The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and sixty-seven, legacy of the void (21)


Former Minmatar supply depot, now Howe Fortress forward base.

"Jim, I have decided to call her 'Angel' from now on."

"It doesn't sound any different."

"If I pursue her, is there any chance?"

"You are repaying kindness with hatred."


Facts have proved that the Minmatar fleet did not intend to stick to those supply depots that were easy to defend and difficult to attack. After its defense line was broken through in many places, the remaining defense forces completely gave up here, even harassing those who had previously thrown grenades everywhere. The Vulture Chariot did not appear again. Of course, it is also possible that their spider mines were exhausted and had no deterrent effect, so they did not dare to come.

As for Tychus, he has been thinking about her since he was rescued from the black charcoal state by the medic Angela using the "super powerful healing light". However, Angela did not like to see this bald man and only focused on the treatment. He returned from other fronts by different means. The clone troopers arrived at the supply depot base, so Tychus could only harass Raynor who was busy setting up the new base.

Yes, a new base, a forward base built on the ruins of the cleared supply depot.

After reuniting with his comrades on other routes and clearing out the Minmatar supply depot area, Renault sent a "Mission Completed, Requesting Next Instructions" message to Howe Fortress. He originally thought that they would be asked to rush to other battlefields, but instead received An order was given to "deploy defenses in place and build a forward base." Along with this order came a transport plane carrying ten SCVs.

Establishing a forward base while Fortress Howe remains under siege? After thinking for a while, Renault came up with the reason: a friendly base appeared on the original site of the supply depot, which would cause a blow to the enemy's morale and make their tactics ineffective. If they continue to attack, they may be flanked by front and rear, or even The base camp was attacked by surprise, and if they returned to clear out the forward base, the offensive on Howe Fortress would be a failure. This is indeed more appropriate than returning to rush for reinforcements.

But the only problem with this plan is that the new base itself will be very dangerous and may be destroyed at any time.

Renault was not surprised by this, it was just a normal tactic, so he issued orders to those SCVs to build command centers, supply depots, barracks, tank factories and star ports respectively.

"Are you designing a barracks? I want to live in the one close to the field hospital." After a brief silence, Tychus started again.

"No problem." Renault slid his finger and placed the AR projection in the barracks and the AR projection in the field hospital together.

"Good brother!" Tychus patted Renault's shoulder vigorously.

"But Angela will be living in the command center."

"..." Tychus was silent. sea ​​of ​​clouds

This "realistic virtual projection" is invisible to the naked eye and can only be seen by reading specific layers through a helmet visor or other related equipment. It is quite friendly to commanders who are busy with things and accidentally forget about themselves when planning base construction.

Specific to the planning of each building, basically it only needs to be on flat ground, because most of them can be taken off and moved for adjustment. Only the command center needs to be as close as possible to high-energy crystals and gas to facilitate SCV collection. After the collection is completed, these resources will be Used to provide raw materials to supply stations, create clones, and produce tanks.

As for why crystals and gas have so many have to ask "Pioneer Ute".

In addition to high-energy crystals and gas, some strange resources can also be found on the planets in the entire star region, such as colored particles that look like gems but always explode for unknown reasons, and strange resources that burn at low temperatures but are extremely strong at high temperatures. Fragrance powders are also like strange metals that are liquid at room temperature but have memory and almost unlimited reshapeability, and so on.

Pioneer Ute did not develop them at all, and mankind's short scientific research history was not enough to study their uses, so they could only put them on hold for the time being.

"I want to live in the command center too!" Tychus next to Renault restarted for the third time.

"According to regulations, unless entering combat status or specifically applying, all natural persons in the forward base must stay in the command center, and of course you are the same." Renault replied without looking back.

"..." Tychus, who had just "specially applied" to live in the barracks, was silent for three times.

Hmm, defensive buildings... After Renault roughly planned the prototype of the new base, he began to consider setting up defense lines.

The Minmatar did not think too much about building this temporary supply base. There are alternative attack routes in all directions. If their commander really chose to hold on to his position yesterday, he would probably be bombarded by the advancing siege tanks. Doubt life.

Thinking from another perspective, Renault had to admit that the main anti-air defense line consisting of anti-aircraft rocket towers, Goliath robots and bunkers was the best choice. The occasional fish that slipped through the net would be handled by vulture vehicles and spider mines.

Looking at it this way, there is no problem with the defensive ideas and specific design, but there is a flaw in the specific execution-the speed at which the defense line is completed is slower than the speed at which Renault led people to kill. If they were a little slower, they would face No matter how brave Tychus is, he will be evaporated directly by the spider mine array deployed by the Vulture Cars, and doctors will not be able to save him.

Unfortunately, there is no Goliath robot in the equipment sequence of "Devil of Heaven". Howe Fortress is too busy to take care of itself and cannot support it for the time being, and this barren forward base does not have more resources to produce ghost fighters, so it can only use air defense towers and The bunker made up the numbers.

As for the air defense tower, it is basically an air defense missile launcher that cannot target the ground. The specific size varies. There are six-shot and nine-shot launchers. The twenty-five-shot launcher placed on the roof of a residential building like the Howe Fortress can already be called an air defense missile launcher. The organ is gone.

As for the bunker, everyone destroyed more than one during the attack. It was basically a pit and an iron turtle shell. It had no offensive capabilities. Its combat effectiveness was directly proportional to the number of marines hiding in it, and the defensive structure of the bunker itself After being blown up, the soldiers inside can still hold on with their own lives for a while, which is better than nothing.

If there were a sufficient number of medics, and with Renault's ultimate ability, the effective combat effectiveness of each clone trooper could be multiplied several times, but the kind of military unit that must be filled by natural people made his idea basically impossible to realize.

Having said that, it shouldn’t be possible for Lieutenant Colonel Javier to regard this base as an abandoned property, right? You must know that except for his direct guards, no special forces team is more capable than the "Devils of Heaven".

Renault thought about it, while confirming the attack range of the bunkers and air defense towers while choosing construction locations for them. The pilots of the ten SCVs must have cursed because there were too many stacked construction sequences. _

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