The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and ninety-eight, The Matrix (12)


Normandy, restaurant.

"Good morning, Neo."

"Neo? Did you not sleep well?"

Anderson received many surprised looks as he limped to the dining room on the second deck.

"Uh, I don't know. I was fine before going to bed last night, but my limbs were sore when I woke up this morning." Anderson reluctantly smiled at Trinity, who was trying to help him, and casually found a seat on the pure white dining table. Down.

"I must have exercised too much in the connection program yesterday." The young man who seemed to be called "Mouse" said with a smile.

"Excessive movement in virtual space?" Anderson pinched his arm.

"Although the feedback on the lethal dose has been deleted, there have been examples in the past where people who were seriously injured were reflected back to reality." The mouse tapped his own head: "If we believe that we are dead, we will really die. If we believe that we are injured, The limbs will also react accordingly, and you, Neo, you think you exercised too much yesterday."

"..." Anderson began to try to convince himself that he did not overexercise yesterday, and his limbs were not sore now.

"It's too late. This is reality. Those psychological suggestions are not applicable here." At this time, several chefs pushed the dining cart over, and Trinity took out a metal box and placed it in front of him.

"Um...these..." Anderson opened the lid, and there were boxes of food inside, including cereal, slices of bread, and some kind of meat, or so it seemed.

"They are all industrial products," said Tank, who had pigtails all over his head. "They may not taste good, but Zion has done his best."

"I've actually been thinking about a question," the bald password knocked on the dinner plate: "When we were in the matrix, the taste we got was simulated by it, right? But how do a group of machines know the taste of normal food? Maybe we The steak we ate there actually tasted like chicken, but since we had never eaten steak or chicken, we had no idea.”

"This is exactly why we want to defeat the Matrix." Morpheus, holding a dinner plate, sat down at the dining table, interrupted the upcoming discussion, and then looked at Anderson: "We have to meet someone in the Matrix first today. Neo.”

"Is it [Prophet]? I seem to have heard everyone talking about it," Anderson nodded, "But why is he not on the ship or in Zion? Is he unwilling to leave the matrix?"

"It's 'her'," Morpheus shook his head: "She can't leave the matrix,

But the predictions she made were never wrong, and a large part of the reason why we can find you is because of her. "

"Oh..." Anderson, who didn't know what to say, began to taste the breakfast. It was indeed bland, but it was still edible.

"This is the last operation before returning to Zion. The task is not heavy but very tedious. Everyone, cheer up!" Morpheus began to arrange the work.

"Don't worry, Neo, I will protect you." Trinity beside Anderson whispered to him.

It’s the opposite in every sense of the word, right?


"Ring ring ring——"

In the middle of the empty warehouse with mottled walls, there was a low wooden table with an old-fashioned rotary dial telephone on it. The phone kept ringing, and it looked like it was going to keep ringing if no one answered. It keeps ringing like this.

"Ring ring ring——"

Along with the ringing, figures composed of green letters and numbers began to appear around the phone.

"Ring--" "Click."

When the phone rang for the sixth time, a figure solidified from the void. The hand behind him picked up the phone, interrupting the anxious ringtone. Heyuan Book Bar

"We're in." Morpheus, wearing a trench coat and sunglasses, said into the receiver.

At the same time, the images of Trinity, Anderson, codes, switches, and pagers solidified behind him.

Everyone was dressed and looking very serious, but Anderson ruined the mood with a look like, "My muscles aren't sore anymore?"


A moment later, Anderson sat in the car driven by Switch, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar streets and pedestrians outside.

"I thought of something." He said suddenly.

"What?" Morpheus, the co-pilot, responded.

"If everyone here is a 'battery' of the Matrix," Anderson pointed out the car window: "Then their number doesn't seem to match. As far as I know, there are only 6 billion people on the entire earth, and there are so many galaxies. if……"

"So, what do you think?" Morpheus was noncommittal.

"I think maybe a large portion of the population is dormant?" Anderson said uncertainly.

"No, Neo," Trinity spoke this time: "Because there is more than one Earth in the Matrix."

"..." The answer exceeded his expectations and left Anderson speechless.

"We don't know how many there are in total, and the residents of the same earth have no common characteristics. As far as we know, the earth you are on is numbered [616], and the earliest earth is called [Earth 0] " Morpheus continued.

"That's not a bad number," Anderson replied dryly.

"We're here." At this time, the car stopped. Morpheus nodded to Anderson and took the lead in opening the door and getting out of the car.

" this right here?" After Anderson got out of the car, he looked at the scene in front of him and didn't know how to evaluate it.

It was a manor with a huge area. Through the iron gate of the main entrance, you could see a green grassland. In the middle of the grassland was a white stone road decorated with statues on both sides, which led to a building dominated by bright yellow and green. A three-story European-style villa in different colors.

"The appearance is not important. The institutions she sets up in each world are different, but their functions are relatively similar - to take in children who have noticed the reality of the world and displayed 'superpowers' or 'magic'." Morpheus Standing side by side with Anderson, they looked at the villa together.

"Can't Zion pick up those children? No, wait, every world? You mean 'Prophet' is a program?" Anderson turned to look at Morpheus in surprise.

"In principle, we will not take away underage children. Their minds and bodies are not suitable for growing up in the real world." Morpheus shook his head: "As for the second question, I also asked the prophet this, and she answered at the time Say [What do you think?].”


"If you have any questions, you can ask her in person. We have wasted enough time." Morpheus interrupted Anderson's inquiry and walked towards the college villa first.

"Uh... you're not coming?" Anderson looked at the switch and Trinity left in the car.

"I have to stand by here and always be in a state where I can drive away," the white-haired switcher responded without looking back: "Those agents may come out of some sewer at any time."

"I have asked the prophet about my future before," Trinity gestured to the villa: "Believe me, if you asked the same question, you would not want to see her again."

"Well..." Although Anderson still had many questions, such as why the password and pager were not acting together, Morpheus was already about to enter the gate of the manor, so he had to catch up quickly.

On the nameplate at the entrance of the manor, a row of copper characters is clearly visible under the sunlight:

"Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters." _

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