The Collection of The End

One thousand one hundred and ninety-nine, The Matrix (13)


Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

When Anderson opened the front door of the college, he saw "himself."

"Is it popular here to put mirrors at the door?"

He tilted his head in confusion, and "himself" also tilted his head. He tried to wave his hand, and "himself" also raised his hand and waved simultaneously. In the end, he produced scissors and "himself" produced paper, and he won.

"I've never seen a guy who can play jackpot in the mirror. If you're either too smart, you're too stupid." After losing the jackpot, "Anderson" on the opposite side turned into a blue-skinned little girl with a confused face.

"If you want to play like this next time, it's best to find a place where the internal and external environments are not much different." Anderson sincerely suggested.

"Huh, noisy," the little girl sneered, passed by Anderson, and then transformed into him in front of Morpheus: "Hi, bald man."

Morpheus adjusted his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and ignored it. The little girl returned to her original shape, kicked him in the calf, and ran away.

"I feel uneasy about what may happen next." Anderson couldn't see Morpheus's eyes and shrugged.

"You can't reason with children, especially children with 'superpowers'." Morpheus responded lightly, then passed Anderson and walked to the front.

Next, Anderson and Morpheus do encounter some young children with strange abilities.

A strong boy with tanned skin is playing hide-and-seek with a girl who keeps flashing. A little boy wearing red goggles and a child who looks like a dinosaur are shooting light waves at each other. The white-haired girl with white eyes and a body covered with thunder and lightning is using thin thunder and lightning. Chasing and hacking a blond boy carrying a hammer.

Fortunately, they seemed not to be interested in Anderson, which made him feel relieved and he reached the reception room smoothly.

"Wait here for a while," Morpheus said. "The prophet will let you know when he wants to see you."

"But there seems to be no staff here. How did the prophet know that we are here?" Anderson looked around. There were some children in the corner of the spacious living room, but they were playing relatively quietly, such as building block puzzles, playing cards and tableware.

"I know she knows," Morpheus found a sofa and sat down: "And she also knows that I know she knows."

"...Oh." Anderson refused to join in a conversation that could fall into an infinite loop if not careful.

He looked around and walked towards the child who was playing with the tableware.

It was a cute little boy with blond hair and blue eyes. There was a small pile of messy knives, forks and spoons on the small table in front of him, as if the cutlery box had just been knocked over.

Seeing Anderson approaching, he silently picked up a spoon and handed it over.

"Children don't play with cutlery, they are dangerous." Anderson refused the spoon and took away all the knives and forks.

"..." The little boy looked at him with an expression that was hard to describe.

"[Mr. Thomas Anderson, please take the tableware in your hands to the kitchen.]" A broadcast sounded in the reception room.


"Hello, uh... prophet?" Anderson's greeting got stuck midway through.

In a well-equipped kitchen filled with new stainless steel kitchenware, a bald woman wearing a khaki monk's costume is cooking. This combination is a bit too visually stimulating.

"You can call me [Ancient One], or Yao, Neo." She said to Anderson in a gentle and magnetic voice.

The ancient one? This code name is a bit strange.

Anderson looked around, intending to put the knives and forks in the sideboard before talking.

"They don't belong here." Gu Yi suddenly said.

"Uh, what?" Anderson opened the sideboard and found that the cutlery inside was completely different from the cutlery on his hand. Moreover, they looked like they had just been washed, and they seemed like they shouldn't be put together with the ones on his hand.

"Those tableware," Gu Yi turned around and said in a calm tone: "This sideboard does not lack anything, and the ones you have should be in Eric's hands."

"So," Anderson looked inside the sideboard without knowing why, and then at the ones in his hands: "These knives and forks shouldn't be here?"

"Although they don't belong in this box, who can be sure that they shouldn't be put in?" Ancient Yi asked: "You are the one holding them now, and what do you think?"

"I think... maybe these tableware are enough for normal use, but you never know when many guests will come on any day, so it's okay to put more tableware." Anderson replied.

"But for the sake of the beauty of the dining table, these mismatched tableware may not be used at all." Gu Yi continued to talk about tableware.

