Seat of Heroes—or is it inside the Holy Grail?

It is really a simple and understandable wish that must be stopped. The little girl probably never thought that such things as human beings will continue to cause pain and misfortune to her compatriots. Even if she sacrifices herself at this moment, those misfortunes will come back with time. It comes out, so only cooperating with yourself to eliminate the sources of pain and misfortune in a low-efficiency but stable way is the perfect solution.

As for making a wish to bear all the pain and misfortune that happened in the past, present and future?

Judging from the unreliable Holy Grail in the previous dream, this Holy Grail will probably allow her to create a disaster with her own hands to destroy all mankind—yes, she really took on the "misfortune" of human extinction.

"My lord said that I want you to take care of yourself before appearing in front of this lord." Gilgamesh, who was sitting on the golden chair of Huizhou, said to Caster in a cold voice, "Could it be that you fell on deaf ears?"

Before the words were finished, the five treasures flew out from the ripples of the King's Treasure House and shot towards Caster.

What... I see.

When Caster dodged the flying sword, the whole bloodstain on the back of her pure white dress could not be hidden. Kirei could draw a conclusion without thinking—she must have put Emiya Kiritsugu on the body of Assassin. The injury of the attacking station has been shifted, and it was obvious that a black light swept over and wiped out Assassin before, which was a small revenge.

"It's stained with my blood, and I can't get it off." Caster easily avoided the randomly thrown treasure, and said in a playful tone: "You haven't been injured yet, you can consider getting some blood on the armor."

"It seems that your combat effectiveness has not declined,

[King of the Last End]," Gilgamesh's voice began to become cold, which in Kirei's view was a sign that he was about to make a move: "Then, the current conditions are very suitable, fight with this king, no matter the victory Negative will let go of your Master - do you need to give you time to prepare the magic field? "

"I always carry my 'Magic Workshop' with me, I just need to find a spiritual node to expand it." Caster looked at the ground and landed on the unfinished Fuyuki Civic Hall: "It depends on whether you dare to come in."

"The search mission is suspended, and I will take care of that hypocrite first." Gilgamesh said to the two passengers, and at the same time controlled the Huizhou and began to descend.


"Caster and Archer are facing each other, and the Tohsaka camp must have no time for him at this time."

On the lakeside outside the Ghost Mansion, Iskandar is standing on the driver's seat of his Kamui wheel, with Webb and Luna standing beside him, and Kenneth and Sola who are seeing off seem to have no part in the war at all intention.

At this time, their eyes were all focused on the crystal ball held by Weber, which showed the scene of Caster intercepting the golden flying boat and finally falling together.

"So, now is the best time for the two of you to attack Saber," Weber said while rolling his eyes: "I don't know what you are bothering with them, but now it is obviously a good time to join forces and defeat Tohsaka Tokiomi opportunity."

“[She killed Lancelot,]” Luna snorted, “[Galahad is longing for revenge.]”

"A knight decided to rebel against the king because his father was executed by the king?" Weber spread his hands, "Well, this is not too rare, after all, there are quite a few knights who rebelled against King Arthur. Many knights have turned their backs."

"My king's words, we must continue to teach that Saber what is the majesty and dominance of a king!" Iskandar's voice even made the driver's seat tremble slightly, and the bull of the sky who pulled the cart snorted to meet him.

"So, even if I tell you that this is probably the Tohsaka camp's strategy to drive away tigers and wolves, you don't plan to change your plan, right?" Weber wearily raised his hand and covered his face.

"Ah, I already knew about that. Maybe words, deeds and appearance can be faked, but martial arts cannot be faked." Iskandar scratched his head: "That impostor who doesn't know where not only has a single attack routine, but also Not daring to face my mighty wheel, and Saber herself didn't run away even though she was surrounded by my king's army, but relied on her superb swordsmanship to fight more and more bravely."

"[She killed my father]." Luna repeated what she had said before.

"Well, since you insist." Weber folded his arms together, frowned and began to think about the strategy to use next.

Teacher Kenneth and Mrs. Sola seem to have made up their minds not to participate in the next battle, so the possibility of being sniped on the battlefield will be greatly increased, and it is almost certain that Emiya Kiritsugu will do so.

When Luna and Iskandar were fighting at the same time, he might not be able to deal with the attacks of Emiya Kiritsugu and his assistants, so there was only one action he could take——

"Rider," Weber tugged on Iscanadal's cloak: "If you want to start the battle with the inherent barrier, bring me with you."

"Haha! It seems that you have also decided to join me! Very good, I will not treat you badly!" Rider slapped Weber on the back vigorously, almost knocking him off the bullock cart.

"Yes, yes, I will find you after I die." Weber promised irresponsibly.

"Then, Iskandar the Conqueror, start the conquest!" Rider raised his dagger and shouted.

Accompanied by the rolling thunder, the wheel of Shenwei soared into the air.


"Rider is heading towards Einzbern Castle. According to the current speed, he should arrive in five minutes." Maiya reported while trying to control the connection between the familiar.

At this time, except for Caster and his master, all members of the own camp are gathered in front of an electrical appliance called "TV" in the House of the Sea, watching it show the Thunder Bullock Cart shot from various angles and positions.

This is a picture of Kiritsugu's technology-side monitoring means deployed as an emergency remedy after the castle was destroyed, and using magic power to transmit all kinds of familiars as signal base stations all the way back.

Although Kiritsugu wanted to make it into a smooth and clear real-time picture like a TV live broadcast, no matter in terms of magic or technology, it could not be achieved in a double sense. The alchemy creation that could perfectly monitor the Einzbern Forest was lost with the destruction of the castle.

"Did he think we would still be hiding there?" Irisviel asked strangely.

"No one from the Kenneth camp has ever been to this 'House of the Sea'," Kiritsugu held a cigarette but didn't light it up: "If he can't find us through conventional means, he will instinctively suspect those 'new appearances' or 'blocked ' locations, the castle ruins being one of them."

Moreover, generally speaking, castles will have basements, and those places will not collapse due to the destruction of the surface buildings. Rider is also a king who has experienced many battles, so he naturally knows that there is a place to hide—but this time he clearly judged wrong.

"But this place is not 'new'. It has been located within the concealment barrier from the very beginning, so even if Kenneth and the others retrieved the map of all winter wood spiritual power before the war started, they would not be able to find it, right?" Ellie Si Feier nodded, raised her eyes to look at Kiritsugu.

"Correct, but this kind of psychological blind spot is ineffective for the Tohsaka camp. Their Berserkers and Assassins have all found this place—that's why Caster intercepted Tohsaka Tokiomi to buy us time without finding Lin Hao."

"Huh? Didn't she have full confidence to intercept it?" Irisviel visibly panicked: "Then what should we do?"

"We can't provide assistance to her on the battlefield. That Archer is powerful and has a strange logic. He can't deduce his behavior with common sense. It happens to restrain each other with Caster, who behaves equally strangely." Kiritsugu reassured his wife: "What we have to do is to fight against her. Before fleeing, solve the Kenneth camp to avoid worries."

"Can it work?" Irisviel seemed even more worried, how much did she really like that Caster?

"Probably... yes." Kiritsugu turned his head to look at the Sabers standing behind.

Forget about the black Saber eating a burger, but what about the white one with rice balls and fried chicken?

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