The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and six, the fourth natural disaster (6)

Because the Ute race is too far away from humans biologically, and their daily habits and behaviors are too different. Although the meaning of words and languages ​​can be obtained due to the authority of the Galaxy God, it has no influence on body language, behavioral cues, and The allusions, idioms and jokes born from the marine environment are completely incomprehensible.

For example, "If you spray ink on this matter, then I will get into the pot" and "Then your tentacles don't want to be reborn." Although I can barely understand that they are saying harsh words to each other, I can't understand the language at all. territory.

Since that guy is the first "traveler" I created, I temporarily set up a protective measure for Yuri to remind him when his life is in danger, and I slightly accelerated the development of Ute civilization.

[The girl is praying...]

I looked at the newly created animated picture of Malefia holding a spear and trotting in the lower left corner of my field of vision. Although she was not praying, it... didn't matter.

Just as Ildian predicted, the tribal alliance led by Yonex was very interested in the dormant capsule brought by Yuri... and directly agreed to their request for alliance and promised that Ildian planned to attack Ymir in the future. When the country is established, it will help. However, because the leader himself is a scientist and an academic, the help he can provide can only be said to be better than nothing until the technology of the dormant cabin is researched.

Next, because Yuri himself no longer had much value after handing over the dormant cabin, Yudian led his men to establish a country near Yonex's country and gave him the title of scientific research consultant, responsible for independent research and development and Negotiate with Yonex.

Although most of the time during the negotiation, Yonex was interrogated about "future" technological development, social environment, and specific information about resource depletion.

This led to the fact that although the two countries led by Idian and Yonex were allies on the surface, they were actually the military and scientific research departments of the same country. The former was intensively expanding its army and preparing to cause trouble for his brother, while the latter was only focusing on research and development of technology. , and did not take the former's sharply increased military strength seriously at all.

So, this is called cultural isolation. If a "future man" with future technology and doomsday prophecies appeared on the earth, human beings would never react like this.

On the other side, Ymir and Euryale were busy evolving into the stage of civilization, announcing their engagement, running for national leadership, and a series of other events. Then they realized belatedly that why was their younger brother Idian missing?

Since most of the tribal alliances were evolving towards the civilization stage during this period, that is, establishing a nation, the relevant information was much more important than just "a chief and his men left", so Ymir looked through a lot of historical information before finally Found the information before Idian left.

Ymir blamed herself for not noticing her brother's feelings, but Euryale said that Idian's weird and awkward character was the main reason why she didn't choose him.

If this conversation is recorded and played for Idian, he will definitely be full of energy.

Due to the peace-loving nature of the Ute tribe, after Ymir learned that Udian had established a country on the other side of the ocean and had formed an alliance with Yonex's country, he never thought about defending against their attacks, and even sent an envoy to plan Establish diplomatic relations with them.

The envoys arrived very quickly. Due to lack of preparation, Idian was not ready to take action for the time being. He received the envoys according to the procedures and responded to Ymir's greetings. However, he blocked the "temporary embassy" where they lived to avoid detection. What's the news?

But it is a pity that this envoy had already explored all the information before that. Although the information about the "Future Man" and the dormant cabin could not be detected, the meeting between Idian and Yonex and the subsequent actions It cannot be concealed, Ambassador Youda deduced, what kind of deal did Idian make to make Yonex willing to support him in revenge against Ymir, and that was probably the high-end technology of his motherland. book bag network

On how to use wrong inferences to draw correct conclusions...

However, even if the conclusion is reached, it is impossible to pass it on. Yudian's precautions against them have been exposed to the extent of "I just have a problem, I just don't want you to pass on the news", leaving Youda at a loss.

In this case, the accompanying deputy diplomat played a key role.

The minimum configuration of an embassy is a diplomat who makes decisions, a secretary who records experiences, a military attache who provides protection, and a vase to ease the atmosphere, er, a deputy diplomat.

Compared to Ymir, who foolishly thought that his brother just didn't want to see her, Euryale obviously had to think a lot more. She placed a person in the mission in advance, the deputy diplomat "Beauty".

This stunner's appearance - although I can't tell - is extremely beautiful and at the same time, she is very similar to Euryale. During the negotiation, she was treated coldly by Iudian.

Because there is no such scene in the "history" provided by Yuri, Iudian can only determine the other party's true purpose through his own judgment. It is obvious that he regards the vase deputy diplomat as someone specially selected by Yuri. No matter who is compensating or provoking him, he will not look good.

The final result was that the beauty successfully used Udian's attitude towards her to mislead the personnel monitoring the embassy, ​​making them think that she and Udian were interested in each other, and successfully passed back the diplomat's judgment.

In this game, Ymir was on the first floor and Idian was on the third floor. He thought Eurielle was on the second floor, but she turned out to be on the fifth floor.

The surveillance personnel who followed Idian and were used because they knew about his entanglement with Euryale were in the basement.

While these "aboriginals" were fighting each other, Yuri had returned to his profession and was happily working as his scientific research assistant.

His current mentor is called "Ukulele", and she seems to be the ancestor of Yuri's previous mentor who knows how many generations ago. Although I still can't tell, in Yuri's words, they are very similar in both personality and appearance. If It’s not that the things they studied are too different, they can be regarded as the same person.

In this case, whether Yuri's original mentor noticed his feelings, whether he gave a response, a hint, or a good guy card, and what his psychology was for leaving the dormant cabin to Yuri in the end, it can be completely revealed. A love that ends in doom and tragedy.

But... did he think he couldn't go back, so he planned to get married and start a family in the "past"?

Hehehe, that's a good thought. I'm considering rewinding this guy alone after he dies, and throwing him into the hibernation cabin in the "future".

Let’s see if he dares to say to his mentor: “I am your grandfather.”_

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