The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and thirty-four, Alien Colossus (14)


Europa 7, Academy City.

Kaos was wearing a school uniform with a yellow base and blue trim, a V-shaped stand-up collar, and a vague aerospace style. He threw his empty schoolbag behind his shoulder with one hand, and was walking on the trail while looking at the familiar and unfamiliar people around him in boredom. landscape.

He said he was familiar because he had lived in this city formerly known as the "First Settlement" for a year, and he knew the layout of the buildings, uses and road directions clearly. But he said he was unfamiliar because there were suddenly a large number of people there today. Pedestrians and various flying cars have never been seen before.

Regardless of the various shapes of those buildings, the interiors are actually all the most basic "house modules".

Except for the original empty shell of the immigration ship, the other buildings are just decorated on the outside. As long as you go in, you will find that they will never have the "revolving viewing restaurant", "staircase hall" and "indoor sports ground". ”, but compartments that look like that.

However, it is not certain that any school will take the initiative and punch through the housing modules to create a place that meets the settings, but that would mean that it would have to invest more in "external decoration" in order to maintain its protective capabilities.

According to Star Alliance regulations, since the mass effect shield covering the entire city may fail due to some accidents, every building in the city must have the ability to maintain an indoor T3 environment in a T0 environment.

While not necessary for a city to be built on the planet Gaia, rules are rules.

"Wow, Academy City is so beautiful~"

"Hmm...the infrastructure is also very complete."

Listening to the vague admiration for the beautiful buildings and complete facilities of the academy city, Kaos couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority as he understood the truth.

It doesn't take much thinking to know that these noisy children must be freshmen, and the adults following them are their parents. Well, they may also be bionic nannies or housekeepers, or even freshmen who look older?

As a governor well-known to the residents, it was naturally impossible for Leichtem to come to deliver his adopted son in person. Zhou actually proposed to deliver him off, but Kaos firmly refused.

Just kidding, although Zhou's exposure rate is not very high, as Lichtem's adjutant, there is still a possibility of being recognized. It doesn't look like him, unless he bumps into a graduate of the Star Alliance Naval Academy or Dr. Chan Ning's institute. As a staff member, it was impossible for anyone to guess what relationship this ordinary little boy with blond hair and blue eyes would have with the Governor - the surname Claude was quite common among Germanic people.

Wait, Kaos' face stiffened, I'm not a "little boy"!

You must have been cooperating with Dr. Qian Ning’s experiments for so long that you got too involved!

Kaos raised his head and "looked" at the scientific research ship staying in the satellite orbit.

In the process of developing colonial stars, the role of scientific research ships is indispensable, but only in the early stage. They can explore the general terrain and resources of each planet in the galaxy, the mineral content of the asteroid belt, all relics and whether there is mass. After being used as an effect repeater, its only role is to stay in satellite synchronous orbit and provide cloud computing services for scientific research institutions on the ground.

Under normal circumstances, the scientific research ship that has completed a mission to colonize the galaxy will be transferred away, leaving the remaining work to the engineering ship, unless there are any projects that require long-term research.

Kaos is this kind of "project that requires long-term research." All scientific research centers on Europa 7 that are using scientific research ship support services have to thank themselves.

As for why...Kaos touched his forehead. Does it count if he used his superpower when there was no abnormality in his pineal gland? 180

When cooperating with the research, Kaos tried to simulate the "organ mutations" of other "superpowers" to disguise himself, but the problem was that those mutations turned out to be "directional."

Superpowers, super powers, such completely unscientific things actually comply with scientific laws!

Although he himself is not qualified to talk about others.

In other words, as long as the changes in the human pineal gland are detected, the examiner can deduce the direction of the person's abilities, and there is no possibility of misjudgment.

Kaos thought about it and found that compared to "the organ has not mutated but uses the superpower", it is more interesting to "the organ has mutated and uses the superpower but does not belong to the direction", and finally gave up on simulating the only thing that exists in the world. Star Alliance secret files, but "directed mutation" that I don't know at all.

However, in order to conform to his previous behavior of "calling fire", Kaos still deliberately created some similar abilities, such as summoning thunder, shaking the ground, and controlling the wind.

It is impossible to control water, even before the universe is restarted.

In the end, Dr. Channing Williams' conclusion on Kaos' ability was: [Strong Level] [Energy Transformation].

Humans are indeed a race that is good at classifying and archiving. Even though there are not many samples at present, they still classify the "superpowers" according to the known information. The key is that it sounds quite reasonable.

First, there are the types of abilities. Star Alliance classifies all abilities into seven major categories:

[Physical variation], [Psychic interference], [Energy transformation], [Molecular influence], [Time and space guidance], [Order destruction] and [Unknown territory].

For example, if one person's power is "grows bigger and turns green when angry", then he can be classified as "physical mutation", and another person's power is "teleportation", then he should be classified as "Time and Space Guidance".

"Mental interference", "energy conversion" and even "molecular influence" are relatively easy to understand, while "order destruction" refers to those abilities that violate existing "axioms". For example, a person's ability is to burn under normal pressure. Water, that pot of water will boil at fifty degrees.

The last "Unknown Territory" seems to have been specially reserved by the makers of the classification rules. Although the first six descriptions can already cover almost all abilities, if there are still some that cannot be classified, just throw them in here.

These classifications only represent types, not strengths, and there is no restraint between them. What can really be calculated as combat effectiveness is the "power level."

Just like many of the previous types of superpowers have not yet appeared, half of the superpower levels are castles in the air.

Specifically, from low to high, they are Lv0, a person with no ability, Lv1, a paper-level ability user, Lv2, a parallel-level ability user, Lv3, a strong-level ability user, Lv4, a vicious-level ability user, Lv5, a crazy-level ability user , Level 6, god-level ability user.

There are also "upper, middle, and lower" distinctions among ability users of the same level. This difference only depends on who can beat whom at the same level.

For example, a person who can climb stairs with bare hands after being bitten by a spider will obviously not have a higher level of physical mutation than a person who can grow bigger and turn green after getting angry. When the two meet, the former will only be carried by the latter's feet. A throw.

Kaos is currently the most advanced "Strong Level Energy Transformation" on paper. I have no idea who came up with the following levels.

Hmm... [That person] is probably Unknown Realm Level 6?

No, no, it's definitely not on paper. He won't use this system at all.

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