"In any case, they should not be worthless and folded into strange shapes by the child, then their value as tableware will be lost." Anderson insisted on his point of view.

"But who can be sure that their value is not reflected in allowing Eric to better control his own abilities?" Gu Yi smiled slightly: "You are the one holding them now, so you should decide their location."

Anderson nodded, turned on the faucet, rinsed the dishes on the handle, and then put them all into the sideboard.

"No matter what, remember your choice." Gu nodded and did not comment on Anderson's behavior.

I always felt that the "prophet" was playing a riddle with me just now, but because I didn't know what she was referring to, I could only express my true thoughts.

Anderson thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so he tried to change the topic to the right track: "Master Gu Yi, about me..."

"Savior, yes, you [can be]," Ancient One replied: "Every child out there [can be]. Anyone who recognizes the truth can become a savior. The only difference is which one of them will succeed. .”

It seems that this prophet has no intention of speaking normally? Anderson began to think about how to phrase it to get her to give him a clear answer.

"Even if I give you a clear answer, you won't take it seriously, right?" Gu Yi said before Anderson could speak: "You don't believe in fate. You hope that you can make your own choices in everything, and only your own choices will cause the consequences. The result will be your approval.”

"Uh..." Anderson, who had indeed planned this, scratched his face.

"It doesn't matter, this is human nature," Gu Yi took out a bag of cookies: "When you step out of this door, you will face your choice and destiny. I think these snacks will bring you a little good luck. "

"Well, thank you." Anderson took the bag and turned to leave the kitchen.


"Morpheus, I-"

"Don't tell me anything."

After returning to the living room, Anderson was about to relay the prophet's words to Morpheus, but he raised his hand to stop him.

"That is your choice and your destiny, and it should not be interfered with by other people's opinions." Morpheus looked at Anderson and said firmly: "Just like believing that you are the 'savior' is my destiny."

So no matter what he says, this captain will firmly believe that he is the "savior"?

It feels a little troublesome, but also a little pleasant to be trusted.

"Hmm... So, these are the cookies given by the prophet, do you want to eat them?" As they walked out together, Anderson took out the bag of cookies and shared them with Morpheus.

"It seems that she likes you very much," Morpheus pinched a few pieces and said, "I have never been treated like this several times when I came here."

"Has anyone else asked the prophet about the future?" Anderson asked slightly curiously.

"Everyone on the ship who can enter the matrix has tried it. Some are willing to make it public, and some want to keep it secret, but basically all of them have been achieved," Morpheus responded: "As for the content that can be made public, you can go back -"



The conversation between the two was interrupted by the sudden sound of shattering and the cry of children. When they looked over, they found that the flowerpot in front of a girl with many tiny flowers and plants on her hair had been broken by the big boy with metal skin. .

Although the boy was grabbed by the ear and admitted by the girl who could dodge, the little girl with flowers and grass on her head kept sobbing.

"Here, here are the cookies made by the prophet."

Under Anderson's surprised gaze, Morpheus walked over and started to attract the girl's attention with the bag of cookies. That scene...if the size difference was a little bigger, it could be staged in "King Kong".

"I'll wait for you outside..." Anderson couldn't bear to look at her and opened the door and walked out of the academy.

The scenery outside the door was no different from before they entered, but something seemed wrong.

After looking around twice, Anderson finally discovered where the response car driven by Trinity and Switch had gone.

"[Neo, great, we have finally contacted you!]" Tank's anxious voice came from Anderson's headset: "[Listen, our landing point was attacked by agents, you must go to our first Emergency escape from the villa where we met!】"

"What happened to the pager and password? Where's Trinity and the switch?" Anderson was slightly surprised and asked immediately.

"[They are running away! I can't help them!]" Tank's voice sounded anxious: "[Oh! God! Morpheus has been caught! No!]"

"Who do you think was caught?" Morpheus, wearing sunglasses and a trench coat, walked out of the door and raised his hand to press the headset.

"[Uh... Morpheus? You obviously... why? This one here is also real... there are two of them?]" Tank was so surprised that his voice became incoherent.

