The Collection of The End

Chapter 112 The Mystery of Summoning

My name is Elijah,

Saber and Rider are going to fight~


Castles are a collection of residences, barracks and administrative halls for nobles in the Middle Ages. They are mostly built of stone, with high walls and thick walls, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Before the invention of artillery, they were widely used in military defense, territorial expansion and local control.

"I originally planned to attack while repairing the castle," Iskandar, who was wearing a black suit, looked around the dilapidated ruins after driving the Kamui wheel and landed in the back garden of the ruins of Einzbern Castle, and seemed to have a little feeling: " It’s just that the enemy is too inexperienced, and in the last place called India, they even started to build houses with straw and use wooden weapons—as expected, they should have fought north.”

No, fortunately the King of Conquerors fought eastward, otherwise there would be many more twin cities in Europe. Weber rolled his eyes aside, remembering that after Alexander the Great fought all the way, all the newly built and conquered cities were called " Although only the one in Egypt is the most famous for the spectacular sight of "Alexander City", until now, those cities in the Middle East are still called by this name in the local language.

"According to my experience of demolishing castles, the basement of this castle should be—" Rider drove the bullock cart and walked among the ruins, and suddenly swung his sword to trigger the purple thunder to destroy a pile of rubble, revealing that the lower part had been half destroyed by the impact, The dark basement exit.

"Wait?" Weber, who was lifted out of the car by his collar, tried to stop Iskandar from going down: "If the exit looks like this, it proves that they didn't use it to escape, and there is no need to continue checking."

"No, on the contrary." Iskandar walked Weber into the basement entrance without hesitation: "This also proves that the things inside are in their original form and are very important clues for obtaining information. .”

"Although it can be explained in this way, do all parties really need to obtain information now?" Seeing Luna rushing into the basement first, Weber was very helpless: "In addition, people must be kept on the ground."

"Of course I stayed."

As the black and white Saber in the positive and negative forms of King Arthur of Britain, Archer Gilgamesh of Uruk in Sumer, Iskandar the Conqueror and the Maiden of Winter have already declared themselves, plus the abilities of Luna and Assassin It's no secret either—so what information is there to get?

"Huh? I thought you were a little smarter recently." Iskandar followed Luna all the way to a door in the basement, on which was written "Between Summoning" in cursive Latin:" Look at this, still can't think of it?"

"It's really unexpected..." Wei Bo broke free from Rider's collar and fell to the ground, walked forward to release the confinement magic on the door, and then froze: "This is it?"

"If you want to talk about information, it can only be that," Rider pushed Webber into the "summoning room": "The reason for being able to summon additional heroic spirits."

This is the small chapel where Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel summoned two Sabers. Because it has not been used for a long time, the ground and the summoning circle are somewhat dusty, but it can be clearly judged by the traces of footprints when it was used for the last time. situation.

First, a heroic spirit with light footsteps and small steps was summoned, and she walked towards one summoner, and then a heroic spirit with heavier footsteps and striding meteors, she went to another summoner, and the four of them left together after a brief discussion.

But that's not the point, the point is the faint breath that hasn't dissipated after several days on the mercury summoning array embedded in the floor.

"You can sense it too, kid." Iskandar turned to look at Weber solemnly.

"Ah, yes, yes, the breath of the root." Wei Bo was completely dumbfounded, and at the same time he was a little thankful that the teacher didn't come along.

The Holy Grail War was originally a magical ceremony that gathered the soul power of seven heroes to open the way to the root.

The wish was just a gift, but the root cause actually arranged for a heroic spirit to appear in the world directly beyond the Holy Grail?

For other participants, this is basically a signal that they have already been out of the game-this extra heroic spirit has already confirmed that they will win the war, what are you still fighting for?

"Is it the black Saber, or the white Saber? How do we fight against the root?" Although he is still a student of the clock tower and not an official magician, Weber can't help but fall into confusion.

"Calm down!" Rider flicked his forehead: "We also have an extra heroic spirit here."

"Oh..." Weber covered his forehead and turned his gaze to Luna, and then saw her contemptuously using Renee's classic posture-hands on her hips, raised her face and looked down, and then turned her head away after a snort-suddenly felt The future life is dark.

"So, according to the previous plan, let her fight the white Saber, and you and I will deal with the black one." Weber heard Iskandar say this.

"Ah... ok." Weber calmed down a little bit. Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of. Although the root is the beginning of all things and can change the real world at will, it has no self-awareness itself, just like Alaya Like Gaia, only counters based on specific threats - so she was actually summoned to counter Luna?

