The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and three, the fourth natural disaster (3)

[Achievement: Encounter with Alien Civilization: 11]

[New achievement: Encounter with alien civilization: 15]

Due to the size of the hibernating Ute, including the hibernation cabin, which directly filled half of the space inside the "Thela Soido", it was completely impossible to wake it up directly. I finally decided to let Malefia rewind after rewinding. He was awakened and released somewhere on the shore of the dark sea.

'It may have thought it would arrive in the future after waking up, but it never expected to be reborn into the past. ’

[Hmm, judging by the absolute time of the universe, it is indeed the future, but their entire group did not have the means to measure this time until the eve of their extinction, and now that they have been "rolled back", there is no chance. 】

‘I don’t know if there is any talk about time travel and rebirth in Ute’s entertainment culture. If there is, it would be fun. ’

[Then you have to learn the history of this frozen squid well, otherwise you may think that Ute was not actually extinct after it was frozen, but that technology has regressed. 】

‘Hmm… Speaking of which, what’s so special about this time? I just let it 'wind back' to the previous branch node of civilization development. ’

[It’s just a very normal end of the tribe phase, but there’s something wrong with their decision-making in the next phase. 】

'what is the problem? ’

[As he said in his message, after entering the civilization stage, these Utes love peace and advocate individual equality. Although they are of the same race, they have divided dozens or hundreds of large and small countries in the entire dark sea to check and balance each other. , developing independently, duplicating scientific research, infrastructure construction, and focusing on entertainment development waste a lot of resources. When we discover that the planet's resources are limited, we rush to develop the land, which is just to make up for it, and eventually civilization is extinguished. 】

‘In this case, wouldn’t this [Reborn One] try his best to unite all the Utes, and then declare that its journey is to the stars and the sea? ’

[This is a royal plot. Do you want to give him a golden finger? Oh, it's the golden tentacle. 】

‘No, that’s too troublesome. If you insist on saying so, the forward-looking knowledge in its head is the golden tentacle. ’

[I'm just a scientific research assistant, but it doesn't matter. Do you want to wake up now? 】

'let's start. ’


With bursts of electric current, the huge, pure black freezing chamber with an octopus pattern on its surface began to wake up the hibernators inside according to a predetermined procedure.

Although theoretically, this freezer will fail due to loss of energy after it moves away from its original location, that a problem for me?

As various inexplicable indicator lights on the freezing chamber lit up, the frozen squid quickly thawed, its body and tentacles gradually became softer, and its internal circulation had begun, leaving only its brain waves still in a straight line.

[Hmm... This situation seems a bit familiar. Would you like to match it with a large shield with octopuses and squids painted on it? 】

‘Name him ‘Steve Squidward’ again? ’

[The daily slogan is ‘Long live the octopus’. 】

‘Looking for another partner equipped with steel tentacles? ’

[Doctor Octopus belongs to Spider-Man. 】



The door of the cryocontainer opened upwards, and the brainwaves of the Ute inside recovered instantly. It first hesitated to stretch out a few tentacles to sense the external environment, and then poked out its head, using its feet as big as basketballs and carrying He stared at Malefia standing next to him with doubtful eyes.

"[May the ocean protect you, friend,]" he tried: "[Have you seen our research institute?]"

[Where is my research institute? What about a large scientific research institute? 】

'Seriously, it's Close Encounters of the First Kind. ’

These Ute's words are mixed with bubbles and fluidity... I really can't understand his pronunciation if I listen directly, but due to my authority, I can fully understand the meaning of the words. In addition, given that the voice is deep and deep, let's just regard it as a majestic voice. , uh, male okay.

"I saw your research institute and the ruins full of destruction," Malefia said to Nayut, holding a stone spear in one hand: "I found the reason for your demise from your information carrier. It can be said that you brought it upon yourself, but your message touched me, and I decided to give your race a chance."

[What about the promised rebirth? 】

‘Compared to waking up and being reborn in the past, wouldn’t it be more believable to be thrown directly back through time by aliens? ’

[With all due respect, none of them are credible. 】

‘However, the [fact] that the time of the entire galaxy has been rolled back is probably the most unbelievable one. ’


"[What? Opportunity?]" The Utes turned their big eyes and looked around, and tried to move their tentacles. They seemed not too surprised that the two sides could communicate.

"If your race is not so stubborn, you still have the opportunity to develop aerospace technology and join the [Galactic Alliance]," Malefia said: "Your civilization is only one step away from applying the "Archaeological Regulations of Extinct Civilizations." But because of you, it was fortunate enough to be covered by the Endangered Species Emergency Relief Act."

"[Is there such a regulation and bill?]" Ute's voice sounded very confused.

[Are there such regulations and bills? 】Stupid system re-reading.

‘I wrote it on the spot, do you have any opinions? ’


"I don't have time to explain to you the relevant details, the original intention of the legislation, and the specific means." Malefia patted the handle of the stone spear in her hand and projected a holographic image of the Dark Sea planet in the void: "You just need to know that you are now at a point when the Ute population is about to leave the tribal era and enter the civilized era. If you continue to develop, you will only repeat the same mistakes. You only have one chance to change the future of your race, and all the changes you make, When your race reaches the point of extinction again, the fact that it was originally 'extinct' will be replaced."

"[Wait a minute, this doesn't sound like something a scientific research assistant can do. I need...]" Assistant Ute didn't know how much he believed, but he had already begun to try to bargain.

"Relevant discussions have been held countless times in the Galactic Alliance. Our conclusion is that if the last survivor of a civilization is an incompetent person who can do nothing, then it should indeed perish." Malefia shook her head slightly: " You can verify for yourself what the current state of your home planet is. Whether and how to change it are all things you need to consider. Members of other civilizations like me, who have nothing to do with the emergency rescued civilization, are denying the past and interfering. Now, any help during Days of Future Past is strictly prohibited."

"[Ah, this...]" Yute didn't know what to say for a moment.

"According to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act, I need to know your name." Malefia dispersed the planet pattern in front of her and opened a translucent light screen out of thin air: "If your civilization is successfully saved, it will Your race ranks quite high in the Galactic Federation’s records.”

"[My name is 'Yuri'.]" The male Ute replied solemnly.


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