"Where are Trinity and the switch?" Morpheus looked serious: "I said that after entering the prophet's territory, all communication methods will be disabled. Unless there is an attack, you have to wait for me to come out before taking action. Why don't you stop them? ?”

"[But, you did come out?]" Tank organized his words a little: "[You said that the prophet asked Neo to compete with the mirror in a guessing game. If he doesn't win, he can't leave, so he went back to the landing point to check the password and pager preparation. How are the supplies...】"

"..." Anderson and Morpheus looked at each other and thought of the same person, that strange little girl who could transform into someone else.

"Tanks," Morpheus said seriously: "Call the bulldozers and mice, prepare weapons, and take control immediately after the pagers and codes return to Normandy. Although we don't know who among them has a problem, we are prepared."

"[Uh, okay,]" Tank seemed to weigh the known information: "[Hey! Bulldozer! Go get my plasma gun out!]"

"It seems that there is a mole among your people," Anderson looked at Morpheus, who was frowning: "But what if he surrenders to the matrix? His body is still on the ship."

"This only proves... that he is ready to reconnect himself to the matrix." Morpheus raised his eyebrows and pressed the headset again: "Tank, activate the cloaking device and try to cruise within the range that can maintain the matrix connection. , I suspect those pioneers are about to launch an attack."

"[Okay, Morpheus, but you have to come back as soon as possible. The connection range is only so large, and our cloaking device cannot last long under high-intensity scanning.]"

"Okay." Morpheus put down his hand and looked at Anderson, "Let's go."


When Morpheus and Anderson took a taxi to the old villa, Trinity and others had not yet arrived. Judging from the tank's shouting, they had not been able to escape the pursuit.

This clever operator unilaterally forwarded the contact from the pursued party to Anderson and Morpheus, and then showed the anger, chagrin and strength of losing the captain, which makes people want to give him the Best Actor Award.

"Morpheus, I can guarantee that the pager is not the traitor." Mouse, who looked a little funny because he was fully armed, contacted the two people and took the initiative to vouch for the pager.

"I will find a way to judge this, Mouse," Morpheus nodded: "What equipment did you bring us?"

The mouse chuckled and opened a door on the side of the hall: "Guns, a lot of guns."

Rows of silver weapon racks and the murderous black firearms on them flashed with cold reflections.

Anderson was lamenting this magic-like behavior when he heard Morpheus say coldly: "When I go back, copy and paste 'It is forbidden to copy and paste the content of the link program directly into the matrix' a hundred times."


Da da! Bang bang!

Half an hour later, the black car that Anderson was familiar with rushed into the yard covered in wounds, followed by three police heavy-duty SUVs in hot pursuit.

Although several crew members fired back from time to time, it had no great effect.

"It seems those agents retreated after catching 'Morpheus', haha." Mouse picked up a pair of miniguns and kicked open the door of the villa.

Da da da da da! !

The half-meter-long gunfire and the accompanying metal storm successfully blocked the three SUVs from the villa gate.

"Neo, great, you're okay. Morpheus has been captured. We must return to Normandy immediately to prepare countermeasures!" Trinity rushed into the main hall with a pager, password, and switch in a panic.

"Yes, I heard the explanation from the tank." In order to prevent his eyes from betraying the information, Anderson wore a pair of sunglasses and held a pair of submachine guns in his hands: "The exit is in the small living room. You go first. Mouse and I will cover you. .”

"I'm not injured, we can wait." Trinity looked at the pile of firearms next to Anderson and picked out a light machine gun.

"If I don't pull the mouse, this stupid boy will definitely kill himself." The pager pulled the mouse back from the door.

Switch didn't say anything, he just picked up a sniper rifle and aimed toward the door.

"Okay, okay, I think this is nothing to be humble about." Cipher wiped his dusty bald head, walked to the phone and picked up the receiver.



After the password woke up, he suddenly pushed open the glass cover, jumped out of the box and ran straight to the console not far away.

"Are you looking for me?" Tank held the plasma gun and pointed it at the code with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Uh, Tank, don't be kidding..." Halfway through the password quibble, Morpheus walked out from behind Tank with dull eyes.

"You betrayed us," he pronounced.


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