The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and seventy-five, element 0 (89)

The whole process of the ground vehicle occupying the spice fountain is: first, arriving at the mouth of the fountain, second, completely sealing the spout with a metal plate, third, raising a green flag on the sealed box, and fourth, waiting to be pulled. Return to the nearest city following the "spice balloon" floating from the box.

So stupid...

[What’s even more stupid is that these ‘spice’ are used as ‘general equivalents’. 】The stupid system jumped out when it heard the word stupid.

‘Although I think something like currency should emerge if there is trade, but, gas currency? ’

[Of course, after settlement, it will become circulating currency after being compressed and packaged in the factory. 】

...I always feel like I have skipped a lot of technology after entering the civilization stage.

However, if you think about it, if it is not something that all green lights need, it is difficult for other things to be regarded as general equivalents required for exchange. Before the emergence of mature currency issuing institutions, I remember that the ancients seemed to regard cloth and food as Currency used.

Speaking of "food" that was once the currency of the tribe... Now the green-skinned races have been integrated. Some of them eat meat and some are vegetarian. The overall performance is "omnivore", that is, all kinds of food can be counted, and It's not like the tribal stage where carnivorous and vegetarian diets are clearly differentiated.

However, although the food habits can be integrated, the original racial characteristics are not easy to change. Although other countries are currently dominated by green light, the overall style is still related to their mainstream races.

For example, the Country of Steel, whose members are almost all original Green Lights, are very inclined to develop messy buildings, vehicles, mechanisms and puppets. The consumption of metal minerals is as astonishing as its paper combat power. If all countries If they fight two by two with their initial strength, they will definitely win.

But the problem in this country is also huge. It makes things very quickly, and failures occur equally quickly. For example, if you give a steel engineer a pile of discarded parts, he can bang them into something. It's a barely decent looking vehicle. As long as you say "I wonder if this car can drive for a long time", it can really drive for at least three hours and then fall apart. At this time, if another engineer appears, the ding will come back at the same time. The last sentence "I thought it could still be driven", then it can really be driven for another hour - and then explode into a pile of charred parts. If a third engineer appears, there will be no way to save it even if the head is scratched. .

The members of the Kingdom of Nature are mainly the "elves" of the former Purple Light Tribe, and there are also many beautiful former Blue Light Tribe members. It is said that they are studying how to turn their skin purple and blue again. Maybe it is a retro style?

The city they live in is made up of giant trees called "Home Trees", which are derived from the trees of the Ziguang Tribe. They do not use steel at all in their daily lives.

The most consumed material is "high-energy crystals". These beautiful, shiny crystals that contain a lot of energy are widely used in all aspects of their lives, such as spear tips, arrows, etc. The main means of transportation are tamed various kinds of crystals. A flying or flightless giant beast.

Obviously, due to the very serious destructive development of nature by the Kingdom of Steel, the day they develop to the border of the Kingdom of Nature is when the two sides start a war.

Then there is the country of trade. The residents of this country are all small greenskins who are the same size as the "little followers". Compared with the dedicated and somewhat silly "little followers", these little people have an amazing grasp of business opportunities. To put it simply, Said that before the concept of "business opportunity" appeared, they grasped the business opportunities that would arise when this concept appeared, well...

Although I don't know what they are busy with all day long, but just looking at the more and more "spice coins" they have collected as a whole "trading country", I know that this country has some huge plans going on.

By the way, the first city of the trading country is located on the sea archipelago. They actually built the city in the sea without developing "ocean navigation" technology. Then they have only one way to go out: to transport people and goods. They were all tied into small boats and headed to the deep sea, where they were directly sprayed away by Leviathan.

That is to say, Mother Flask has a good temper, otherwise she will definitely let them drown, um... no, she will definitely spray them to the land and leave the goods behind.

Next, yes, the "country of faith" that worships Leviathan as a god is naturally very dissatisfied with the actions of the country of trade, but it can't find anything wrong - because strictly speaking, those little guys in the country of trade are just leaders. They were just playing in the water with their luggage, and Leviathan itself didn't mind. They had no reason to get angry, so they could only resolutely refuse to do business with the trading country.

——"That is our Savior, how could you take such advantage of His mercy?"

——"If you don't use your gifts, wouldn't you be betraying His intentions?"

——“Until you correct your disrespectful behavior towards the Lord, we refuse to do business with you!”

——"How do you know it's disrespectful? Maybe your Lord likes to spray us away. Wouldn't He be bored if it took so long for an intruder to come?"

Just click on a few scenes of disputes between the two sides, and they are all suppressed by the trading country in the war of words. If you make a simple guess, sooner or later, the country of faith will get angry and directly block the coastline, and the trading country will show what they have done so far. Directly "opening the sea" without using powerful force.

Finally, all the four countries have some attributes, but none of them is the mainstream "Green Light Country". Its neighbors have deep grudges with each other, and most of them will not take the initiative to deal with outsiders, so in the end they have to choose a team. Stand aside, or let a crane and a clam compete for the fisherman's profit?

[Isn’t it up to you to choose? ] The stupid system complained.

'No, it's better for me not to get involved too much in this kind of national-level matter. After all, this is not a tribe with at most a few hundred people. Mistakes can be easily made up for. When I can't read files, any decision-making mistake may be made. It will cause serious consequences. ’ I continued to flip through the numbers and tables. The more I looked at them, the more I couldn’t understand them, and the less I dared to interfere.

[Hmm...what about yourself? What do you say about ‘the land of the dead’? 】

‘What do you say about something that doesn’t exist? Because you were overeating, you caused changes in the earth's crust, burying Malefia and Thela Soido directly in the center of the earth. Now there's nothing you can do. Should I make a pair of simultaneous interpretation glasses and throw them to the ground? By the way, tell the user that the other glasses user is an astronaut who cannot return home due to an error on the space station? ’

[The queen of a non-existent country casually saved a poor girl who didn’t exist. 】


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