Judging from the fact that Luna is possessed by the heroic spirit of Galahad, whether it is the appearance of the extra heroic spirit as King Arthur, or her killing Berserker whose real name is Lancelot, it is all adding to that Saber. The victory and the reason for the decisive battle between the two sides, so this battle is inevitable.

In addition, although the Emiya Kiritsugu camp may have doubts about being able to summon two heroic spirits, they probably didn't realize that this was from the source. After all, those present are self-taught magicians and the holy grail device that is always connected to the source. One is not aware of it, while the other is used to it, which should be the reason why the root chooses them.

"Boom—!" A roar mixed with thunder came from above, making Rider and Luna, who were further inspecting the summoning circle and the shelf of the holy relic, stop their movements.

"Well, it came quite quickly." Iskandar touched the big red beard on his chin, and with a wave of his arm, the black suit turned into his red armor and wide cloak in the whirlwind of the desert atmosphere : "Ready to fight."


"Rider actually came to the ruins of the castle."

The shortest distance from the House of the Sea to Einzbern Castle is the front gate that was full of bumps and holes from the previous battle. When Emiya Kiritsugu was about to arrive here with his wife and assistants, he happened to see the Thunder's bullock cart fell from the sky.

Although most of the barrier around the castle has been destroyed and lost its core, it is still possible to cover up the two Sabers who deliberately suppressed their aura. At least Iskandar landed and entered the underground passage without noticing the abnormality at all.

"Although it is designed as a tunnel for escape, it is limited to the frontal entry." Irisviel looked at the ruins of the castle with a bit of sadness: "I am afraid that the designer did not expect that someone would launch a destructive attack covering the entire castle from the sky." attack."

"He will think about it in the future." Kiritsugu was taking the prepared firearms from Maiya one by one, inspecting them before returning them to her: "After all, the weapons on the scientific side are getting more and more powerful."

"I remember... the other me and I were summoned in the basement?" Saber in the white skirt asked hesitantly: "If they find the summoning circle, will there be any impact?"

"Suicide?" Kiritsugu frowned, and continued to get the gun: "There is the end of the basement, if we can block them down—"

"There is still an influence, but it's only in theory," Irisviel reached out and pressed Kiritsugu's arm: "In addition to defeating and winning, heroic spirits can also be 'unsummoned'."

"what is that?"

"Hmm... Let's make an assumption. If there is only one Saber, and there is no Kenneth's costumed heroic spirit, and the final winner is Tohsaka Tokiomi, then what would he do?" asked Irisviel.

"Isn't that guy's wish to reach the root? It's likely that his heroic spirit will commit suicide—well, this seems to be an entry point for them to fight among themselves." Kiritsugu thought for a while and replied: "But now there are nine of them, so we can't use this information .”

"Although the Einzbern family doesn't need to go to the root, they are also prepared to deal with this situation." Irisviel smiled consolingly at the two Sabers: "Roughly ordering a Servant to commit suicide will make him feel full." Resentment, the Holy Grail will be extremely painful after being absorbed, so we, as the maker of the Little Holy Grail, cleverly created the "anti-summoning" magic that is the opposite of the "Summoning of Heroic Spirits". As long as the Heroic Spirit himself agrees, he can send his memory to Return to the Throne of Heroes, and only absorb the soul into the Great Grail."

"So, if Rider finds the summoning formation, subdues a certain Servant and throws it in the formation, activates the anti-summoning, he will disappear." Irisviel looked at Saber carefully, but they did not show any strange signs. look.

"Sure enough, in theory—" Kiritsugu shook his head: "Not to mention that they didn't know about it at all, even if they knew, it would be so easy to kill them after subduing them, why bother to activate the anti-summoning?"

"So, Master, have you activated it twice?" Saber Lily tilted her head and asked, "Send back the souls of Lancer and Berserker, so there is no discomfort?"


[The initial kneading and controlling hegemony! 】

"Boom—" "Clang!"

The Kamui wheel, thought to be put away by Iskandar, rushed towards Kiritsugu and his party who were only paying attention to the entrance of the basement from the side, but because it was not used by Rider himself, the power was greatly reduced, and Saber Alter swung his sword in time to block the unknown heroic spirit. Driving an ox cart.

"We'll talk about other things later! Maiya!" "Understood!"

[Inherent Time Control·Triple Speed]!

Feeling the terrifying power suddenly rising from the basement, Kiritsugu grabbed Irisviel's legs, turned around and fled, while Hisau Maiya immediately ran to the nearest bunker.

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