The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred, The Matrix (14)



After subduing Cipher and imprisoning him, Morpheus and Anderson exchanged information with other crew members in the ship's conference room.

To put it simply, "Morpheus" came out of the academy alone and told Trinity and Switch that "Neo needs time for more training" and directed them to "return to the landing point first to check the pager and password preparation supplies. How is the progress?"

Since he revealed information that only insiders could know, Trinity and Switch, convinced they had it, returned to the landing site with Morpheus, where they were ambushed by agents.

It was fine when he was silent in the car, but once the escape began, "Morpheus" directly exposed the fact that he had no fighting skills or military literacy. Trinity originally suspected that he was a mole planted by the Matrix, but as a result, the agents After catching "Morpheus", they immediately gave up on capturing the other crew members. Only some ordinary agents participated in the pursuit, which gave them a chance to escape, and finally learned that it was actually a child with "superpowers" who was causing trouble.

"We have to go save the girl," Anderson said.

"We don't need to worry about her." Tank retorted.

"..." The two looked at each other for a moment, and finally Anderson gave in slightly and signaled the other party to speak first.

"This is not to ignore death, but she is not in danger at all," Tank said. "The Matrix wants to capture Morpheus for the key to Zion in his brain, but a man who only has the ability to 'transform' It is impossible for an ordinary child to know that kind of thing. If nothing happens, the child should be released after she cancels her 'transformation'. Maybe you are worried that she will be raped by an agent, but that is impossible. No matter how ferocious a sheepdog is, it is impossible for him to attack the sheep he is trying to protect."

Although the tank was inexplicably classified as a "Wolf", most of the crew nodded in recognition. Only Morpheus did not express his position and looked at Anderson, waiting for his answer.

"First of all, I just left the matrix. I don't know how the agents will treat our people after they catch them, but they will definitely find a way to block their actions, right?" Anderson looked around and saw everyone was thoughtful before continuing. Said: "Then the child's action of 'returning to his original shape' will be judged as a 'means of escape' and be stopped?"

"Then she can always talk, right?" Tank said.

"For the same reason, I don't know how our people will counterattack after being caught." Anderson nodded his forehead: "Is it possible to directly switch to the personality of a little girl who doesn't know anything?"

this time,

The crew members all looked at Morpheus with different expressions.

And Morpheus actually nodded: "That kind of technology exists. To use an analogy that you can understand, if the human brain is a computer system, then it is a dual system, or a virtual machine. Although it can effectively prevent attacks, but It is not perfect. If it is attacked continuously, it will always be broken through and the real data can be searched."

"So...the last two questions," Anderson sighed: "The agents captured 'Morpheus' with the cooperation of 'Code', a conscientious mole, might they suspect that 'he' is a fake? Do you think this was just a little girl's prank?"

"As for the girl whose brain is not a dual system or a virtual machine, but just an 'ordinary system', what will happen to her after she is 'broken through'?"

The atmosphere in the conference room was solemn, and no one responded to Anderson's question, and this silence can also be said to be an answer.

"There will always be people who resist the Matrix-" The pager seemed to be planning to say something cruel, but was held back by Switch's elbow hitting his ribs.

"If you still can't decide, I'll make you an offer you can't refuse," Anderson continued: "Have you ever thought about why you think that girl is Morpheus? Just based on her appearance?"

"No," the switch with short white hair looked confused: "At that time, I did hear her say, 'Go back to confirm the password and pager to prepare supplies first.' This should not be known by simply imitating the ability to transform."

"Yes, from the time he went out, to the ambush, to the final capture, apart from his strength, his speech and behavior were exactly the same as Morpheus's. During the chat, he also revealed some details that only our insiders know." Trinity added .

“The first time I met her, she acted like a mirror and imitated my mannerisms without delay, only losing to me in a guessing game that I didn’t even know was coming,” Anderson said. “Now that I think about it, Think about it, isn’t it strange that a little girl pretends to be a mirror and imitates others, but her own movements are delayed and out of sync due to observing the other person, so isn’t it strange?”

