The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and seven, the fourth natural disaster (7)

On the planet of the Dark Sea, a world war finally broke out among the various countries established by the Ute clan in the civilization stage.

Because I can responsibly say that this war will not lead to the extinction of Utes, so there will definitely be a chance to fight again in the future, so let’s call it the “First Ute World War”.

As expected, the leaders of the two warring parties are Idian and his brother Ymir.

Perhaps there was no big, irresolvable conflict between the two of them, and the original intention of starting the war was just to teach the other party a lesson or even just to vent their anger. But as the war became more intense and the area affected became wider and wider, even if they didn't Killing red eyes, but under the influence of the interests and attitudes of other allies in the same camp, the world war has completely stopped.

However, compared to terrestrial civilizations, the battles between aquatic civilizations are relatively less fierce. This is mainly because the properties of sea water are completely different from those of air, and the resistance is also different.

Burning and electromagnetic attacks cannot be used, the former is completely ineffective, and the latter hits teammates hard.

Although kinetic energy weapons, such as firearms, can still be used, their range has been drastically shortened, and there is no harpoon gun that can be used.

As for biological and chemical weapons, no one dares to use them indiscriminately when the direction of ocean currents is unpredictable.

In the end, the conventional weapon chosen by the Utes was a "high-energy laser" stimulated by "high-energy crystals". Although this weapon is affected by refraction and diffraction, its accuracy is very impressive, but the Utes soldiers still use tentacles one by one. Melee combat is better with a melee weapon.

As a result, I don’t know whether it is a coincidence or intentional, the laser weapons on Idian’s side are all red, while the laser weapons on Ymir’s side are blue. Every battle carried out by ordinary soldiers on both sides in the "Dark Sea" looks like It's all like a disco dance fight.

'I'm thinking of changing Yuri's name to 'Uri Sith'. ’

[But there is no one on the other side suitable to be called ‘Jedi’. 】

‘So I’m just thinking about it. ’

In addition, in the process of cultivating Green Light, in addition to the quality and special abilities of the creatures themselves, the only factors that affect the actual combat effectiveness are buildings, weapons and equipment, and the most critical sea, land and air vehicles after entering the civilization stage.

However, for Utes who live in the sea, because their "ground" is the seabed and the terrain is extremely strange, ground vehicles are meaningless. To them, air vehicles are probably equivalent to human satellites or spacecrafts, and they are also useless. There is no head start, so the most conventional main battle vehicles are various "submarines".

In terms of vehicles,

There were finally clear differences between the two sides.

On the one hand, Udian and Yonex, because of their "future technology", have produced vehicle units with powerful combat capabilities, comprehensive functions, and some artificial intelligence components. The only problem is that the cost is too high and the production speed is not high enough. As expected.

The vehicles on Ymir's side are low-cost and can be mass-produced. Although their overall capabilities are not as good as those of the other party, because they do not pursue complete functions, the capabilities focused on a single vehicle alone are enough to compete with Yudi's. Competing with the individual capabilities of those all-powerful "future weapons".

This situation directly led to the fact that after a big battle, the strength ratio of both sides in most battlefields was between 1:8 and 1:10, which coincided with the ratio of Ute's own brains to the number of tentacles.

[Hmm...don't you think of a way to reduce battle losses? 】

'According to the original history, all Utes have been wiped out, but now the history with Yuri's influence has not yet come to an end. Indiscriminate interference will only complicate the situation. ’

[Wait until they fast forward to the time of destruction? 】

‘Then don’t worry about it anymore. Basically, as long as the Ute civilization can survive this time, the number of ethnic groups lost is the necessary price for the nirvana and rebirth of this race. ’

【As expected of Emiya Kiritsugu’s daughter. 】

‘Are you saying that such an ancient setting is just for beating? ’

Malefia started jumping around and poking around inside Therazoido.

[Alaya is no longer a virgin, my youth is over. 】

‘You have a crazy youth! I will only give these extinct races one chance. If I can't take it anymore, forget it. I have a whole galaxy to take care of. ’

[Well, what are the criteria for giving opportunities? After all, the rise and extinction of civilizations are very common things at the galactic level. 】

‘The standard… is based on [can provide doomsday elements]. In other words, if a civilization that has entered or is about to enter the space stage becomes extinct, it is worth saving. ’

[It’s okay, after all, galactic-level doomsday elements are not interested in primitive races that have not yet entered space. 】

‘But speaking of it, doesn’t the Ute race have its own ‘group consciousness’? ’

【Hello! Wait! If you say this as the ‘God of the Galaxy’, even if you don’t have it——】


With a roar that resounded across the planet of the Dark Sea, the Ute World War that was originally in full swing suddenly came to a halt.

Well, it wasn't that the fighting stopped, but that my "acceleration" stopped.

[Tip: Because it is believed that the Ute clan is about to become extinct due to internal fighting, its group consciousness ‘Yuge’ awakens, trying to eliminate the inducement ‘Yuri’ that leads to its extinction, triggering preset conditions and accelerating the termination. 】

‘This guy still has the nerve to wake up? Why didn't He appear when the resources were exhausted? ’

[After all, it is the race itself that wants to die on its own. As a group consciousness, it cannot be controlled. However, ‘Yuri’ should be an alien species in his eyes. 】

‘Then he never thought about who threw this strange alien species here? ’

[After all, I just woke up and my IQ is relatively low. 】

Boom boom boom——

Centered on the largest area of ​​the Dark Sea, a huge Ute phantom slowly rose from the sea. Ten similarly illusory hands also poked out from the edges of different plates, firmly grasping the land.

However, such a large-scale action did not cause a tsunami or weather abnormality, indicating that it was not an entity, and the Utes in the sea were still preparing for battle or engaging in battle step by step, proving that this guy could not be seen.

So who did He intend to show such a majestic appearance to?

[Let me show you. 】


The head of the ever-increasing "Ute Alaya" hit the "Terasoydo" that was staying in the satellite orbit. His two huge eyes that were originally staring in the direction of Idian's base camp immediately turned around. .

"What are you looking at?" Malefia waved the stone spear in her hand at him.

"[Great existence, no offense intended,]" Yug was immediately frightened: "[Your experiment is about to cause Ute to become extinct. Please raise your noble hand and take him away.]"

"Nonsense!" Malefia continued to wave her spear: "They are obviously fighting among themselves, what does it have to do with Yuri?"

"[It's not Yuri, but a starfish, which has evolved abnormally and replaced it.]" Yug raised a tentacle and pointed to the capital of Yonex.

Um? What starfish?


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