The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and seventy-seven, element 0 (91)

The land of the dead... would even a spore-reproducing creature wish for an afterlife?

If you think about it carefully, although a varying number of new green lights will be born after the green light dies, none of these "newborns" will inherit the thinking of the dead green light.

As their creator, I can responsibly say that there is no such thing as "reincarnation" among the Green Light people. The thinking and memory of a Green Light only exist during the process from birth to death. This is most likely the case. Because some of the little tricks I used to make the "Black Light Tribe" appear caused them a little misunderstanding.

[It’s not a misunderstanding~] The stupid system suddenly interrupted.

'Um? Have it? Why don't I remember? ’

[There is "reincarnation" among the Green Light people. As long as you accidentally let the Green Light you directly control die before entering the civilization stage, you can see it. 】

‘Uh…because I like to pursue a one-life completion no matter what game I play, so it’s normal for this situation to occur. ’

[So what do you think of Hidetaka Miyazaki? 】

'ha! May he live long! ’

【Puff puff! 】

'What are you laughing laughing! Quickly explain how [reincarnation] works! ’

[Well, because there is a hero altar specifically for resurrection in the tribe stage, I won’t mention it for now. Let me simulate the situation in the previous stages. 】

While talking, the stupid system reopened a small window on the complex panel of the civilization stage. It seemed to be the operation interface of the cell stage - although there were no operations at all at that stage.

[Here I am simulating a cellular organism that just escaped from a meteorite. In order to prevent you from trying to save the virtual green light, let’s dye it white. 】

'I'm not that stupid. ’

Familiar meteorites and familiar cellular organisms, but the color was painted white by the stupid system, and the mouth shape seemed to be carnivorous.

Click, click, the virtual creature controlled by the stupid system - let's call it Bai Guang - started swimming, eating the red balls it encountered along the way, while ignoring the green balls.

[Although you can now hunt other cellular organisms, it is basically impossible because the weapon only has one mouth and the speed is not fast enough. 】

As if to confirm what the stupid system said,

It directed the white light to take a bite of the passing creature, but the creature trembled all over and jumped far away, directly out of the "screen".

[In this case, you can only eat the red balls first, and then hunt when you have the force or speed, but this time I am not going to demonstrate that. 】

Click! Click!

Some kind of sound engraved in the DNA of the green light sounded, but the white light continued to wander slowly without realizing it. I subconsciously wanted to command it to escape, but I stopped trying to snatch control when I remembered that this was a stupid system in a simulation demonstration. .

Click! The passing "super big mouth" bit the white light into several scattered red balls with its jaws, and then swallowed them like jelly beans.

[There are many dangers in this world, and your creatures will be reborn far away from the place of death. 】Such a message popped up on the screen, and then the entire screen turned white.

[If you had encountered this at that time, the message should have been prefixed with a 'prompt', but I couldn't add it. ] The stupid system said smoothly.

Reminder sister, always drop God.

After the white light filled the virtual screen, it zoomed out again and fixed the focus of the screen on a white "egg". Then with a crash, a "white light creature" that looked exactly like before hatched out of it. It seemed as if it had encountered something terrible. The thing generally flew around for a while, and finally stopped in a slightly confused state.

[There is a term "natural enemy" in biology. Even if a newborn creature has never seen its natural enemy, it will feel scared and run away when it sees it for the first time. However, the natural enemy itself will not react. This is because it has survived. The instinct of "must avoid certain creatures" is engraved into the DNA of living creatures, but here we record the cause of death into the DNA every time it dies. If it encounters the 'Super Mouth' again, unless I take the initiative to control it, it cannot If you run, it will escape far away on its own. 】

'Hmm... It seems that many people nowadays engrave mysterious things into their DNA...'

[Because it is a virtual process, you can skip the process of eating and collecting points and just evolve directly. ] The stupid system ignored the complaints and made the screen completely white while talking. When it appeared again this time, the "white light" was already a land creature, but its appearance was the same as the green light, and there were several "white lights" with similar shapes around it. "White light", and there is a strange mud nest at the foot, like a nest.

‘Can’t you pinch one yourself? ’

[Why are virtual creatures so entangled? And if you ask me to pinch it, it will only produce "Mr. Thick Fish" or "Weird Dog"? 】

‘Okay, after all Gaia doesn’t care what the surface creatures look like. ’

[This stage is similar to the cell stage, but after death, it will not be refreshed randomly, but will be resurrected in the nest established by its own group. 】The stupid system said while directing the "white light" to stride towards the wilderness.

‘If you copy the evolutionary components of Green Light, it won’t be something that ordinary creatures can defeat. ’

[That actually doesn’t matter, just adjust the refresh of epic creatures...]


