The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and thirty-one, element 0 (73)

[Reminder: Due to the large number of major intelligent life forms on the 'Emerald Grassland Planet' dying in a short period of time, the consciousness of this intelligent life group has been awakened. 】

[Tip: The group consciousness awakened by stress will try to eliminate the incentives in the event that may lead to the extinction of its group by spawning powerful individuals, causing natural disasters, creating low-probability events, etc. 】

[Tip: If the first response is ineffective and the number of remaining ethnic groups is sufficient, the group’s consciousness may awaken a second time and get a second chance to act. 】

[Tip: Affected by the group consciousness awakened by stress, a new force was born on the 'Emerald Grassland Planet': the 'Black Light Tribe'. 】

‘...I said, are you bullying a child? Still three years old. ’ I looked at the rows of prompts displayed by my sister and complained to the stupid system.

【what is the relationship? Wouldn't it be great as long as you actually solve this 'green light extinction crisis'? ] The stupid system responded nonchalantly.


The so-called "method" of the stupid system is to forcefully awaken the "alaya consciousness" of the green light group, then choose a response method for it, and then control that "response method" to avoid the problem that I can't "come" now.

This method can be said to be a greatly weakened version of the "sell the same doomsday element to three families" plan at the beginning of this world. If possible, let the dimensional demons develop and grow for a period of time. After contacting other civilizations, the benefits will be greater, but Other civilizations are too far away, and we don’t know how long this process will take. If the Green Light Tribe is destroyed during this period, it will be more of a loss than a gain.

To be specific, I just let the "resurrection" process of the various colored lights on this planet be slightly "delayed", and the "death" contained in it will directly scare and awaken the "alaya consciousness" of the green light. .

If the ignorant Alaya was given a choice, he would probably choose to activate the giant volcano near the Yellow Light Tribe and let lava and obsidian swallow up the dimensional demon, or everything in the Yellow Light Tribe.

Although this can indeed solve the problem, it is not so friendly to the Huangguang tribe who can still save it.

Therefore, I stopped halfway and replaced "creating natural disasters" with "generating powerful individuals". Since He can only awaken for a moment, and I can't let this fail, then, does there exist a "second awakening"? "Under the circumstances, this Alaya Shi primary school student will not know what the problems are in handling this crisis.

When it comes to the specific process, there are no traces of chiseling - the deep underground has turned into intricate underground tunnels due to [Kaz]'s previous drilling behavior. When the large-scale battle on the surface took place, they collapsed in a chain. ,

Eventually, the underground magma will rise up, "washing" all the passages, giving their cave walls an ominous dark color.

After the magma cooled or "ebbed", most of the tunnels had been blocked, and the remaining part "just happened" to form a passage that could go directly from the ground to a huge cave. The size of this giant cave was In the middle, one large and one small had just broken out of the obsidian block. They were the products of this "stress awakening" with huge differences in size.

As for what is the powerful individual that "gives birth"?

The smaller one is a humanoid creature whose "resolution" is still not high enough, but it can already be seen that she is a cute girl. She is wearing a long green dress that seems to be woven from tree bark and vines, and a back-sleeve hat. A bearskin hat that reaches to the waist - although I have never seen a bear-like creature so far.

[Element Zero Zero, no need to eat, attack: 20, friendliness: 20, speed: 20. 】

[Epic creature, Lord of the Black Light Tribe, the incarnation of death, masters skills: ‘Spirit Gathering Magic’, ‘Reincarnation’. 】

[Spirit Gathering Magic: Resurrection of dead creatures in the form of corpses. They do not have minds and only obey the orders of the caster. This conflicts with 'reincarnation'. 】

[Reincarnation: Resurrection of dead creatures in their original form, retaining their original minds, conflicting with the 'Spirit Gathering Magic'. 】

Obviously, the newborn Alaya's solution to the problem is simple and crude: as long as he keeps resurrecting his own people, he can always kill the enemy, and the defeated enemy can become his own fighting force, which can completely snowball.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this tactic, but if you think about it carefully, it looks like the Burning Legion versus the Scourge.

[There must be a Lich King~] The stupid system complained.

‘Ha, the Lich Queen is not bad, but who are you? Frost dragon? Don't you have this kind of body type? ’

[Hmm, if I have to say it, snow monster? 】

As the only member of the "Black Light Tribe", the other one is quite worthy of ridicule - it is basically a mountain of flesh, with a pair of thick reverse-curved legs, a pair of strong arms that are twice as long as the legs, and sharp claws It is unparalleled, and its whole body is covered with long white hair to protect it from the cold. If you throw it on a snowy mountain, it will undoubtedly be regarded as a snow monster, right?

[Elemental beast zero, omnivorous, attack: 20, friendliness: 20, speed: 20. 】

[Elite creature, guardian beast of the Black Light Tribe, masters skills: 'Aura of Fear', 'Claws of Cruelty'. 】

[Fear Aura: Immune to fear, and causes a trembling effect on any enemy smaller than the Zero Elemental Beast, unable to melee attack or counterattack. 】

[Cruel Claws: The huge power makes any protective means meaningless. Targets attacked by the element zero beast are considered unarmored. 】

The basic situation is this. Obviously, the Alaya consciousness of the Green Light Tribe is relatively stable. After playing the "Elf" card, it also played the "Behemoth" card as insurance to prevent the "Green Light Tribe Unlimited" from happening. It’s a funny situation where even resurrection can’t defeat the dimensional demon.”

Under the current situation that everything is going well, there is still a small problem that needs to be solved, that is, what names should be given to the partnership of a little girl and a giant beast? The name, in analogy, is like "primate, anthropoid, order Homo, genus Homo".

【Annie and King Kong? 】

‘I’m afraid you have some misunderstanding about the concept of ‘little girl’, and you also have the courage to make a fool of yourself. ’

[Do you want to call me Binghou? 】

‘Is the Lich Queen riding a giant snow monster? If the Scourge could laugh, they would have laughed to pieces. ’

【Then get up. 】

‘Watch it. ’

In order to prevent the stupid system that makes it difficult to name names from coming up with unreliable names, I directly selected and filled in the name boxes above the heads of the only two members of the Black Light Tribe as [Malefiya] and [Thela Soido] 】These two names are confirmed.

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