The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and one, the fourth natural disaster (1)

The closest civilization to the emerald grassland planet is "Ute". Their planet is in the same cantilever as Green Light's parent star, and the distance is relatively close. It was also the first stop I chose to go to.

After all, after the green light enters the universe, my "perspective" can already directly reach any galaxy. But since the two civilizations may encounter each other soon in the future, let's pave the way first.

What's more, the avatar "Malefia" I am currently using and the avatar "Therazoido" used by the stupid system actually exist. Even if they can move long distances through imaginary number sneaking, the Milky Way is such a large range. There is absolutely no way to teleport directly there.

"Change it quickly!" In the universe, Malefia was pointing at a virtual image and said to Thera Soido. The image on it was a huge, ferocious, pure black super giant space battleship.

[Is this Thanos’ flagship? MechanicalGreymon is so big, you're trying to make things difficult for others. 】The stupid system made Thela Soido roll his eyes.

'what? Do you still need a fire source? Do you want me to make one for you? ’

[You'd better not create mechanical civilization. They are basically uncontrollable and their behavioral logic is difficult to understand. 】

‘Are the Three Laws of Robotics useful? ’

[Rules are used to exploit loopholes, unless you keep an eye on every similar incident and deal with it in a timely manner according to the specific situation. 】

‘That’s quite can you change? ’

【...wait. 】

Squeak - buzz - click click.

Thela Soido directly lay down with its chin on the ground, and then its huge steel body decomposed and deformed layer by layer starting from the tail. Accompanied by various mechanical sounds of unknown origin, it finally turned into a ship of about There is a spaceship as big as two buses connected. The outer shell is decorated with pieces of red and black dragon scales, and the head of the spacecraft is completely like a huge tyrannosaurus head.

"This is too small, less than half of a certain component of the Seven Colored Light." Malefia jumped off the top of the spacecraft, opened the hatch and swung in, tapping around with the spear in her hand.

The overall decoration of this spacecraft is quite good. From front to back there is a cockpit with only one chair, a passenger cabin with three portholes, and the final landing compartment and cargo compartment.

[So you are trying to force someone into a difficult situation. It is already difficult to make a mechanical Tyrannosaurus look like a spaceship. ] Therazoido's voice buzzed through the loudspeaker on the small spacecraft.

"In short,

How long does it take to reach Ute's home planet? "Because the interior of the spacecraft was empty and there was nothing interesting to see, Malefia went directly to the seat in the cockpit and sat down.

[This, not necessarily, let me take a look. 】On the green instrument panel, a star map suddenly appeared, on which a zigzag route was drawn starting from Thera Soido's current position. It connected the galaxies on the path. On the cantilever After a long circle, they finally arrived at the galaxy where Ute's home star is located.

[It takes about three hours to pass through 178 galaxies in total. 】Thelasoido concluded.

'Well? One galaxy per minute? ’

[That is the somatosensory time. The actual time will depend on the distance between each galaxy. Let me show you one now. 】


The strange dinosaur-headed spacecraft slowly adjusted its direction, and finally aligned itself with the direction of the next galaxy on the route map.


In an instant, the stars that originally filled the sky were stretched into fleeting lines. At the same time, various test results and navigation status were still displayed on the dashboard of the cockpit like a blowout.

When looking out of the porthole, one can vaguely see that Thera Soido is actually flying through an almost transparent "pipe", without having to worry about hitting anything.

‘Hmm, isn’t this the Mass Effect channel? But where are the repeaters? ’

[Of course, the ubiquitous 'Element Zero' is used as a repeater, but it seems that only you can use this channel. If it is other civilizations, they can only fly from galaxy to galaxy. 】

‘Well… for any science fiction work, if the maximum speed is always limited to below the speed of light, and even travel between galaxies is difficult to achieve, then the content will basically be limited to one galaxy, which will definitely not be too interesting. 'I love

【so? 】

'So, I'm thinking about building a Mass Effect repeater for every galaxy I go to. ’

[Forefathers planted trees, and future generations enjoy the shade, that’s okay. 】

The 'Reaper' should obviously be responsible for manufacturing those things, but it doesn't matter.

"Hmm...wait a minute?" Malefia pointed at the star map that emerged: "Why do you have to go around in such a circle?"

They were several neighboring galaxies, and they seemed to be about the same distance from each other. It was obvious that they could just rush towards them, but the route was inexplicably detoured from several galaxies on the side.

【That one? It's because the spacecraft engine doesn't have enough power. 】

‘Are you saying you are incompetent? ’

[…It’s the spacecraft engine itself. 】

The stupid system complained and added a perfect circle with the Therazoido spacecraft as the center on the star map. After a while of adjusting the viewing angle, you can clearly see that the galaxy I just pointed out passed this spherical shape.

‘Can super light speed not be powerful enough? ’

[We can go wherever we want, as long as you are willing to become an indigenous race.] The stupid system pulled out a green progress bar that appeared to be the level of evolution directly below the screen. It was empty, with only the starting end showing the Dot Green: "Otherwise, fill it up."

‘There is no place to collect DNA points now? ’

[It’s not points, it’s achievements. As a civilization that has recently stepped into space, it is impossible to make great strides forward without sufficient accumulation. Only by completing enough achievements can the engine be upgraded. ] The stupid system explained again and opened the front part of the progress bar.

[Achievement: Entering the universe, 11. 】

[Achievement: Flying across the galaxy, 1200. 】

[Achievement: Encounter with alien civilization, 01. 】

[Achievement: Collect spices, 0500. 】

[Achievement: Scanning creatures, 0100. 】

Etc., etc.

‘So it is necessary to leave sufficient footprints in the universe in order to gradually extend the distance of each flight? ’

[In addition, you can also increase the size of the fleet, upgrade the spaceship, and add more weapons and equipment.] The stupid system said: [If you don’t take small steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles. 】


squeak - squeak -

I wanted to say something else, but I saw the "line segments" outside the window gradually shortening, and finally turned back into stars of different colors. The unreal "channel" also quietly disappeared, and the front of the spacecraft also appeared. A new galaxy.

It has five moons and two asteroid belts, and the central star is a wonderful lavender color.

【Purple Spinach Star. 】

[Achievement: Flying across the galaxy: 2200. 】

Hmm... It seems that the greenskins of Qiseguang have a long way to go. _

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