"So?" Tank held his breath for some reason.

"So, her ability is not actually 'transformation', but 'duplication'." Although there is no more evidence, Anderson still expressed his speculation: "According to my speculation, because the 'level' of this 'duplication' is not enough Gao, although she can respond to questions directed at him in ways that she doesn't even understand, and when face to face, she can also imitate the other person's 'planned' actions simultaneously, but that's all."

"This..." A group of crew members looked at each other, and even Morpheus fell into deep thought.

"That is to say..." Trinity finally spoke first: "She actually knows the key to entering Zion. Although she doesn't know what it is, if she is willing to tell them, the receiving equipment can still analyze it. However, the agents believed that she was just a protective avatar and would not provide her with the instruments needed to analyze the key at all, and would only focus on 'breaking through the avatar's protection'."

"'Breaking through the protection' will inevitably lead to the death of the girl, and if an agent has a sudden idea to directly connect her to a key analysis device during the process, the password will be directly exposed. So, is there a sufficient reason to save her?" Anderson concluded.

"Very sufficient," Morpheus showed a smile: "We will rescue her right away, but Neo, you have to stay on the ship. I will enter the entry key in advance. If we fail, Tank, you can enter Zion directly." , and try to convince them to change their keys."

"This is crazy, we have never attacked the agent's stronghold head-on..." Tank grabbed his hair in disbelief.

"I won't stay," Anderson shook his head: "This idea came from me, and I can't stay out of it no matter what. Besides..."

He stared at Morpheus seriously: "You believe that I am the 'savior', but the answer given to me by the 'prophet' is 'yes'. I don't know what her standards are, but a guy who easily lets an innocent girl die is , obviously not qualified to be a savior."

Finally, he wrote a slightly lame sentence:

"If you don't sweep one house, why sweep the world?"


Eight blocks away from the software company where Anderson works, there is a skyscraper whose exterior walls are entirely made of pieces of bright yellow glass with a glittering appearance. Because it is short, fat and columnar in shape, it is often called "Corn" by citizens. , but its official name is "The Hive".

Although it has such an affectionate nickname, residents in the city give it a wide berth, because whenever a case occurs, there are always many special police officers rushing out from the main entrance of the building or the underground parking lot to solve the problem, and sometimes even high-end black police officers rush out to solve the problem. A black suit with a sedan and sunglasses appears. Qiankun

Therefore, even though it was too obvious that the base of an official secret organization was so obvious, even the most curious reporter had no intention of going in to find out.

Inside the hive, there are no elevators or stairs to reach it. It is completely empty and pure white. On a certain floor, several agents with different appearances but similar temperaments are observing "Morpheus" who is locked up in a transparent cylinder. , full of confusion.

"All data points to him being Morpheus," an agent said.

"But there seems to be something wrong with his head." Another agent raised his hand and turned it twice on his head.

"The level of protection of the 'virtual personality dual system' is not a problem for me!" The third agent was typing hard on the computer connected to the transparent cylinder.

"Smith, can I leave first?" The first agent turned to the silent last agent with a strange expression: "Although it doesn't have that function, I really want to vomit."

"..." Agent Smith looked into the cylinder, "Morpheus" made an expression like a little girl who wanted to cry, and waved his hand to signal the agent who spoke to leave.

The two agents, as if granted amnesty, disappeared into a burst of strange green light.

"You can go." Smith walked behind the agent who was still typing furiously on the keyboard.

"Hey! I'm different from those two losers. I only focus on the data and don't care about their appearance at all." The agent didn't look back.

"If that's the case, you should have discovered that it's not 'Morpheus' a long time ago," Smith held his shoulders: "Go to the bottom floor now, prepare to deal with the intruder, and let me talk to this girl alone."

"Tch..." The agent stopped typing on the keyboard with a look of displeasure, and looked up at "Morpheus", who also turned into a green stream of light and disappeared.

