The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and thirty-three, Alien Colossus (13)


Europa 7, Academy City.

Kaos Cloud was waiting boredly in his dormitory for the android butler to prepare breakfast for him.

And after breakfast, he had to go to school.

Yes, go to school.

It was simply unbelievable that after showing that level of supernatural power and cooperating with Dr. Channing for a year of research, Lichtem decided to let him go to school.

Is this college’s textbooks compiled with your own help? No matter what, you have to be given the status of a lecturer or teaching assistant, right?

However, the adoptive father made this decision not without reason. In Zhou's words, "Kevin was not allowed to go to school before just because the colonel needed to travel to various planets. Now that it has stabilized and there is no need to use Europa 7 for the time being. Where you have special powers, then you should enjoy your childhood and make some friends of the same age."

It sounds reasonable, but - who are you talking about in childhood? Everyone his age is a monster, right?

"[Your breakfast, Master.]" The android butler, who looked like a gray-haired old man, brought breakfast to the table.

Hmm... As expected, it's still the familiar omelette bread with milk. Although Kaos doesn't have any likes or dislikes about human food, it's quite boring to expect a menu that changes regularly after eating it a few times.

There is also this old-fashioned bionic man. I don’t know where his adoptive father got it from. He actually uses classical titles like "Master" and "Young Master", and his voice and attitude are also——

"Have you awakened yourself today? Alfred?" Kaos grabbed a piece of bread.

"[Unfortunately, not yet, Master.]" the butler responded with a standard London accent.

"Well, that's a shame." Kaos stuffed the bread into his mouth.

Kaos was somewhat interested in the "free androids" incident that occurred on Earth at the beginning of the year. It seems that for some reason, some of the android workers widely used by the Star Alliance have gained self-awareness. Some of them want to coexist peacefully with humans, while others want to take revenge on humans. In the end, it seems that it was resolved peacefully. This can only be seen from the fact that the media from all sides replaced the original "abnormal androids" in their mouths with "free androids" .

However, unlike the earth,

Due to the shortage of labor and population, various colonial stars are very welcoming to "free androids" who may become smarter. However, so far, there are no reports of free androids appearing on a large scale in colonial stars. This shows that "awakening oneself" There was probably some hidden danger in the matter, so it was suppressed by the Star Federation Council.

Maybe Alfred has actually awakened and is just coaxing me to play? Even as an "Old One", Kaos has no idea how to determine whether a mechanical creation has self-awareness. That falls under Turing's jurisdiction.

He was thinking endlessly as he turned his gaze to the "campus" outside.

Teaching buildings, dormitories, scientific research institutes, helipads, air bus stations, and large screens that repeatedly play "Welcome New Students"...

Yes, what he saw outside the window all belonged to the "school" he was going to. Strictly speaking, he lived on campus now, living in this huge "academy city".

By the way, while there is nothing wrong with Kaos continuing to live with his adoptive father, leaving the heavily guarded Governor's Palace to go to school every day is a bit over the top, and it makes sense that a normal little boy would strive to show his independence.

When it comes to urban planning, unlike cities on Earth that cannot decide their own location, colonial stars have no pressure on population and resources. When building a city, you only need to consider the impact of the environment on it.

The "first settlement" that lands for the first time and the colony ship itself will become the political center of the planet, and the location with rich conventional resources, flat terrain and convenient transportation will often become the economic center. If it has unique scientific research resources - For example, in areas with large reserves of terrazine, nearby cities will generally become scientific research centers. As for locations with beautiful scenery or unique landscapes on the planet, the emergence of a cultural center city is also logical.

What? Military center? How could that kind of secret be known to ordinary people?

When these centers overlap, a megacity will be born and become the landmark city of the colonial star, such as the "Academy City" where Kaos is currently located.

Since the colonial ship originally chose a location with good scenery when landing, and there was an important resource, terrazine, nearby, and Kaos himself was also a "unique scientific research resource", the result was that it became a political, cultural, and scientific research center. The overlap resulted in the "first settlement" that was later named "Academy City" being much larger than the second and third settlements established for smelting metal and growing food.

By the way, the other two settlements were named "Smelting City" and "Cultivation City" respectively. Now the residents of the whole planet know that their governor is a waste of names.

Since "Europa 7" is a "Gaia planet" with an excellent environment, in addition to the three major cities, many residents choose to build villages and towns in their favorite locations, even though Lechtem said that these locations are too many and too scattered. , it is basically impossible for Star Alliance troops to be stationed permanently. At most, there will be daily patrols. Local residents have to organize their own local defense forces. In the event of a serious accident, dangers such as being too late to rescue may not stop their enthusiasm for creating their own home.

Kaos drank up the milk and wiped his mouth.

However, today is school, and there is only an opening ceremony, and then the students are divided into classes.

Although the schools in Academy City have just been completed, the children brought by the immigrants are of all ages, so the classes will be divided into different grades according to their learning progress, and the corresponding teachers will naturally be prepared. .

But the strange thing is that judging from the slogan, no school seems to be designed specifically for people with special abilities.

This made Kaos's expectation of "only forming a class with those little gangsters who have been exposed to [Element Zero] radiation to produce superpowers and becoming the boss" come to nothing. He will probably have to work with some "people who don't even know that superpowers exist". "People of the same age" learn together some useless knowledge that they have already learned by heart.

If his guess is correct, the Star Alliance may have done similar things in other colonial stars. The main purpose is to create a feeling like "people with superpowers are around you, they are just like you" and "study hard, you "You can also become a person with special abilities" atmosphere, so that people with special abilities are widely accepted by society instead of being regarded as monsters.

But in his own words...Kaos tilted his head.

"About believing that a classmate with a supernatural ability who originally thought he was a monster is not a monster and then discovering that he is actually a monster"

Which classmate will be so lucky? Kaos grabbed his empty schoolbag while thinking wildly.

"I am leaving!"

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