The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and twenty-two, element 0 (64)

‘Throwing stones? So cute? ’

[Do you want to take another look? 】

'Um……? ’

When I learned that the Orange Light Tribe had added a new unit, I took a look and subconsciously complained about the first word I saw, but in turn, I was criticized by the stupid system.

If you take a closer look...

[Stone Giant, vegetarian, attack: 15, friendliness: 12, speed: 6. 】

[Elite creature, the ‘guardian beast’ belonging to the Orange Light Tribe. Due to its slow movement speed, the Orange Light Tribe rarely lets it leave the tribe to attack unless necessary. 】

Well, a stone-throwing Goliath, not a stone-throwing Goliath.

This is a kind of giant "creature" that is orange in color and looks like its whole body is made of granite. Its limb proportions are very similar to that of Green Light, but it has only one eye on the front of its head and is at least five times the size of Green Light.

Its lair is on the mountain wall near the Orange Light Tribe, whose architectural style is quite similar to the Green Light Tribe. It is a very huge but quite shallow cave, and the ground nearby shakes with every step it takes.

At this time, it was slowly walking out of the cave, and following the newly gathered group of wolf cavalry and shamans, it was heading towards the main base of the Green Light Tribe - of course, other troops subconsciously kept away from its trembling step. Big feet.

Well, it is indeed the speed of 6 o'clock.

Judging from the data alone, this guy is not even comparable to the "Naga" on the Yellow Light side, and there is only one in number. So it must have special skills that meet this level of attention.

[Isn’t his stunt written in his name? 】Silly System said.

So... stoning?

‘Didn’t you see it was carrying a sling? ’ I looked carefully at the top and bottom of the stone giant’s body, but I didn’t find anything resembling ammunition.

[It doesn’t use a sling at all, look at this. 】

As I spoke, the stupid system opened a new picture in front of my eyes.

In the picture, the stone giant is confronting a huge falcon-like creature, and the very similar terrain to the nearby ones and not enough orange-light buildings indicate that this is an image from the past, not a live event.

I saw the stone giant facing away from the camp of the Orange Tribe, stretching its arms to confront a khaki "giant eagle" that was flapping its wings and parked in the air.

The giant eagle had no intention of paying attention to the stone giant. It circled back and forth, seemingly planning to launch an attack on the orange-light tribe base behind the stone giant, but its dive was always interrupted by the stone giant who noticed it in time and turned around to punch.

In the end, after the giant eagle received several severe blows, bursts of red light appeared all over its body, and then it turned around and was about to fly away.

Um? Is this a job-hopping job for Hongguang Angry? But I didn't find that at all when I took them over.


The stone giant let out a strange roar, reached out with his hands to the nearby ground, and dug out a large piece of rock with one hold and one lift, but it was obviously a piece of land. Is this the ability to change the physical form?

Soon enough, the stone giant in the picture directly threw the boulder in his hand, drew a high arc and shot down the giant eagle that wanted to fly away, and the picture was also interrupted.

[What, it hits pretty accurately. 】

‘Don’t stop~’

Hmm... In short, like Huang Guang's "Nether Spirits", Orange Guang also recognized this elite creature that could firmly cover them in the biological stage. After evolving to the tribal stage, it logically became a guardian beast. .

The normal attack is siege damage, causing double damage to small units, and can also cause splash damage if there are multiple targets, which defense towers will definitely not like.

And its only weakness, movement speed, is meaningless when it is a long-range attack.

No wonder this tribe could invent the sling, they were simply imitating it.

[Then have you decided how to deal with it? 】

'Absolutely not. ’

I'm not sure whether Chief Orange Light can see the whole battle situation or just know that the legion is destroyed, but this response is indeed correct. If I send Silver Pegasus to attack this stone giant again, I don't know if I can beat it. , the number of people who are slapped down by it may be greater.

The only good news at the moment is that it moves too slowly at 6 o'clock speed. Even if the shaman throws bloodthirsty spell by it, it will not be of much use. I have enough time to be ready to "receive" it.

According to common sense, pitting is a good idea when dealing with such a bulky thing, but the problem is that it will dig itself out, unless I hollow out the entire bottom of the ground and leave a gap of more than twice its height, but in that case, the main The base will definitely collapse.

In addition, even if its movement can be restricted by some means, the green light spear thrower's weak attack will probably not be able to break through the solid rock formation.

Let Hanuman come on? There is a large group of wolf cavalry and shaman beside the stone giant. It can be said that it is "step-tank coordination". As the saying goes, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. If a hero cannot withstand the crowd, the monkey will be in vain.

Should we really take the manpower and resources from the main base and run away?

[Why don’t you think that the green light left behind can’t run away on its own? 】

‘Isn’t there a scapegoat here? ’

【who? 】

‘Of course Hanuman, now pack up the supplies in the base, and then take them and the remaining troops to the former Red Light Tribe base. Any problems will be the fault of the governor who directed this operation. ’

[What a miserable monkey. Besides, you really don’t want to take a look first? 】


In addition to the spear throwers, the base currently consists of bull demons and barbarians. They all rely on thick skin and durability to maintain the scene. In theory, they cannot break the giant's defense at all. Even if you assemble the newly obtained sling and aim at a guy who can move around on his own, it will be difficult. Too difficult.

It would be great if Chief Greenlight could recruit a poisonous flying dragon. Corrosion should be particularly effective at dealing with the rock formations on its body.

However, if there is really no fighting at all, the green lights left behind may not understand why they are running away. It would be funny to say that they are controlled by a pair of invisible hands, so they still have to try to ambush them, and then It is better to retreat on the grounds that the enemy is too strong.

After busy arranging ambush and retreat plans for a while, the Stone Giant Legion also reached the middle of the expedition route - there were also wolf cavalry and shamans who had accepted the defeated troops from the previous attack, asking Green Light about the situation here. And it was a lot of time wasted.

Just at this moment——

[Tip: The guardian beast of the Orange Tribe is too far away from the nest and loses its deterrent effect. 】

[Tip: Due to the departure of the stone-throwing giant, the enemy that was originally suppressed by its intimidating power began to advance again. 】

[Tip: The ‘Hippogryph Legion’ of the Purple Light Tribe begins to attack the Orange Light Tribe. 】

what? What?

After hurriedly switching the screen back, a group of women from the Purple Light Tribe, each riding some kind of weird bird, were seen galloping towards the main base of the Orange Light Tribe.

And those weird come they have the shadow of the giant eagle shot down by the stone giant in the previous picture.

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