The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and four, the fourth natural disaster (4)

After deceiving the Ute who was suspected of having telepathy or skating, I did not use the conventional method to get Malefia to return to the "Therasido" in orbit.

After all, this race was crazy about aerospace technology in the last moments before extinction. If it uses relatively low-end technology that can be understood by Yuri, then the matter of "aliens sending themselves back to the past" seems very suspicious, so, I directly used "Imaginary Number Submarine" to drag Malefia back to the spaceship.

[It’s useless.] The stupid system poured cold water on you, [Your statement should be quite low in his priority of ‘truth’. The more incredible it appears, the more doubtful he will be. 】

‘I guess he must be thinking that aliens have imprisoned his brain or thinking somewhere and are using VR technology to deceive him to conduct research on primitive organisms. ’ I continued to look at Yuri of the Ute tribe.

Yuri watched Malefia turn into a ray of golden light and shoot straight into the sky. He shook his head left and right, made some meaningless bubble sounds that were not translated, and then began to dance his tentacles to check his dormant cryo chamber.

[Poor guy, he probably has a lot of guesses about the current situation now. If he continues to live, he will definitely overthrow those unreliable guesses one by one. But the real reason is that in order to save his tribe, the God of the Galaxy destroyed all the people they had come into contact with. It was impossible for him to think of things that could be "rewinded in time" even if he thought about it. 】

Next, under the attention of me and the stupid system, Yuri pushed his sleeping cabin into the sea. Then, several strange mechanical sounds sounded, and the entire sleeping cabin transformed into a, uh, hovercraft?

Yuri waved his tentacles and climbed onto the hovercraft, then hooked on something like a control lever in front of him, and the ship immediately carried him and dived towards the deep sea.'s common sense that aquatic creatures don't need masks underwater, although I doubt where his mask is going to be.


Peace, equality, exclusion.

Longevity, born engineer, slow proliferation, resettlement.

Just like the attributes I saw when I reviewed the Utes before, the Utes reproduce very slowly and have a long lifespan without accidental death. Therefore, they advocate individual equality, love peace, and occasionally negotiate disputes. Lord.

Also because of this, the Ute populations scattered across the seabed each have some local characteristics and a long-standing cultural heritage, which makes them generally unwilling to leave their birthplace and do not like to communicate with "outsiders" , not to mention "foreigners" and "aliens".

After combining these characteristics that don’t seem to have much problems at first glance,

In the end, it resulted in serious waste of resources such as repeated construction and repeated scientific research, which eventually led to their own demise. Their entire group was like a school of fish living in a pond that had no living water and was constantly evaporating. No matter what, the food in the pond was saved. , how to distribute the living space as equally as possible, as long as you can't jump out of this "pond", you can only dry up with it in the long run.

According to my assumption, Yuri should use the hibernation capsule specially left for him as evidence to convince the influential scientists in the Ute population to develop towards "space victory" from the beginning of the civilization stage, and ultimately avoid being suffocated to death in the mother's body. Star results.

As a result, he went directly to see a war lord?


Yuri's meeting with the War Lord took place in the main building of a tribal city.

Ute's racial architecture is very distinctive. Except for the undersea lair that was not used at the beginning, all cities imitated their own body shape starting from the tribal stage. They basically consist of two parts: the one with many functions, which is equivalent to the head. The main building, and smaller, diffused outbuildings.

There are generally only one or two main buildings, in the shape of a cone or oval, while the more scattered buildings the better. Their appearance looks like standing blades. The combination of the two looks like a Ute waving its tentacles in all directions. Layers of sharp blades emerge.

Compared with the expected twisted and weird underwater city like R'lyeh, this randomly developed shape is actually acceptable.

The target Yuri chose was a relatively bellicose tribal leader in a certain tribal alliance.

In the history of the Ute clan, this Ute named "Yudian" is one of the rare tribal leaders who advocates using force to solve all problems. Although he ultimately failed and was defeated by his peace-loving brothers, The Ute historian still named him "WarLord".

It's hard for me to tell the difference between these squids based on their appearance alone, but they are inexplicably able to recognize each other, probably just like I can't tell the difference between cats and dogs of the same breed.

"[The creation you provided is very interesting, and it does have some strange abilities, but this does not prove that what you said is true.]" The war lord "sat" on a red throne that looked like coral, Said to Yuri: "[It sounds completely unbelievable to travel through time or something.]"

"[I didn't expect to be able to convince you directly, now I'm just laying a foundation for you,]" Yuri said nonchalantly: "[In some events that I can't know and can't interfere with, but I can tell. After it happens, please remember that I have 'predicted' all this.】"

"[No, you don't have to 'remember' when the time comes, just stay here now, come fish!]"

To sum up, Yuri used the high-tech deformation dormant cabin and information about his future to try to convince Yudian, the war lord, to help him conquer other countries in order to solve the future difficulties of the Utes, but Yudian Ann decided to lock him up until a certain future he said happened.

If it is some "future" that will definitely happen, this is not impossible.

But the problem is that Idian decided to use force to conquer other countries at the beginning of the civilization stage, but was stopped and defeated by his peace-loving brother. There are too many subjective factors. In case he gave up this plan and continued to fight with What about the drama about brothers and sisters being respectful to each other?

Watching Yuri being taken away and locked up by his men, Yudian began to study the "hovercraft" that was transformed from the dormant cabin, poking left and pulling.

I highly doubted that they would try to overturn the situation, and I began to consider whether to take action.

"[Report to Chief Idian,]" At this moment, a Ute messenger arrived and reported: "[Lady Euryale asked her subordinates to send a message. She will announce that she will join forces with your brother on the day when the tribes unite to formally establish the country." Please cooperate with Ymir’s engagement to give him a little surprise.】"

Click, one of Idian's tentacles tightened, crushing the "hovercraft" part it was entangled with.

[Well done. 】

‘I haven’t done anything yet! ’_

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