The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred twenty-one, element 0 (63)

After I commanded the troops at the main base of Green Light to repel the siege of the Orange Light Tribe by a coincidence that was probably not a coincidence, a new group of reinforcements arrived that was even less coincidental.

It was a group of transport teams from the Red Light Tribe, with the "Barbarian Bull Demon" as the main force, accompanied by a group of Green Light Spearmen thrown there by the Green Light Chief.

[Hint: Governor Hanuman took the initiative to send a batch of troops and supplies to the main base. 】

In terms of combat effectiveness, not to mention the barbaric bull monsters who are temporarily unable to move supplies, the green light spearmen are also marching in a hurry and neglecting their vigilance. Presumably, if they encounter the enemy, their combat effectiveness is simply beyond expectation, so I remind my sister. Would call this a "transfer" instead of a "dispatch".

And it was the golden monkey "Hanuman" who led the transport team.

And their route of advancement... Tsk tsk.

The siege troops of the Orange Light Tribe were attacked by Silver Pegasus while moving, and decided to retreat after losing all their catapults. The route from where they were attacked to the main base of Orange Light coincided with Hanuman leading the reinforcements. Most of the paths that must be passed to get to the main base of Green Light overlap. At the current point of time, it is only natural that they will meet there soon.

This situation, in the eyes of people who don't know the truth, is naturally a clever plan of the Green Light Tribe. Not only have they already made preparations to resist the attack, but they have also arranged many targeted strategies. At present, there is only such an ambush in the rear It was enough to beat up the incoming Orange Light Tribe.

[There are no people, how can there be people who don't know the truth? ] The stupid system complained.

‘However, this ambush seems a little weak? Can the transport team beat people? ’ I ignored the complaints and ordered the transport team from beginning to end.

[It is possible, but because it is not a combat stance, its power will be severely reduced when it is forced to fight, unless there is a hero who can temporarily reorganize them into combat troops and know how to command... uh. ] The stupid system suddenly stopped halfway through the answer.

‘Isn’t Hanuman the Monkey King a hero? '

[It is reasonable to say that transportation operations basically do not require combat, and the escort of the hero can only speed up and reduce fire consumption. It is only an option rather than a must. Is it really a coincidence this time? 】

‘What a coincidence, I have a better understanding of who I am now. '

I casually responded to the stupid system while assigning work to Hanuman.

Since this is not the biological stage,

It is not the chief of the green light. When I can't give specific orders, I can only "frame" the transport team, and then target the retreating team of the orange light tribe, and choose the attack command.


As a monkey, Hanuman naturally doesn’t walk obediently. When leading the transport team, he would sometimes rush to nearby high points, such as above big rocks or tree tops to observe around, and still look decent. Earth hands to build a pergola. And just after I chose to attack, its routine behavior of "climbing high and looking far" allowed it to successfully see the retreating orange light army, and then immediately returned to the team and shouted loudly.

Although the content of its yelling was not "WAAAGH!", the green light spear throwers obviously understood, and the whole team turned to a high ground near the place where the two sides were scheduled to meet. The barbaric bull monsters gathered together, hurriedly finding their temporarily stored throwing guns from the supplies they carried.

Oh... Are you going to have a "Mitsuya"? But the opponent is a cavalry, and there is a shaman's spell blessing, this number may be more than halved. 520

[No, no, no, it is precisely because of the blessing of shaman spells that this tactic can be used. 】

'What tactics? ……what? '


[Hint: The 'Wolf Cavalry Legion' of the 'Orange Light Tribe' was destroyed. 】

[Reminder: The 'Shaman Legion' of the 'Orange Light Tribe' has fled. 】

[Hint: The 'Green Light Tribe' seized some catapults. 】

The first half of the tactic Hanuman chose was very similar to my plan, but the second half was completely different.

If it is my specific command, the green light spear throwers should all retreat to the nearby woods after throwing two sets of wooden spears, and attack the rest with the cover of the trees and the containment ability of the bull monster. Under certain circumstances, it can be guaranteed that they cannot come in and out.

But Hanuman is not the case. It separates some spear-throwers who "hold only one spear" and hide in the gully in front of the "spear-throwing position". Horse"——from the results, the effect is outstanding.

Although the spears used for "throwing" are not very suitable for repelling horses, the shamans of the Orange Light Tribe who couldn't hold back cast bloodthirsty spells on the wolf cavalry, and the movement speed during the charge was greatly increased-and then pierced to death on the inferior repelling horses. Immediately, it becomes a red ball that will soon disappear.

And because the dead wolf cavalry did not take up space, there was no problem of using corpses to pile up defensive means. Those spear formations that were supposed to be quite fragile persisted for a while, and then cooperated with the spear throwers who continued to attack from a distance behind, Annihilate all the wolf cavalry who ignored the danger because they were blessed with bloodlust.

Next came the shamans of the Orange Light Tribe. They probably had no idea that they "accelerated the death of the wolf cavalry", but when the spearmen turned their attention to them, most of these shamans gave In addition to continuing to attack the small high ground after releasing the bloodthirsty, a few of them sneaked away. This is probably the difference between "escaping" and "destroyed".

The last thing is "capturing the catapults". I originally thought that there would be no hard labor here to transport them away. As a result, after the troops "covered" the past, the green light spear throwers with three times the number of catapults directly took the spears in their hands. Throw it into the barrel of the bull monster nearby, and then find their own targets and surround them to control them.

After they drop their spears, but before they take full control of the sling, the name of these green-light spear-throwers appears to me as "Greenlight Laborers."

Hmm... This is expected. After all, except for the strange creatures, all the arms are basically a strong green light. As long as they wear different armors and use different weapons, they will naturally be different arms. .

Referring to the situation of the orange light, equip the green light with double knives and match them with wolves, isn't it just wolf cavalry? The same goes for the shaman's robes and mace.

[Reminder: Since the two expeditions to the Green Light Tribe ended in annihilation of the entire army, the Orange Light Tribe added additional troops to the expedition again. 】


[Compare your heart to your heart, after all, if a tribe can defeat it twice, there must be something worth being 'greedy' about. 】

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