"..." Although Smith said he wanted to talk to "Morpheus", he did not speak after his "colleagues" left one after another. He just stared at the people inside the cylinder silently without saying a word.

"Morpheus", who was still a little panicked at first, finally gradually calmed down his expression under the silent gaze of the agent through his sunglasses, and turned to stare at Smith with a puzzled look.

"I found you," Smith adjusted his sunglasses and said, "[Lin Hao]."

As these words came out, the whole world seemed to be quiet for a moment.

"[Do you have bad eyesight after wearing sunglasses for a long time? I am obviously 'Baimei'!]" "Morpheus" paused, took the lead to break the calm, and laughed: "[When did she transform into a man? ?]"

"You are not a man, you just transformed into a little girl who can become a man. This is a loophole." Smith's expression remained unchanged: "If we guessed correctly, your current name should be 'Riven Darkholm' (RavenDarkholme)'."

Phew - the moment this name was spoken, the tall bald black man suddenly shrank and turned into a blue-skinned little girl.

"[Did you put your sunglasses on your head?]" "Morpheus" or the little girl Raven, although her appearance and voice have changed, her tone has not changed: "['Morpheus' is here There is no death in this plot, right? Is there any need for rescue?】"

"'Switch', 'Pageer', 'Mouse' and 'Bulldozer' died in the original plot," Smith said at an unchanging speed: "Except for the mouse whose consciousness died in the 'Matrix', everyone else died. Those who died in 'reality', but you in the virtual world can't save them at all. You can only start from the source of the incident, 'Morpheus was captured'."

"[Just kidding, it's impossible for them to die outside. The weapons on the ship have disabled friendly damage, and the intubation tube behind the head has also been technically eliminated, and cutting off the power of the infiltration cabin cannot kill the user——]"

"——So, how do you know the 'reality'?" Smith interrupted her.

"[...Huh?]" Raven stared, speechless for a moment.

"You are just a little girl, no, just an artificial intelligence created by Ancient One. There is no way to understand 'reality'. How do you know 'reality' when the plot in 'The Matrix' is basically the same as the original work?" The situation is different from the original?" Smith took a step forward.

"[Huh? Huh? Yes? How did I know?]" Raven tilted her head, her eyes were blank, as if she was stuck.

"Understanding the original plot, I want to sacrifice myself to save others at key points, and I clearly know things that are impossible to know based on my identity at this time. Therefore, there is only one truth." Smith took another step forward.

"[Am I really 'Lin Hao'?]" Raven blankly repeated what Smith called her at the beginning.

"No, you are indeed [Baimai]," Smith stopped and shook his head slowly: "The relevant elements are missing a key point: you don't carry a stupid-looking pet with you."

"[...Is it fun to tease me?]" The little girl recovered from her daze in an instant, and then stared at Smith with a dead fish-eye expression.

"It's free to give it a try, what if you guess it right?" Smith spread his hands, "Actually, we considered the possibility that 'Switch' and 'Trinity' were hers, but the switch is obviously a couple with the pager, and Trinity Ti...Although she meets the requirements in all aspects and died before the finale, it seems difficult to replace her. Should we leave Mr. Anderson single? Then this savior would be too miserable."

"[Actually, it's not impossible...]" Bai Mang seemed to be seriously thinking about the feasibility.

"I don't know how many [latecomers] like you are out there who think they understand the reality of the world and act at will, but since you already understand our purpose, don't--"


The two agents who had left before suddenly broke open the wall and rushed in: "Smith! The hackers are coming! They have used various strange skills to knock out all the SWAT officers at the bottom!"

"..." Looking at each other, the silent agent in sunglasses and the black man in a trench coat looked toward the door together.

"Oh, even the cannon fodder guard that the protagonists use to show off is trying to save. Why do you think I suspect she is here?" Smith whispered to "Morpheus", and then turned directly towards the hole in the wall.

"Modify the elevator data and let them go directly to the top floor. Let's go meet Mr. 'Savior'."_

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