The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and fifty-four, element 0 (81)

[Chief Huangguang (completely dimensional demonized), attack:? ? ,friendly:? ? ,speed:? ? . 】

[Epic creature, a weapon created by the dimensional devil concentrating all its power. Its strength far exceeds that of any creature on the 'Emerald Grassland Planet'. It has been ordered to "destroy all living creatures". 】

[Possible abilities: short-range jump, meteor shower, demon armor, doomsday judgment. 】

To put it simply, it is a teleportation skill with an afterimage. If the attention is attracted by the moving afterimage, the user who has already arrived at the destination will take the opportunity to sneak attack. Meteor and Fire Rain are a strange group. Fireball, but the range is not large. The demon armor is not armor in the ordinary sense, but a "shield" with "health value". Thera Soido's "ignore defense" is of no use to this thing. As for The final doomsday judgment... is a self-destruction move after judging that one must fail. At least it can include all the tribes currently participating in the war.

As for the values ​​​​that are all question marks, there is nothing special. The highest attribute value of the Green Light tribe in the tribal stage is 25. If it exceeds, a question mark will be displayed. If I want to determine the specific number, it will not be difficult, but that will force the Green Light group to Just "evolving" to the stage of civilization directly loses an opportunity for civilization evolution, which is an act of encouraging others.

When I was studying these attributes and skills, the "Yellow Light Chief" naturally wouldn't wait stupidly. Rather, if Thela Soido hadn't stepped forward to fight those colorful light fools before they could react, the low-level tribe members I don't know how many people will be killed by its combo of "teleport" and "fireball in the face".

However, even if they react and start to assist in the battle, it will not be of much help overall. If the HP of Chief Huang Guang is recorded as 100%, then their fancy attacks can only kill about 2% per minute.

In this way, even if the self-destruction limit of the Yellow Light Chief is 10%, there is absolutely no way for the Green Light Tribe to prevent it from casting "Doomsday Judgment". If Malefia and Thela Soido attack with all their strength, the damage will exceed 10%. , but once it shows such strength, who can guarantee that it will not increase the self-destruction value?

Therefore, to deal with the killer weapon created by this dimensional demon, I couldn't let Thera Soido attack with full force at the beginning. Instead, I had to let the green light tribe attack, making it think that about 2% damage is normal, and it would wait a little before self-destruction. When you are greedy for a moment, take decisive action and kill him.

However, the only disadvantage of this plan is that it will make Malefia look very pushy.

【Blacklight Chief! Why are you just watching! Did you betray me too? 】

‘Shut up~’


"WAAAGH!" "Squeak-squeak-touch!"

The plan went quite smoothly,

When Chief Huangguang was beaten to close to 10% of his health, Malefia and Thela Soido suddenly attacked with all their strength, directly destroying the "devil shield" that would continue to recover.

After the armor, which was originally like flowing mercury, was completely destroyed, it did not fall off, but evaporated directly, turning Chief Huangguang's appearance into a "battle-damaged version", directly exposing the tissues in his body.

Or how to say it is "complete dimensional demonization"? The inside of Chief Huangguang's muscular body is not flesh and blood at all, but fibers that are constantly flowing, showing a weird appearance like mechanical lines fused with biological tissue. At this time Just like a lamp with unstable voltage or poor contact, it flickers and seems to go out at any time.


Those lights reluctantly began to converge on the silver orb that looked like a coconut in Chief Huangguang's heart.

The heroes of the Green Light Tribe noticed something was wrong and retreated one after another. Only Malefia, who knew that its self-destruction would inevitably fail this time, remained standing in front.


In the end, the explosion of the silver ball only shattered Chief Huang Guang's own body and armor, and the air wave it set off was not even as powerful as when it first appeared.

Then, there is only one thing to do next - start the "Spirit Gathering Magic"!

Like a replay of the explosion scene, Chief Yellow Light—without dimensional demonization or wearing demon armor, an ordinary chief appeared in the center of the explosion. Sister Literature Network


After being "resurrected", Chief Huang Guang did not understand the situation or express his gratitude to anyone. Instead, he screamed in horror, and the bubble above his head depicted a panoramic view of the "Dimensional Anchor".


The other members of the Colorful Light repeated its words with puzzled faces, even the contents of the bubbles were exactly the same.

Chief Huang Guang had no time to interrupt their re-reading, but continued to describe the "Dimensional Anchor" while maintaining fear.

Naturally, I am not as confused as they are. In fact, I saw specific changes when the dimensional demonized Yellow Light Chief exploded.

On those armors and mechanical parts that should have collapsed, the silver light quickly disappeared and converged on the "Dimensional Anchor", and the silver light of the Dimensional Anchor itself was also rapidly converging on the top of the tower.

In the end, where the original eye of the Tower of Fear was, the silver-white eyes turned and twisted, forming a "cauldron" similar to a satellite signal receiver. A large amount of silver streamers were projected back into the void through it, making it completely invisible. The specific target seemed to disappear out of thin air halfway, and the "devil" as the culprit was standing next to the "cauldron" and bowing to the place where the "signal" disappeared.

The next moment, the streamer signal suddenly started to dance, like a paintbrush, sketching out wonderful vehicles in mid-air at extremely high speeds.

They were five silver-white "space battleships" that were shaped like acute triangles and looked like awls.

'Hmm... As expected, "dimensional demons" can obviously travel through dimensions, so how can they only rely on tribe-stage technology? ’

[I see, their purpose and the reason why they value the dimensional anchor have been found,] Stupid System said: [Secretly spread the "dimensionalization" to a degree that will not arouse the vigilance of the planet's will, absorb the energy of native creatures, and finally unify Recycle to summon more powerful units, and when the planet's will reacts, it will be too late to stop it. 】

‘What a pity, I have always been wary of them, and the combat power of a few spaceships is not enough for me to stop them, right? ’

【That's hard to say...】

Boom boom buzz——

The five warships adjusted their postures, each serving as five vertices, forming a huge five-pointed star in the sky. The silver streams of light shuttled back and forth, outlining the lines between the vertices.

Then, a huge hand and strong arm with strange shackles poked out from the giant pentagram and grasped the "Dimensional Anchor".

At this moment, even if we defeated the Huangguang tribe and defeated the Huangguang chief, there was no movement at all, prompting my sister to suddenly send a message.

[Tip: Collectable doomsday element ‘Dimension Demon’ has been detected. 】

Simultaneously with this prompt, two almost unrelated pictures appeared:

One, a giant hand pulled out a strange and terrifying sword from the surface of the earth, and the originally lush planet instantly withered and turned into a dead desert.

Second, it was probably the same giant hand that stabbed the big sword hard on the surface of another planet. This time, the ecosystem of that planet did not change at all, because it was already torn apart when it was attacked by the big sword.

Although I have suspected it for a long time...are you really the Burning Legion?

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