The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and sixty-six, Legacy of the Void (20)


Minmatar supply depot area.

Boom boom boom——!

The spider mines chased the surrounding clone soldiers, blasting the originally flat ground into craters, like a large crater.

Although spider mines are the standard equipment of the Vulture vehicle, the Vulture vehicle is too small and can only carry a few grenades. Naturally, it is impossible to have the ability to manufacture spider mines. All spider mines are manufactured at supply stations and handed over to them. The maximum number they carry per Vulture vehicle is three, and each one is powerful enough to blow two and a half Marines into flying ash - if their lives can be superimposed on the same person.

And because of this, a group of clone soldiers were attacked by a cluster of spider mines of the same size. Most of them were seriously injured and only a few died. It can be called a miracle.

"Huh -" Renault let out a long breath. The huge and dense command data flow like an avalanche issued in the previous few seconds almost made him faint, but so far it seems that the effect is not bad.

"Incredible! How did you do that?" Angela had turned her head slightly and was not going to see the tragedy over there, but after the situation took a turn for the worse, she couldn't help but look surprised.

"Because I have seen this scene once before," Renault opened his visor, pinched his still aching forehead, and walked towards the messy explosion site: "After judging the behavior pattern and explosion power of the spider mine, the remaining It’s just about taking appropriate measures to deal with it.”

"Reasonable means?" Angela asked as she began to warm up the healing light on her hand. Since they were all seriously injured but not dead, it was her turn to appear.

"In addition to being used for traveling at high speeds, the legs of the spider mine can also firmly grasp the target after bouncing, so it is almost impossible to solve it when an individual soldier encounters it, but it is another matter when encountering a group," Renault opened various platforms along the way. This kind of debris pressed the clone soldiers underneath, and went straight to the supply station where spider mines were made: "When facing multiple enemies, these spider mines will give priority to the position where they can kill as many enemies as possible to detonate. In this way, Later, their legs lose their ability to grapple and can only be used to travel. Then they only need to gather the soldiers first to bring the unit density to the critical point of the spider mine explosion, and then let the soldiers disperse before it explodes. Just the range.”

"If you make a mistake, it will be like letting them die." Angela began to use the healing light to sweep the clone soldiers within the affected area.

"No, if we make a mistake, we won't be able to escape. Judging from the number of those spider mines, if they don't induce explosions, they will kill about half of all the soldiers in the front. We are no match for them."

"..." Angela did not respond,

She seemed frightened, but Raynor noticed that the healing light in her hand didn't tremble at all.

Hmm, come to think of it, the medic's power armor seems to have a function similar to EMP that can "blind" enemies within a certain range. If all the soldiers in front are wiped out and the spiders rush over in a group, she can raise her hand to Turn them blind.

However, this function still requires a certain level of psionic energy to be used, and it is also limited to young women. Could it be that its name is "Love Makes People Blind"?

While thinking, Renault had already taken Angela to the ruins of the supply station where spider mines were made.

"Tychus? Still alive?"

Renault used his strength to open up the incomplete metal plates and shouted knowingly.

There is no command relationship between natural persons and military services. Even if a general issues a death order to a corporal, the corporal can still consider how to implement it. If he is not afraid of being arrested by a military court, he can even disobey the order.

Therefore, in Renault's command field of vision, he could only see the "moderate injuries" and specific locations reported by Tychus' armor, but it was not right to command him to do what he had done before, just like he had commanded the clone troopers to play with spider mines. possible.

"Damn it!" Tychus's dull voice came from under the ruins: "Those metal eight-legged monsters destroyed my power system! It can't repair itself!"

"I have to say, Tychus, you didn't die two times in a row when you faced the spider mine alone. You can blow it for a month when you go back." Renault joked while continuing to move away the collapsed metal walls and other debris.

"Hmph, it's not a big deal. As long as I give myself a shot of stimulant, those eight-legged monsters won't be able to catch up with me," Tykes paused and hummed, "But there are too many of them."

"Then you have to thank the AI ​​writers of the spider mines. Their logic module judged that you only need three mines to kill you, so the rest went to my marines." Renault moved another piece. Metal baffle.

"Are you bragging about your previous behavior of exploiting AI loopholes?" Obviously, although Tychus did not command, he could still see the status of other clone soldiers.

"This is not a loophole, because spider mines cannot remotely control who they chase, so -" Raynor finally found Tychus buried underneath and was speechless for a moment.

Tychus's injuries this time were much more serious than when he was chased by a spider mine before. Although half of the power armor was not destroyed, the entire front had completely disappeared, and most of his exposed body had become charred and terrifying. Renault strongly suspected that he was unconscious, so he could speak without caring.

"...So it can only be called reasonable tactics." Renault looked at Tychus's "wreck" up and down, but did not dare to take action. He turned to look at Angela: "Doctor, can the burnt one be saved?"

Due to the development of human cloning technology, medical technology has also grown simultaneously. This kind of injury is no longer fatal, and can only be regarded as moderate burns, but the premise is that he can return to the base in time. Now Tychus... Renault is very doubtful that once he If you move too much, it will break immediately.

Tychus rolled his eyes and looked at his body: "Damn it! I do have plans to tan, but this is not the case!"

"It can be saved, but..." Angela thought for a moment, then knocked on her helmet, closed the pale gold mask, and then took two steps back.

What's the meaning? Is the treatment dangerous?

Renault didn't wonder for too long when he saw the "healing searchlight" in Angela's hand suddenly brightened, emitting a golden light that was completely different from the faint blue light during ordinary treatment.

The golden light was bright but not dazzling. After it appeared, it quickly spread in a spherical shape. It first enveloped Angela, then Renault and Tychus. After reaching a certain limit, the spherical golden light suddenly exploded and became more and more intense. The bright and fine golden light rolled back, converging towards Tychus as if it had its own consciousness.

When Renault narrowed his eyes subconsciously, he vaguely saw a pair of bright golden wings behind Angela.

At the same moment, Angela's voice with some strange ripples sounded in his ears:



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