The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and thirty-two, element 0 (74)

Although I successfully intercepted two "trumpets", due to my personality, I cannot directly "descend" and control them from the first-person perspective. If I do that, the "alaya consciousness" of the green light group will be controlled by me. "cover" it.

In other words, the control method of the "Lord of Black Light" [Malefia] is a rather traditional "third-person 45-degree angle view", while [Thera Soido] is controlled by the stupid system. It should be the same going up.

Although I had controlled "Green Light Chief" in a similar way a long time ago, the "feel" was completely different. To use a metaphor, it was like the feeling difference between the same hero in RTS and MOBA.

[Just like a skill that could originally clear out a large area of ​​miscellaneous soldiers can now only knock out a small square of the opponent's health? ] The stupid system was controlling ‘Therasoydo’ to have fun in the cave, and he asked casually as he passed by.

' doesn't mean that.' I let Malefia take two more steps at will. 'It's the difference between [even if you can control it perfectly, you still know that it doesn't belong to you] and [be sure that it only belongs to you]. ’

【Can't understand. 】

‘Forget it if you don’t understand. The cave is so narrow. If you keep running around, the cave will collapse again——’


Before he finished speaking, Thela Soido's big head hit the wall of the "dark cave" firmly. Fortunately, the obsidian that made up the wall was relatively strong. Although it made a terrifying loud noise, it did not directly shatter. The giant beast took two steps back dizzily and sat down on the ground.

[If this thing were as small as Fufu, I would definitely be able to control it! 】I was still thinking about the vocabulary, but the stupid system had already started shouting.

‘You can’t control it and you still run around? ! ’

Boom! Whoosh——

Malefia flew up and kicked Thela Soido away.

'Huh? '【Huh? 】

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if there was no friction on the surface of the earth, Thela Soido slid against the walls of the dark cave and finally slipped out of the "tunnel".

‘Although I really wanted to kick you, I had to give up because we were not physical. But now it seems that even without using the first-person perspective, the synchronization rate between me and her is quite high. ’

[Obviously they are exactly the same——] The stupid system lengthened the sound to simulate being knocked away.

[This is about to fly to the ground! 】

'With your size, you didn't get stuck along the way? How rare. ’ I responded while instructing Malefia to follow her into the corridor and head towards the ground.


Outside the dark cave is a dark lake and countless withered woods around it.

Perhaps before the birth of the "Black Light Tribe", there were lakes and forests formed by water accumulated in the craters of extinct volcanoes, but after the underground magma spewed out, the surrounding landforms completely changed. Even if they are now called "curses" "land" is no problem either.

And Thela Soido, who had "slid" all the way up, was standing on the dark lake completely covered with obsidian, looking around.

'What are you doing? ’ Malefia walked towards the lake: ‘Is it time to cut down wood to build a house now? ’ really feels like an arm's length when it comes to action, except that the operating perspective is third person instead of first person.

[I just discovered that we seem to have to use obsidian to build houses. 】Thelasoido turned his big head.

'oh? Isn't it the material? ’ I looked at the trees around me that were burned to the point of being charred.

[That's just one aspect,] The stupid system responded, [As the initial tribe, Green Light and the others had no problem building houses with pits and thatch, and the yellow, orange, and blue that appeared next had wooden houses as their starting point. Tribes born in three generations must use stone to build their houses. 】

'Um? Three little pigs? ’ I complained.

[Hmm...] The stupid system seemed to choke for a moment, [It's more like opening a new expansion pack. The new monsters must not be weaker than the monsters in the old map. 】

I guess the more important reason is that as a force born to defeat dimensional demons, the strength of the "Black Light Tribe" must not be too bad, so that little Alaya is the only one who has the power to defeat dimensional demons on the planet. The template of the strongest tribe was given to me to use.

Click, click, Telasuido used its sharp claws to easily cut off a large piece of the ice-like obsidian that covered the entire lake, then cut it into neat cubes with a few vertical strokes, and then threw it into the lake in the distance. In a pile on the side.

How to do this? Even if they are used as food, the Black Light Tribe has no laborers to build a house. Should Malefia do it herself?

While thinking about it, Malefiya walked to the pile of obsidian, stretched out her hand to lift one of them, and suddenly, half of the square and neat obsidian was missing.

After counting about 20 missing obsidian blocks, I had a rough guess about the scene, so I dropped the shadow of a tribal hall by the lake. Malefia moved the stone closer and then gently moved toward it. As soon as it is thrown, twenty places on the shadow that require the use of obsidian will turn from virtual to real.

Sure enough, although Malefia looked like she was just moving a stone, she was actually moving a "group" of twenty people. Judging from her face, which was not red and out of breath, her effort was probably only Moving the amount of a stone...well, that's a pretty good brick-moving ability.

Next, Therazoido kept cutting stones to make bricks, while Malefia kept laying bricks to build a house. Finally, after the stupid system lifted up the obsidian covering the entire lake, I also successfully built it around the small lake. The prototype of a tribe.

During this period, I tried to use "reincarnation" more than once, hoping to bring some creatures killed by the volcanic eruption to assist in the construction. However, only some flowers and plants were "reborn", and half of the lakeshore was transformed from the "cursed land". "Restored to normal forests and grasslands.

From a distance, the entire mountain and small lake can be divided into two distinct parts, black and white, like the dividing line between life and death, which may frighten many people with little knowledge.

Speaking of the two spells that Malefia possesses, the "conflict" between them is not that only one can be released under normal circumstances, but that once an individual accepts one of the effects, it will react to the other. Immune, the deceased who has been "dead" by the magic of gathering spirits cannot be resurrected by "reincarnation", and the deceased who has been resurrected once by "reincarnation" cannot be driven by the "magic of gathering spirits".

‘It’s really strange that the volcanic eruption affected such a large area, but not a single native creature died? ’

[Are you kidding? Wild animals are very sensitive to natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes. They must have escaped early. ] The stupid system complained.

'Okay,' Malefia patted the huge dark stone door of the completed majestic meeting hall, opened it, and then stepped in: 'I'll just wait here for the green light and others to come and ask for help. ’

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