The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and fifty-five, element 0 (82)

The Burning Legion () is a scapegoat organization from Warcraft that extends to World of Warcraft. It is keen on causing destruction and corrupting native creatures. Perhaps due to the lack of perfect settings from the beginning, in the version In the process of updates and game iterations, the overall strength fluctuates, and sometimes existing settings are eaten up, or lame whitewashing of the "lesser of two evils" type is performed, but this does not affect Many players love the ups and downs of the stories that arise from their troubles.

The reason why I say that the "dimension demon" is the Burning Legion is not because of the similarity in appearance or methods, but because of the final act of extracting the power of the entire planet into a sword to explode another planet - although it has not yet had time to do so in this universe. Just make it.

According to the setting there, there is something called "Star Soul" on every planet, and any Star Soul will awaken into a "Titan" when it grows up, and the first batch of awakened Titans established an organization called The purpose of the "Pantheon" organization is to guide and help other star souls grow.

Where there is light, there is shadow. Such a powerful existence will naturally have rivals - Void Demons. They come from the "Twisted Void" whose setting is still incomplete and are constantly eating books. They can turn the ungrown "Twisted Void" The "Star Souls" corrupted and corrupted. Unfortunately, their first results were discovered by Sargeras, the most powerful Titan in the Pantheon, before they could succeed.

Let me tell you, this is a mutated version of the Calabash Baby. The fallen star soul is the Seventh Baby who was stolen and transformed by the snake spirit. In the following story, the Calabash Children work together to finally save and purify the younger brother whose mind has been corrupted. But Sargeras... the word "purification" has only one meaning in Western values.

After destroying the corroded star souls, Sargeras suddenly "enlightened" and believed that "as long as all the planets that produce star souls are destroyed, no star souls will be corrupted.", so he forcibly controlled the demons he defeated. And began the journey of extracting the power of the star soul to explode other star souls. Of course, the "Pantheon" who tried to stop him was the first to suffer.

This statement sounds the same as "As long as all infected people in Stratholme are eliminated, the plague will not break out." This is probably how Sargeras fell in love with Arthas. .

Back to the present, it seems that the "dimension demons" that come to my world to cause trouble are actually divided into two stages: if everything goes well, they will use the dimensional demonized native creatures to bulldoze the "Burning Legion" of this universe. If they encounter After a strong block, he defended with all his strength and gathered his strength to summon "Sargeras".

Mr. Sa didn't even need to take action against the tribes on the green grassland planet, he simply took away the star soul and turned it into a dead planet, once and for all.

But... is there such a thing as a star soul in my world and he just smokes it?

【help! Sargeras is whipping me! I'm going to die! Waaaah! 】

‘…the acting is exaggerated.

Well, it's not about extracting the Star Soul, it's about extracting Gaia.


With my current status of being completely unable to "come", it only takes a moment to recall the setting and history of the Burning Legion, and the stupid system can be said to have started screaming at the same moment.

‘Okay, I believe that although you can control ‘Therasido’, your main focus is not on it, so you have no sense of substitution. But why do you control the Gaia consciousness of this planet if you have nothing to do? ’ I responded.

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu gear is only good for you. 】The stupid system still has the intention to drag out articles.

'So, 'If it weren't for the two of us communicating without spending any time, I really wouldn't have time to talk nonsense with the stupid system at such a critical moment:' Even if the Gaia consciousness of this planet is taken away by Mr. Sa, you won't Why are you so panicked when you might be affected by anything? ——Of course, I don’t mean to let him go away. It’s not fun at all to become a dead planet. ’

[Your last words are on point, the dead planet is 'not fun', but for me it is 'no fun',] The stupid system seems to have calmed down a little: [Even the dead planet will eventually be difficult to play. Creatures and civilizations adapted to this environment are born, and eventually develop to the space stage. During this period, you can still intervene and guide them, but as far as I'm concerned, unless you enter the space stage, you can only do nothing. . 】

‘Hmm… I understand, let’s not mention our actual situation. If we compare our activities on this planet to a game, after Mr. Sa takes away the star soul, I will clear my equipment and levels, and you will be banned and deleted. ’

[So - stop that black hand quickly! 】

The stupid system is a little messed up, and I can't rely on it for the time being. I have to figure out how to stop him.

In terms of hard power, Mr. Sa can't beat me. Just seeing how he can stretch out an arm with only five battleships in a pentagram, you can tell that his status is not high. You know, from the smallest FZ world From the beginning to the current Galaxy level, I have not been able to enter the world with even a single strand of hair, and even my incarnation has many restrictions. Someone like Mr. Sa who shows up his health bar casually will be beaten sooner or later.

Hmm... In the plot, it seems that he was dragged back to the Pantheon and imprisoned? Whatever, who knows what version of the "dimensional demon" here is.

There is no point in bragging about yourself. If you want to prevent him from taking away the star soul, or Gaia, you must suppress him in terms of "available strength".

Although the Seven Light Tribe is now unified, it has not turned into a Diamond Gourd Baby or developed a "White Light Tribe". Even if it could, there is no time for them to develop now.

Malefia and Thela Soido probably have no problem dealing with the "Perfect Demon", but against Mr. Sa's arm, it's basically like a fly shaking a tree. Although the "Titan Giant" in Yunzhong City has the same name as the "Titan", But the strength is far apart, and they are entangled with those dimensional black dragons, so there is no hope at all.

Should we forcefully wake Alaya of the Green Light family up again to see what clues he has? If it really doesn't work...

[Tip: Due to sensing the crisis of the ethnic group’s destruction, the Green Light Tribe’s ‘Alaya Consciousness’ awakened for the second time. 】

[Tip: The Green Light Tribe’s ‘Alaya Consciousness’ chose to ‘give birth to powerful individuals’. 】

[Tip: The Green Light Tribe’s ‘Alaya Consciousness’ falls into deep sleep and cannot be awakened until the end of the next stage. 】

Uh...thank you for your hard work.

【Isn’t it right? ] The stupid system regained some sense: [We are the limit of the strength it can produce, unless he uses this power to strengthen the existing creatures, but native creatures are impossible——]


The next moment, dozens of unusually huge and thick tentacles suddenly shot out into the air from the waters on the edge of the continent, tightly binding the five warships, and the five-pointed stars connecting them were It was a lot blurry in an instant.

The arm suddenly shook. Although it was still holding the "Dimensional Anchor" firmly, it could no longer use the force to pull it out.

At the same time, a thunderous roar came from the root of the arm, from the other side of the five-pointed star array:

"[Damn Ancient God!]"

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