The Collection of The End

One Thousand One Hundred and Forty Three, Alien Colossus (23)


Academy City.

Watching the security robot walk away, Kaos, who was hiding in the alley formed between the buildings, turned to Mictor half-jokingly and half-irritatedly and said:

"Hey, do you think this scene seems familiar?"

But the little girl was also very aggrieved:

"I swear it was the vending machine that moved first! It shocked me!"

Well, this is not impossible. If she did initially control her own current and did not let them automatically destroy the electrical appliances in contact, those scientific researchers hiding in the corner would naturally have a way to make the obviously tampered sales machine The cargo plane "actively attacks" to trigger an automatic counterattack.

But there was no need to elaborate on this matter to her.

"Is that 'static'?" Kaos looked at Mikto, imitating Naia's disgusted look at him.

"..." Mictor's eyes widened and he wanted to say something but had nothing to say.

"In the final analysis, it is due to your lack of control over your own abilities," Kaos took the opportunity to talk nonsense: "A non-threatening 'attack' like static electricity should not trigger a counterattack, otherwise you will wear a thick sweater one day , Aren’t you going to touch some electricity or something?”

"Is that why my father didn't let me wear that kind of thing?" Mictor thought thoughtfully.

Uh... It seems that you explained this matter in a way?

"Forget it, it's not important. Don't worry about the vending machine. Your father will pay for the repair anyway." Kaos pressed his wrist and called out the multi-tool: "Little K, plan the return route and avoid the security robot. "


Hmm...this winding route...

"Here," Kaos led the way while looking at the map: "Because the vending machine was damaged twice, the patrol range of the security robot has been significantly expanded."

"Where is this place? Why do the houses all around look the same?" Mictor looked around curiously.

Compared with the distinctive schools, dormitories and commercial areas, the "houses" here are almost all huge white boxes.

“Schools, airports, and other buildings with different shapes,

Their internal structure is basically the same as the houses here. The difference is that some unimportant building blocks do not need to be decorated." Kaos, who is already familiar with the college's urban planning, replied: "If I remember correctly, this should be a material store. The transfer warehouse contains only building materials. "

"Huh? 'Remember correctly'? Kaos Cloud...could it be..." Mictor began to mutter.

Did she finally think of it? However, there is nothing to keep secret about the identity of the governor's son. If asked, just admit it.

"Could it be that-"



Before Mictor could ask the question, with the familiar sound of "teleport", Lena Oxton appeared out of thin air and hung directly on Mictor.

This guy took a day off. Why is it that not only is it not "degaussed", but it looks even more serious?

"Sister-sama is indeed here~" Lina shouted: "I knew it as soon as I saw the vending machine destroyed~"

"Hey...wait...let go..." Mikto tried to pull her off, but it was obvious that he was not strong enough, so he turned to Kaos for help.

No, I don't want to do this high-risk job of "separating two girls who are entangled".

"Classmate Lina?" Kaos thought for a moment and decided to be reasonable: "You should know that your affection for Classmate Mictor is only caused by the drastic changes in the current in your body, right?"

"Maybe it was like that yesterday~" Lina had no intention of letting go: "But after thinking about it for a day, I found that my sister should be my true love~"

The child was hopeless. Kaos spread his hands towards Mikto, making a helpless expression.

"Damn it -" Because he did not dare to continue to shock her and aggravate her "illness", Mikto turned to try to physically attack Lina.

"Oh~ the encouragement of onee-sama's love~" had little effect.

"This is - huh?" Kaos was about to make a joke when he suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky.

A transport ship spray-painted with the Star Alliance logo passed through the mass effect shield covering Academy City and landed directly on the roof of a warehouse some distance away.

This is totally against the norm.

When a massive object breaks through the planet's atmosphere from outer space, it will cause strange phenomena such as electromagnetic chaos, gusts of wind, lightning, and thunder. The current common explanation is that the charge it brings from the universe interferes with the ionosphere, so frigates and above Ships will be constructed in the orbital space station. There is no need to enter the atmosphere. Even if they have to enter, they will choose a location far away from the city. Ships of frigates and below must also enter the airport to clear the charge.

Although it caused no abnormality, Kaos could see clearly that the transport ship landed directly from space with no intention of going to the star port, and Europa 7's early warning system regarding the ship's violations was not activated— —It seems the Governor has to catch the mole.

"[Kaos: There is a suspicious transport ship that landed directly from space. (Picture)]"

"Don't worry about Lina, just carry her on your back and follow me, and stay hidden." Kaos waved to Mikto and walked quickly along the wall in the direction of the transport ship's landing.

"Are there bad people?" Mikto asked a question appropriate to her age, and then followed Lina seriously, ignoring her.

"Tch, do you think I will make fools of myself regardless of the occasion?" Lina immediately stepped down.

"Avoid the position where the transport ship can directly see it. They must not have dared to scan the full frequency band." Kaos didn't bother to point out that she was "nonsense" and kept sneaking close while projecting her perception.

On the roof of the warehouse, the transport ship was hovering there after it was opened. Several staff members were handing over the goods, busy checking the procedures and signing, and seemed to be planning to carry a dozen rectangular silver boxes half a person's height onto the ship.

The whole scene was extremely natural, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it, if Kaos hadn't "saw" that those boxes were all filled with infants and young children who were restrained by life-support devices and had fallen into a deep sleep or coma.

These were his original "classmates", and Kaos instantly understood their identities: children who were exposed to [Element Zero] radiation and showed signs of awakening their powers.

Due to the changes in the situation in Academy City, the arrangement for them has also changed from "direct enrollment and special care" to "enrollment after growing up in Academy City". During this period, if someone takes the opportunity to modify the data, some identities will be orphans. It is difficult to detect the "disappearance" of children.

As for the forces that abducted them, it was also obvious that they were one or a group of ambitious people who did not belong to the Star Alliance and were eager to study supernatural powers but had no way.

Although these children will enjoy good treatment no matter where they are, and maybe even better at the careerist's side, this is a slap in Lechtem's face, and Kaos will certainly not allow it to happen. .

But is it a bit over the top to just summon a bunch of tentacles and knock them all away?

"[Lechtem: Protect yourself, I'll be there soon.]"

Well, I couldn't wait any longer. Kaos turned his head and glanced at Mictor, who was following him closely with a face full of interest and seemed to be preparing for a big adventure:

"Hey, do you know what a 'Railgun' is?"

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