On the virtual screen, the ground around the white light far away from the nest shook violently. In a daze, the ground suddenly cracked, and a huge mouth sprang out, swallowing it directly. new world

‘Hey, isn’t this Kaz? Long time no see. How are you in space? ’

The familiar white light filled the screen, and then shrank again. When I looked at it again, I had returned to the nest where I was just now, and the focus of the screen was on a white giant egg.

With a click, the dome cracked, and then the two sides separated, revealing White Light, who was shrinking inside and holding his head, shaking.

[Look, the memories before death will be retained after resurrection. Although there is no delay in reincarnation itself, it still takes a while to hatch again. If you accidentally let the 'green light' die before, they will become like this look. 】

‘Hmm… So, the reason why the Green Light Tribe is so fearless and dares to fight anyone is because I never let them die? ’

[Just understand, I turned off the simulation, right? 】

'Wait? What about the tribal phase? There was no such thing as a hero altar at the beginning. ’

[It will be reborn directly from the first house built during evolution, just like this. 】

When the scene turned, Bai Guang had evolved to the tribal stage. The "reincarnated Bai Guang" who became the chief was using a staff to direct other tribe members to build houses and hunt and fish.

'I always feel like there's something wrong with this chief's temperament and demeanor...'

【Have it? Never mind it, I just copied the enemy. 】

I saw Stupid System making a few gestures next to the White Light Tribe, and then a group of Red Light Tribe warriors rushed out aggressively and went straight to kill the White Light Tribe.

‘The Hongguang Chief Feng commented that he was killed, Hanuman liked it. ’

[It’s a demonstration anyway, just hurry up—Ehhhhh? 】

Seeing that the Red Light Tribe warriors were about to reach the edge of the White Light Tribe, they saw the White Light Chief suddenly pick up his scepter and charge directly towards the Red Light Tribe warriors without taking a single soldier.

【Wait? Even if it is a chief and has a combat power bonus, three of them alone is the limit. I just brushed them casually, and there were at least forty or fifty of them. 】

‘Who told you to let people die so many times along the way? Maybe it's counterproductive and you're not afraid of life and death. ’ It’s rare to be able to gloat about a stupid system, so I certainly won’t let this opportunity pass me by.

[It’s useless even if you’re not afraid of death. In terms of combat effectiveness—what! 】

As the stupid system said, a chief can deal with up to three warriors. After the white light chief knocked two red light warriors to death with his scepter, he himself fell to the ground and was dying, but just when I was ready to see how it came back to life At that moment, a white light flashed all over its body, all the scars disappeared, and it stood up again with a straight jerk.

Since the soldiers of the Red Light Tribe were virtualized by a stupid system, they were naturally not surprised. They kept their heads down and continued to attack the White Light Chief step by step.

【This, this...】

However, every time the White Light Chief was knocked down, it would always return to its full state after a flash of white light, and then kill several more red light warriors. Finally, after the last red light warrior was killed by it, it held up The scepter roared toward heaven: "Anhtzagatirnas!"

‘If it hadn’t been virtual, I would have applauded him. What kind of perseverance is this. ’

[This...he learned the ability to restore it to its full state every time it dies? This is impossible. 】

"At this time, I have to ask the all-powerful prompt sister." I felt that the stupid system was about to have a blue screen again, so I decided not to tease it: "prompt sister, what is going on with this white light tribe?" ’

[Reminder: Because the star soul of the 'Emerald Grassland Planet' was damaged and Gaia's authority was used when it did not completely pass through the 'subspace', and because the influence of the 'dimensional demon' on the 'subspace' has not completely disappeared, it caused A small 'subspace storm' caused confusion between the 'realm of virtuality and reality'. 】

Cue my sister who responded quickly but didn’t understand it at all.

‘Uh...sister, just tell me the consequences. ’

[Tip: The ‘White Light Tribe’, which originally existed in virtual form, has changed from virtual to real after absorbing part of the scattered star souls. It will soon reach the ‘Emerald Grassland Planet’ through ‘subspace’. Please choose to accept or erase it. 】

‘Hey, this is the legendary [Monster of Gaia], right? ’

[Erase, erase, hurry up. 】Silly System looks like a child who made a mistake and wants to cover it up.

‘Just erase it. Are you afraid that they will find you and beat you up? Don't worry, I'll help you carry it, after all, I'm the only one who can beat you. ’

[That’s great...huh? Something seems wrong? 】

When the stupid system didn't respond, I went directly to the prompt and selected "accept".

[Reminder: A new country, ‘The Country of Life’, has appeared on the ‘Emerald Grassland Planet’. 】

[The "White Light Tribe", the predecessor of the Kingdom of Life, has experienced hardships but has not been defeated by them, and has learned how to treat injuries and restore health on its own. They are worried about the increasingly tense atmosphere among the countries on the planet, and hope to save all those suffering from war. and ordinary people harmed by conflict. 】

Hmm... Do you want to put a red cross on their flag? _

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