The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and fifty-three, element 0 (80)

After "receiving the Orange Chief as a teammate", I felt a little bit blind:

‘It suddenly occurred to me that in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, the first three will be killed by the green light in the middle and then resurrected by me, and the last three will form an alliance with the green light because of their special abilities? ’

[Although the latter sentence is correct, Chief Huang Guang seems to be sucked to death by you. ] The stupid system complained.

'After all, it feels difficult to save it. The dimensional anchor suffered such a blow because it released water. Maybe it will be transformed by the angry demon agent. ’

[Hmm... Just saying this to you, it is dead even if it is not dead. 】

"WAAAGH!" "Hiss!" "Boom!"

Obviously, I was the only one who had time to worry about Chief Huang Guang. After the Green Light Expeditionary Army received strong reinforcements, the dimensional demon shrank and they fought all the way.

The conventional skirmishers were handed over to the heroic units of the Green Light Expeditionary Force, and the larger and denser enemies were handed over to the Orange Light Chief, who had become more and more like a shapeshifter. Finally, Therasuido was given the hard idea to take over. The overall battle process was completely complete. It can be described as "powerful".

In addition, the targets of my "reincarnation" are all those unfortunate "dimensional demonized" Yellow Light members and the energy-phobic creatures controlled by them. Not even a single one of the Green Light Expeditionary Force died.

By the way, although the "Spirit Gathering Technique" has the function of forcing the target to obey its command,...the creatures born in these worlds basically have an "underlying agreement" to obey my orders unconditionally. That kind of priority is not enough. The command is directly overwritten.

Then there is the Green Light Guards. Although they did not cause any substantial damage to the "Dimensional Anchor", they caused the dimensional demon army to change the "large range, large number" combat method that had troubled them for a long time to "concentrated". "Superior strength", I was so sleepy that I put myself on the pillow. After rejoining their team, several heroes rushed towards Huangguang's main base.

You don't need to worry about the other line, as long as you don't resurrect the yellow light demons killed by them on the spot, so as not to be killed twice because they don't know Malefia's existence at all.

In the end, both sides broke through the layers of defense and met victoriously beneath the original Tower of Fear and now the Dimensional Anchor.

After the expeditionary force and the garrison met, except for the dispute between the Red Light Chief and Hanuman, who has the final say in the Red Light Tribe now, the Purple Light Queen and the Purple Light Princess reminiscing about the past, and the Blue Light Guardian and the Blue Light Watcher decide who has the final say. It was more correct to have a debate that others couldn't understand, and it was nothing too troublesome.

Because these allies have such a strong presence,

The green light garrison's several beautiful defenses and strange terrain changes were successfully attributed to them by the green light chief. There was no doubt that an invisible big hand was controlling them.

Well, by the way, judging from the bubble pictures of them communicating with each other, the blue light tribe representing "hope" has no idea what the "holy land" they protect is, while the blue light tribe representing "compassion" itself is enough to "protect" The strength of other creatures also rises to that high level on its own during the birth process.

[After all, it is Cloud City and the Light of Mercy, so it must be your fault. 】

‘...Can’t refute. ’



When the two Green Light legions gathered together and prepared to attack the "Dimensional Anchor", six, no, seven Nagas rushed out from the bottom of the tower, as well as a group of terrifying figures that were enough to scare ordinary creatures. A former member of the Huangguang Tribe.

The green light army that has fought so far is naturally not afraid of them, and they are all gearing up to attack.

‘There is a way to heaven and if you don’t take it, hell—wait a minute! Stop them now! ’

Malefia jumped up from Therasoydo's head, grabbed two hairs and pulled them forward.

【ah? What to do? 】The stupid system didn't seem to notice anything was wrong. It was stunned for a moment before Therasoydo suddenly jumped out and drew a deep ravine on the "line of fire" where the two sides were about to fight. Then he pounded the ground hard, clearing the deep ravine. It was hammered into a high wall, forcibly preventing the encounter between the two sides.

‘What are you doing? Didn’t you realize that they are just the ‘Yellow Light Tribe’ and not ‘dimensionally demonized’? ’

[Hmm, it seems so. After all, although it is very much like a game now, there is no enemy or friend prompts, and there is no damage or friendly immunity. If you hit it wrong, they will be unlucky. 】

‘Fortunately, I almost had to use ‘Reincarnation’ on one of my own people. ’

[Is that the point? ! 】

After a few quick chats with the stupid system, I directed Malefiya to grab Thela Soido's hair and pat open a section of the wall. I pointed at the yellow light creature stopped over there and started to squawk in this direction. The green light tribe and its allies shouted:

"They're not demons."

"WAAAGH?" "Zhiji?" "WAA!"

Hmm... I still don't understand them at all based on my expression, but counting the previous times, every time I show my wrist before speaking, they have developed a habit of just following my expressed intentions even if they don't understand. After getting used to it, they all calmed down and stopped trying to show their teeth and claws at the yellow light members who rushed out. I took the opportunity to direct the yellow light tribe members to approach the Green Light Legion in a completely non-hostile manner and accept supervision.

This situation is not normal. If the dimensional demon planned to run away, he should have run away long ago. The operation of recovering the "parasite" has been completed for a long time.

In the current situation, either their "evacuation" will take some time, or, although they can leave at any time, they plan to give the world a harsh blow to make the native creatures remember that they have been here.

[Just kidding, will you let go of this ‘doomsday element’ that has already taken shape? Even if they want to jump away, you only need to move your finger, no, you don't even have to move your finger to keep them all, right? 】Silly System said.

‘Well... indeed, I have no intention of obtaining their reverse ‘leap’ here. In other words, is it the second possibility? ’

[Judging from their abilities, they either plan to spread the 'parasites' to the entire planet with all their strength, or they plan to unite them and create one——]

"Boom! Crash!"


The evacuation of the Yellow Light members had just come to an end, and before the stupid system had finished its guess, a loud noise like broken glass was heard from the top of the Dimensional Anchor, and then, a figure almost the same as Thela Soido A large, but seemingly slender figure fell from the sky, but did not land after that. It just floated in front of the "Dimensional Anchor".

It was a strange creature with a green orcish body, but its hands and feet were claws, and it had two horns on its forehead. It had snow-white skin, and its entire body was covered with a silver armor with light and shadow constantly flowing. It also had an arm around its waist. , a strange posture with one hand on his forehead in deep thought.


After attracting the attention of all the creatures present, the giant creature suddenly opened its silver-white eyes, and an invisible air wave directly blew the creatures that were not strong enough to stagger around.

[Chief Huangguang (completely dimensional demonized), attack:? ? ,friendly:? ? ,speed:? ? . 】

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