The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and thirty, element 0 (72)

After "Titan Giant" and "Dimensional Black Dragon" fought each other for a few rounds, and each added eight "replicas", they had to stop. Obviously, their intuition told them that continuing to improve the opponent's strength would increase the chance of their own overturning. .

As a result, the decapitation strategy of directly using super-vision strikes has proven to be ineffective. If the Titans want to destroy the dimensional demons, they can only rely on other conventional strategies or ordinary troops.

For example——


The Green Light Chief is gathering allies and warriors from all sides at the foot of the mountain where the Cloud City of the Green Light Tribe is located, planning to launch a general attack on the dimensional demon.

[Oh, Qingcheng Mountain. 】

‘Is there a Qingcheng sect on the mountain and a Bai Suzhen at the foot of the mountain? ’

[This means you know what you are doing. 】

‘I understand you big watermelon! ’

Although I am complaining about the stupid system that messes with relationships, if you think about it carefully, the giant in golden armor who throws lightning does look like some immortal soul who transformed and played with thunder, doesn't it?

No, no, no, you can't be led astray by it. This world is all about science no matter how you look at it. Anything that resembles magic is a superpower.

[There is a saying that ‘any science is like magic at first’. 】

‘There’s nothing magical about artificial intelligence awakening to self-awareness. ’

[…Can’t refute. 】

Having said that, the first batch of people to cause harm to the "dimensional demons" in this world were the warriors of the Green Light Tribe.

If the Green Light Tribe sees other wild creatures that have been controlled by the Yellow Light Tribe and turned into "half-dimensional demons" here and there, there may be an observation period for them, but for these organized creatures blocked under the Qingguang Tribe's mountain The only option for the "half-dimensional demon army" is to fight directly - especially when they have completed their "transformation" in person.

When the Huangguang Tribe attacked Qingcheng Mountain... Bah, when they attacked the mountain where the Qingguang Tribe was located, they accidentally awakened the other party's "Sacred Land Guardian". They were driven down the mountain by a chain of lightning, and they also confronted the Greenlight Tribe by the river. That part of them was defeated together, but was chased by Chief Green Light and beat up the drowned dogs. It was not until they "transformed" one after another and their combat power increased sharply that they stopped chasing.

The next thing is that they witness a fight between gods,

He made a rough guess about the current situation, and then began to separate bases, gather and train troops, and prepare to launch an attack on the "half-dimensional demonized" Yellow Light Tribe and "Dimensional Beacon".

Compared to the Green Light Expeditionary Force, which faced the "Dimensional Demon" head-on, Governor Hanuman, who was in the rear and did not have ultra-long-distance communication capabilities, was obviously confused about the situation. However, he had witnessed the crazy thunder streaking across the sky and had already communicated with Orange. Light and Blue Light have reached a settlement, so the only option left is to lead the army, right?

So far, the two-part Greenlight Tribe members are interesting.

On the front line are the first male lead with charisma, the noisy and jealous first female lead who has special abilities, the second male lead who is loyal and powerful, and the second female lead who is charismatic and brings huge benefits, defeating everyone along the way. A villain with no room for laundering, quite a kingly configuration.

Behind them are the emperor riding an extraordinary mount, the conflicting monkey and the big fat man, and a strange bald blue man... The most important thing is that these guys really seem to be heading west. fly across

In short, there is a feeling of gathering enough partners to challenge the final boss, and let's see how far they can go.


‘Well… both sides were defeated. ’ I looked at the “live broadcast” of the battlefields of all parties and wanted to shake my head.

[After all, it is a doomsday element, so it is very simple to suppress the native creatures. ] Stupid system also said.

The Green Light Tribe's first attack on the "Dimensional Demon" ended in failure.

It stands to reason that even if the expeditionary force and the remaining troops attack from the front and back, one by one, one by one by covert, one by one, and one by one by surprise, there should not be any losses, even if there is not much result.

But the fact is that the Green Light Expeditionary Force that launched a frontal attack from the plains lost almost half, while the remaining troops at the main base that circled back were almost wiped out - fortunately most of them just escaped.

The Green Light Chief's troops, who were attacking head-on, encountered the "Terror Dimension Naga". As soon as you heard the name, you knew that these six-armed elite creatures had been strengthened in two ways at the same time. The fear gave her extremely high attack speed, and the "Dimension Demon" The "transformed" arms give her the trait of "infinite counterattack", which directly makes it impossible to use the strategy of bullying with more people and fewer people. No matter how many people there are and from which direction a sneak attack is launched, those illusory arms will always strike with lightning speed. past.

In this case, it is logical that the heroic leaders should come on stage, but they were held back by the first transformed "dimension demon".

After being "dimensioned", this demon gained the ability to "teleport". This does not mean that it can move however it wants. The destination of the "move" must be within its field of vision and cannot exceed a certain distance. This The move has no cooldown time. Its weakness is that it cannot flash backwards, and there is a short "gazing at the destination" action before "moving".

Anyone with tactical literacy can make countermeasures such as "long-range attack", "large-area coverage strike", "non-directed attack" and "limiting their field of vision" after obtaining this information. However, the Green Light Expeditionary Force None of the heroes and units have similar skills.

The remaining Green Light troops with these skills encountered the "Sea of ​​Dimensional Demons".

Because the main force of Chief Green Light blocked the Yellow Light tribe's eastward march by chance, the "dimension demons" could only expand westward. Without strong combat power to stop their advance, Green Light stayed behind. When the troops encountered it, it was like running into a rushing mudslide.

The Purple Light Princess in the sky and her Chimera and hippogryph army are good at attacking the air and demolishing buildings, but are powerless against the sea of ​​ground troops. Hanuman can use his unparalleled weapon but the range he can hit is too small. The stone giant can smash them one by one. But it is too big, and even if it is not injured after being crawled all over by "dimension demons", it will not be able to do anything, and a lot of the Blue Light Guardian's skills are all for defense.

To deal with these low-level dimensional demons that have just been transformed, the Expeditionary Force has excellent means. As long as the Purple Light Queen uses a charm and the Green Light Chief uses beast control, more than half of them will defect on the spot, plus the guard captain's The commander just pushed it all the way back.

The current situation is that both sides are facing enemies that are not suitable for them, and both lines have collapsed.

[It can also be said that the ‘Dimension Demon’ has chosen enemies that he is very good at dealing with. 】

‘...So you already have a solution? ’


If not, wait until there is an entity later and then talk about it first.

【--have! 】

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