The Collection of The End

One Thousand One Hundred and Forty-Two, Alien Colossus (22)


Academy City.

After rejecting Naia's suggestion to stay in school and build something together [Nyarlathotep group to make the world more lively], Kaos was walking back to the dormitory alone.

Well, if you think about it carefully, the name of this club really matches her, but the "lively" is different from what most people think of it.

I used to think that I could just pretend to be a student and go about my life before that huge alien object suddenly appeared. I was too naive. During this period, there must have been many incidents that had to be solved, and half of them were probably caused by Naija. from.

I have borne a burden that I should not bear at this age, Kaos sighed deeply.

"What are you doing, you guy, are you so unhappy when you see me?" A familiar girl's voice sounded from the front.

Kaos's eyes were slightly focused, and he saw Mikto, who was also carrying her schoolbag casually. It seemed that after being instructed by him yesterday, she received personal guidance from Dr. Eric. Now her whole person revealed a... A feeling of high spirits.

"I was thinking about something just now," Kaos looked at the girl in front of him: "But we should finish school at the same time, right? You don't have any club activities?"

Maybe other schools have different arrangements, but Carcosa Academy where Kaos is located only has six classes a day, four in the morning and two in the afternoon. Students are then allowed to move around freely, and all regular classrooms are shut down at 7 p.m. , if you need to extend the use time, you must apply in advance.

As for interest groups, clubs, etc., it is up to the students to find teachers to apply for them. They cannot be established without a tutor - it is strange that Naiya's weird club can find a tutor.

As for the content taught in the school, judging from the current curriculum, it is just conventional knowledge. The courses on supernatural powers have not yet been organized, perhaps because they are waiting for students to adapt.

"Because it's very troublesome. Although not many people saw what happened yesterday, it was still discovered by my classmates. Since this morning, there has been a steady stream of people inviting me to join the club. So I We can only join the 'Going Home Club'." Mictor sighed.

"In other words, you haven't made friends yet, right?" Kaos keenly discovered the key with his "old days" intuition.

"Stop, stop talking! It's just the second day of school!" Mictor glared at Kaos and retorted loudly: "And I already have a friend!"

"Lena Oxton?"


Looking at the girl who suddenly became silent,

Kaos has a little understanding of Naia's funny behavior. If there is someone in front of him who can see through it at a glance, he will always be able to help teasing her.

Pooh! I am not so easily seen through!

If we further deduced it, she was obviously coming out of school with him, but she appeared on his way home later, with familiar traces of electromagnetic acceleration still remaining on her body. Then the answer was obvious - she planned to become friends with him.

However, it is not acceptable to directly ask "Do you want to be friends with me?" and then make a proud smile. That is Naiya behavior, and it can guarantee that you will be electrocuted. There is no way, since you are currently a The little human boy and the governor's son had to accommodate the little human girl and the planet's inhabitants.

"No, your friend is not one," Kaos put on a sincere expression, then pointed to himself: "but two."

"Huh, since you said that, I'll just count you among them." Mikto turned away with a blush on his face.

It’s really easy to understand…


Since their dormitories were located in roughly the same direction, Kaos and Mikto walked together for the time being and chatted a little about what happened after they separated yesterday.

As expected, Dr. Eric had long been prepared for his daughter's abnormality. No, in other words, he himself was a powerful superpower. At that time, the little girl's slightly out-of-control electric current was submissive in front of him. Posted.

Although Mikto didn't know the details, Kaos still pieced together the facts from the fragmentary information she told.

[Element Zero] will produce a "mass effect field" that changes the quality of matter after being energized. Star Alliance has naturally invested a large number of scientific researchers in the study of this new element. Although these researchers are adults, Element Zero has no impact on them. The impact is small, but over time, there will always be some people with more exposure who awaken their abilities, and if they are affected, their descendants will also have a certain chance of awakening.

Perhaps when Generals Lichtum and General Williams first planned to establish the academy for supernatural beings, they only planned to target the children affected by the "Element Zero leakage incident", but this just gave the Star Alliance the opportunity to hide those supernatural beings who had originally planned to hide it. It is an opportunity for scientists and their descendants with special abilities to be brought into the public eye, in order to create an atmosphere of "people with special abilities are not special, he may be around you" to cover up the problems that continue to appear as Element Zero gradually becomes more popular. stranger.

To use an age-appropriate description, they are "other people's children with perfect scores in every test." Ordinary people may be envious, jealous or even feel incredible, but they will not regard them as monsters.

In addition, Lina's father is indeed affiliated with the military, but his identity is different from expected. Mr. Oxton is a cargo ship captain who specializes in transporting Element Zero.

Hmm... It makes sense that I awakened the ability of the [Spacetime Guidance] system because I thought the ship was slow.

However, according to Kaos's judgment, the identity of "cargo ship captain" is not busy enough to not show up even after his daughter has a serious accident, so Lina's identity may not be simple.

"Yo? Isn't this that one? It's been repaired?" Since Mikto himself was quite cheerful, he no longer cared about the incident that had just happened. At this time, he was walking and suddenly saw yesterday's vending machine. So he exclaimed.

"Hmm, huh?" Kaos nodded, but suddenly felt something was wrong. It was clearly surrounded by no-entry signs this morning...

Oh I got it.

Although "Little Boy Kaos" couldn't see it, "Chaos" could clearly detect that there were several guys who looked like scientific researchers hidden nearby. They obviously knew Mikto's route of action in advance. He decisively repaired the machine and planned to attract her to attack again.

How could such a plan be possible?

"I can't destroy the machine anymore. Today it's my turn to treat you~" Mictor quickly dropped these words and rushed directly to the vending machine with the wind at his feet.

Yes, scientific research is not very good, but the calculating mentality of the little girl is quite accurate. Kaos cursed and followed.

"Hmm... Star Coin Card, Star Coin," Mikto took out a card from his pocket and put it on the sensing area of ​​the vending machine not very skillfully. Then he turned to look at Kaos: "Look, it's okay. Right? What do you want-"


The vending machine exploded.

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