The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and twenty-nine, element 0 (71)

[Reminder: The ‘Green Light Tribe’ merges with the ‘Green Light Tribe’. 】

[Tip: The ‘Blue Light Tribe’ forms an alliance with the ‘Green Light Tribe’. 】

[Tip: 'Green Light Tribe' unlocks new buildings: 'Beast Stable', 'Ancestral Totem', 'Hippogryph Roost', 'Giant's Cave', and unlocks new units: 'Wolf Cavalry', 'Shaman', 'Hippogryph', 'Chimera (only)', 'Golem (only)', unlock engineering equipment: 'Trebuchet (orange)', 'Ballista (purple)', 'Ammunition supply box (green)', 'Medical tent (blue)'. 】

[Tip: The ‘Yellow Light Tribe’ mutates into the ‘Doomsday Element’ and automatically loses its status as a ‘Green Light Competitor’. 】

[Tip: The ‘Green Light Tribe’ has allied or conquered all opponents in the tribe stage and can evolve to the civilization stage. 】

[Tip: The overall attributes of ‘Green Light Tribe’ have been improved: ‘Attack: 8→16’, ‘Friendliness: 8→16’, ‘Speed: 8→16’. 】

[Tip: Due to the presence of ‘doomsday elements’, the ‘Green Light Tribe’ cannot evolve. 】

When Chief Huang Guang was fooled into joining and attracting "dimensional demons", the dust on the other two fronts also settled, eventually causing the message prompting his sister to directly blow up the screen.

So the situation now looks like...

[The Calabash Brothers plan to work together to defeat the big devil and rescue their controlled brothers. 】

‘As far as the facts are concerned, it doesn’t seem to be too far off. ’

As the "dimension demons" arrived one after another through "leap jumps", I roughly analyzed their characteristics.

What is certain is that the Yellow Light Tribe has not been "annihilated" or "replaced". Its members and the controlled energy-fearing creatures are in a "parasitized" state, which is expressed in the form of lines that intermingle light and dark on some limbs. replaced.

This state is quite interesting in my opinion, and can even be called "cool", but other creatures on the emerald grassland planet don't seem to adapt to it. When they see those mutated limbs, they become extremely frightened and produce a large number of The "fear of energy" is then absorbed by the members of Yellow Light and fed back to the "dimension demonized" limbs, forming some kind of vicious cycle.

As for their method of replenishing their troops, in addition to the complete "dimension demons" that will continuously jump through the "dimension anchor", they are to "transform" the local creatures. The transformation process is the same as the Yellow Light Tribe's original collection of fear, and then The method of controlling them with fear is the same.

Based on the same principle,

This semi-"dimensional" creature does not die but is parasitized.

To eliminate this "parasitism", you only need to use a powerful enough attack to hit their "streaming" bodies. If you use the same method to attack the "dimension demons", they will directly turn into streamers and return to the "leap" The previously unknown world.

I have reason to suspect that these guys who call themselves "dimension demons" have already understood "my" behavior style while they were in this world, so they came up with such a way that they will not let other creatures grow when they expand their power. The dead attributes come out.

But unfortunately, the information in their hands is probably out of date. This time, because every living thing in this world can be regarded as "I", it doesn't matter if you die casually.

...Well, no, it still has something to do with being too concentrated and dense. That is already considered "pain" and "unfortunate", and I have to deal with it.

Then, there is the purpose of these "dimensional demons". They seem to intend to "assimilate" or "parasitize" all the creatures they encounter, from one continent to another, from one planet to another, and finally from one dimension to another. Another dimension, in the process using their snowballing military strength to crush all forces trying to resist.

Under this development model, before the dimensional demon is finally defeated by the green light, it will definitely cause staggering casualties in this world. Based on the premise that they are all "me", this is not really a big problem, but if the habitable planet is It would be troublesome to turn it into a barren land or even blow it up.

[Alaya, you actually think of me so much, I’m so touched. 】Silly System suddenly said. Sister Literature Network


Tsk, because I usually act too stupid, I forgot for a moment that this guy's job is to just protect the planet Gaia.

‘Speaking of which, considering the current state of [Galaxy Level], isn’t the title of [Alaya] and [Gaia] limited to one planet a bit unworthy of their name? ’

【Yeah? Then...'Super High School Level Alaya'? 】

‘Why has the pattern declined instead? ’

[Unicron. 】

'That's Transformers. ’

[Eternity, infinity, annihilation, death, choose one? 】

‘Then you are Swallowing Stars? ’


A blazing arrow of lightning shot from the top of the mountain where the former Qingguang Tribe was located, targeting the former "Tower of Fear" that had been completely transformed into the form of a "dimension demon" intertwined with light and dark.

Although this lightning was extremely fast, the reaction and movement of the "Dimensional Black Dragon" flapping its wings and hovering at the top of the "Dimensional Anchor" were faster. As soon as the lightning flew out of the hands of the "Titan Giant", it had already predicted He suddenly blocked its path, and when the lightning was about to arrive, it was easily blocked by the dragon's breath carrying lava and flames.

Boom boom boom!

The Titan was determined and determined. He was not frustrated or frightened at all because his attack was blocked. He threw another series of lightning in his backhand and was eliminated by the black dragon again.

After going back and forth like this for a few rounds, it seemed to have reached a certain critical point. The "Yunxiao Temple" on the side of the Qingguang Tribe suddenly poured out dazzling golden light with lightning in all directions. An equally tall and mighty man, The Titan in golden helmet strode out of the palace.

The two giants, who looked almost identical to me, just looked at each other, nodded to each other, then raised the "Lightning Sword" in their hands toward the "Dimensional Anchor" in completely synchronized movements and swung it down hard.


Although this attack was as simple as one plus one equals two, its power clearly exceeded the black dragon's breath and could not be offset. As a result, the black dragon was hacked until it was covered in smoke, spinning and hitting the "dimension" it was supposed to protect. anchor".

The "Dimensional Anchor", as the teleportation beacon of the "Dimensional Demon", will of course not be completely destroyed by the passive impact of a mere black dragon - at least it won't be visible from the outside.

After the impact, the eye on the top of the Dimensional Anchor Tower that had been closed due to the Titan's ultra-long-range strike reopened. Of course, it was not the original golden pupil, but a huge hole with a mixture of light and dark.

A trace of silver thread protruded from it, and it was painted in mid-air quickly like a paintbrush. The outline seemed to be the unlucky black dragon that had just been chopped. And just when it finished sketching the last stroke, the black dragon that was originally just an outline suddenly came to life. He stood up, spitting flames from his mouth, and together with the first black dragon that staggered up to fly again, he blocked the second lightning attack thrown by the Titans.

...Where does this magical pen Ma Liang come from?

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