The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and two, the fourth natural disaster (2)

Achievement: Flying across the galaxy: 180200]

【Aloof matte star. 】

[Planet of the Dark Sea. 】

After flying through nearly two hundred galaxies, Thela Soido finally carried Malefia to the home planet of the Ute clan.

As the name suggests, this is a planet with water covering about 80% of the area, red earth and black sea. The star with blue spectrum cannot give the planet too much temperature because it is far away, resulting in relatively little land. All the trees grow on it are low ferns and shrubs, and there are no advanced creatures living on the land.

However, due to the relative heat absorption of black, the temperature in the ocean, which is like diluted ink, is nearly twice as high as the surface and atmospheric temperatures. This results in the number and types of creatures in the sea being more than a hundred times greater than those on land. Similarly, the first batch of wisdom The biological "Ute" and the civilization they established were born in the sea.

But they were extinct by this time.

According to the scans of the "Telasuido", there are ruins of large cities under the black ocean, but all of them are empty, with only some mindless marine creatures wandering and building nests in them.

According to the sculptures and paintings left in the cities, it can be seen that the original owners of these cities were huge creatures that looked like squids and octopuses. Their appearance is difficult to describe. Probably, if you look at the modern earth, you will be exclaimed "Crime" Sulu" level.

[In short, tentacle monster. 】

‘Shao Poverty, go and analyze the information they left behind. ’

[How do you confirm there will be one? 】

‘Nonsense, when an intelligent race finds that its species is inevitably going to perish, it will definitely leave some experience, lessons and even technology to the newcomers, although we don’t know whether these newcomers will be other native creatures or alien visitors. ’

[Dinosaurs didn’t leave anything behind. 】

"You, a Mechanical Greymon, are you talking about this?" Malefia jumped in the cabin of the spaceship.


The spacecraft began to cruise around the world while emitting scanning light to the surface and seabed.

[Achievement: Scanning creatures, 100100. 】

[New achievement: Scanning creatures, 109500. 】

The completed achievement turns into a green light and penetrates into the "progress bar".

Let it rise a little.

During the cruise, various biological data on the "Dark Sea Planet" were continuously scanned and confirmed. Most of them were strange creatures with very familiar naming styles such as "Clawed Duck", "Light Bulb Eye", and "Modern Rat". As expected, they still have the attack, friendliness, and speed attributes that fit the rules I summarized before, but there is no need to care about them at all.

[The scanning results were not much different from the previous 'Extinction Overview'.] After orbiting the star twice, the stupid system finally spoke: [The Ute population is satisfied with the vastness of the ocean and the abundance of resources. Different countries have formed loose bonds during the civilization stage. After the alliance, the development of science and technology has stagnated. This is also proved by the fact that the facilities used for decoration and entertainment in various underwater ruins account for more than half of the entire city's buildings. 】

'The entertainment of a group of tentacle monsters... is unimaginable, is it drilling into a kettle? ’

[Are you biased? Tentacle monsters can’t play games and watch TV shows? 】

'Really? Then restore their games and movies... No, forget it, I think those things will be lost. ’

[How ugly can it be to make the will of the world fall apart? 】

‘It’s just a metaphor, go on. ’

[In short, after being at ease for a long time, the Ute population suddenly discovered that the resources in the sea were no longer enough. Because the situation in all countries was the same, it was meaningless to launch a war, so they united and began to develop the land. However, that was only The resources contained on the surface of a quarter of the ocean area are still insufficient, and the Utes who finally woke up tried to use these resources to develop space technology, but it was too late, and they were never able to escape from the planet. The entire group ended up due to Extinct due to lack of resources. 】

‘It’s a standard salted fish. Why do you feel that even if you let them do it again, they will still end up in the same end? ’

[How about simply giving up the Ute race and cultivating other native races on the planet? 】

‘Judging from the creatures scanned so far, it will take an incredibly long time to develop them. Let’s scan some Ute ruins to see if they are worth saving. ’

[Well... there is nothing interesting to see under the sea. Many cities were abandoned in advance. Let's go and see the cities they built after they developed land. 】

'let's go. ’

When the Utes were developing land, the resources on the seabed for their use had been exhausted, and the resources on land had natural barriers to aquatic life. Therefore, compared with the quiet and comfortable undersea cities, those built on land Cities are not so much cities as they are scientific research institutions, military bases, and resource collection centers. Their functions are very directional, and some facilities are still active after the extinction of their populations.

In the end, the stupid system really found a surviving Ute in one of the scientific research institutions.

Although there is some doubt whether it should be called a frozen dormant warehouse or a seafood freezer.

"[I am a Ute. I am not dead yet, but I am not far away.]" The stupid system called up the preset message next to the freezer.

"[We love peace, but peace has become a shackles to our development.]"

"[We believe that everyone is equal, but a large number of people who are short-sighted and only focus on themselves waste a lot of resources.]"

"[We are proud of our long lifespan and inherited wisdom, but the lack of flexibility has led us to blindly go astray.]"

"[Our people are spread all over the ocean, but when the end comes, we can't even conquer the land.]"

"[Whether you are an alien visitor or a successor to this planet, since you have read and parsed this message, you must have a general understanding of this facility and think that I am a top scientist. ]"

"[Unfortunately, I am just an insignificant assistant. My mentor did not want to see the destruction of our species and left the dormant cabin to me. As the most heartless member of the institute, I can completely accept that a member of the tribe only I am left with my own world.】"

"[Now, you can choose to unfreeze me or let me continue to sleep. No matter what, it's nice to meet you, strange friend.]"



[This Ute, with this kind of message, it can be said to be the savior of the entire race~] The stupid system shouted in an exaggerated tone.

‘Hehehe, only your own world is left? Think beautifully. ’

After a while, Malefia brought the Ute's dormant capsule back to the "Therasido", looked at the lifeless "Planet of the Dark Sea", and snapped her fingers.

[Tip: The status of ‘Ute’ population members and their habitats has been rolled back. 】

[Tip: ‘Ute’’s current civilization level is: tribal stage. 】

[Tip: The current mainstream ideological trends of ‘Ute’ are: equality, peace, and xenophobia]

[Tip: The current population characteristics of ‘Ute’ are: longevity, natural engineers, slow proliferation, and relocation. 】

[Tip: The current political system of ‘Ute’ is: tribal alliance. 】

[Tip: Since the ‘Ute’ population has become extinct, even if it continues to develop into a ‘doomsday element’ after being rolled back, the ‘doomsday element’ will not be available. 】


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