The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and seventy six, element 0 (90)

After watching the development and interaction of various countries for a while, I suddenly thought of a question, so I asked Malefiya to poke Thela Soido.

‘To be honest, no one is actually playing this [Galaxy level] extra-large map, right? ’

[I’m not sure about this, but it should probably be like this. ] The stupid system responded.

'Think about it, compared to the mode below the planet level where you can start the game just by throwing away the doomsday elements, this one actually requires you to develop one from scratch. The power model cannot have serious flaws and be targeted by others, and the form of governance cannot have hidden dangers. Otherwise, it will split itself due to taking up too much territory in the process of conquering the galaxy, which will be a headache. ’

[According to my estimation, the production company may think that players who can pinch their faces for several hours will be the audience for this mode. 】

‘Experience creating a race from scratch? How interesting is this?

【Do you find it interesting? 】


Compared with the "players" who are eager to destroy the world, I am here to truly experience the joy of creation. I don't expect the green lights to dominate the galaxy in the future, as long as this group can continue and become the first to fight against doomsday elements in the future. The main force, I think it’s quite interesting.

However, the biggest problem now is that after entering the civilization stage, although the values ​​​​are much more, the specific operation methods are much less, and they are all "big plans" at the national level. Without visible results, , indeed a little bit boring.

The most important thing is that Malefia and Thela Soido, who are now free to move around, are buried in the center of the earth and cannot come out for a while. This is all the fault of the stupid system's gluttony.

[Then it’s something originally from this planet, okay? 】

‘Then you are not good at eating. ’

【What do you expect from a big snow monster? 】


Since this is not the first person, and there are a lot of things that happened after eating Mr. Sa's sword, I didn't have time to see what happened to Malefia and Thela Soido until now.

It was said before that it was the "center of the earth", which is actually a bit exaggerated. After all, the center of the earth is all magma. It is impossible for there to be such an underground cavity whose four walls are all obsidian and the whole is in the shape of an inverted triangle, which is only more than twice the size of Thela Soido. ——This should be the space that the tip of the "sword" originally occupied.

One of the "walls" of this space has collapsed halfway.

The rolling magma can be seen on the outside, and directly above is the "ceiling" formed by the collapse containing various impurities from the surface to the core.

After commanding Malefia to wander around and tapping with the obsidian spear, it was confirmed that it was not impossible for her to dig all the way up, but it would be a huge project. When the green lights reached the surface, the Green Lanterns It has been in space for a long time.

So, if you don't just lift her up, there are other options available...

‘Can that [subspace] be used? It feels quite like the space of imaginary numbers. Let’s do some imaginary number diving? ’

[The scientific name here is ‘subspace teleportation’, and it can be used, but do you expect her to teleport directly without protection or vehicles? I'm afraid it will turn into an obsidian stone statue when I go out. 】

‘Protection? vehicle? Aren't they ready-made? ’

【Huh? where? 】

Malefia turned the obsidian spear in her hand and pointed it at Therasuido lying in the corner of the cave.

‘In the name of the Command Seal! Transform yourself! Barcelona Car! ’

【Hello! 】16 reading


After a burst of retro-style metal collision sound effects, Thela Soido, which originally looked like a giant snow monster, transformed into a head with bright silver skin, black light shining all over, a huge head, strong hind limbs and a tail. And a pair of behemoths with short claws - Mechanical Greymon.

[Hmm... The transformation command, transformation sound effects, transformation process and transformation results are all inseparable from each other. The will of the world can indeed do whatever it wants. 】Thelasoido turned his head and looked around. Although his expression was invisible, the stupid system's tone sounded quite depressed.

"Okay, the vehicle is here," Malefia climbed up on MechanicalGreymon's tail, and finally stood on its head. After putting away the obsidian spear, she held the two mechanical spears that she had kept for some reason in one hand. Tou Mao: 'Let's go! Dragon fighter! ’

[Do you want to unify the names for this guy first? Or ask if it will perform imaginary number diving? 】

‘Then will you do it? Bahamut? ’

[Okay, I will. 】

The stupid system responded depressingly, and then commanded Tela Soido's two short claws to spread to the left and right, stand with two hind legs in a horse stance, and then a light curtain shaped like an emerald green fishing net appeared out of thin air all around. , it is slightly curved into an hourglass shape as a whole, but is not capped at the top or bottom.

The next moment, Therazoido and Malefia on top of its head turned into a bright emerald green meteor and flew straight up into the sky.

At this time, my sister posted a message that I didn’t know how to comment on.

[Tip: If traces of ‘subspace teleportation’ appear on the emerald grassland planet, there will be a certain chance of attracting the attention of ‘dimension demons’. 】

Therefore, normally one should wait until civilization develops enough to disturb space before attracting dimensional demons, but the order here is completely reversed. After the dimensional demons came, teleportation technology was reversely researched. Well, as expected of me. Well done to your creation.

Buzz buzz... Phew!

When the green meteor reached the top of the "hourglass", the abnormal "fishnet space" had not completely disappeared, but the dark cave where Malefia and Thela Soido were born could already be seen from the top of the hourglass.

[We cannot go directly to the ‘Black Light Tribe’ you built before. 】

Before I could comment on this "subspace teleportation", the stupid system spoke.

'how? ’ I asked casually while trying to observe the surface.

[Because it is already occupied. 】

Following the stupid system's answer, a large number of Green Light members with different appearances appeared on the surveillance screen. They were working hard on the old site of the "Black Light Tribe" as if it was their home.

‘What happened? Didn't King Green Light say he would send someone to protect him? This is the former residence of a hero no matter what. ’

[Of course it’s because the Country of Green Light has not established diplomatic relations with this place, and due to the rules set by itself, it cannot rashly step into the border. 】

‘What kind of establishment of diplomatic relations...ah, is this so? ’ Halfway through the words, I figured out what was going on, so I wordlessly zoomed in on the screen to click on the residents.

[That’s right,] The stupid system gloated: [Although in fact there is no country of the dead, it cannot stop them from ‘believing’ that there is, Her Majesty the Queen of the country of the dead. 】

Is this guy retaliating against my random naming?

The selected green light was clearly displayed above his head:

[Citizens of the Country of the Dead]. _

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