The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and eight, the fourth natural disaster (8)

[Starfish (), symbiotic organisms, attached to the ‘Ute’ population. 】

[Population characteristics: rapid value-added, aggressive, delicious. 】

What the hell is this?

After "Yuge" specifically pointed it out, I noticed some strange creatures. They look like an upright octagon. The two bottom "corners" have some foot features. The overall color is light yellow, and the edges and about There are black bone armors at the joints, and there is nothing resembling facial features on the body.

[Just domesticated livestock. 】Thera Soido projected the image of the target creature in mid-air, making it look even weirder.

Specifically, this "starfish" is a strange creature with a lifespan ten times shorter than that of Ute, but a reproduction and growth rate fifty times higher than that of Ute. They will fight, but their, uh, meat is very delicious to Utes, and they are generally raised by Utes as pets or meat providers.

‘This kind of thing won’t provoke Ute’s group consciousness, right? ’

[Hmm...I'll simulate it. 】

The stupid system opened a separate window and began to simulate the consequences of the continuation of the current situation at extremely high acceleration.

As expected, the First Ute World War ended with the victory of Udian. Under Yuri's suggestion, he integrated the power of the entire ocean to develop technology, especially military industry and aerospace technology, striving to survive when the planet's resources were exhausted. Head forward into the universe.

However, his grand idea was not understood by most Utes. In the end, on the eve of the launch of the first spaceship, those Utes who had served for Ymir's camp and who only took it verbally rather than convinced after the defeat united to fight for the victory. Illidian declared war for the Second Ute World War.

This scene is very similar to what Green Light will look like when it is about to "win in space."

The Second Ute World War ended with another difficult victory for Iudian. At this time, he and Yuri were already old. Otherwise, everything they had done would be in vain, and they had to disclose Yuri, future technology, and the planet. The Facts of Doomsday and Second Chances.

Although Ute, who was hurt by the war, was unwilling to forgive them, most sensible Ute still chose to believe Yudian's statement: the purpose of developing technology is to travel to the universe as soon as possible, and the purpose of developing armaments is to advance in the "Galactic Alliance" Have enough voice.

Due to delays in the two battles, even with long lifespans, Idian and Yuri still failed to enter space alive, and eventually fell before the finish line.

After a brief struggle for power,

The Ute Empire has ushered in its second emperor. Considering his age, his dream of entering space will definitely come true during his reign, and he will also be recorded in history.

However, the Third Ute World War broke out.

The initiator of this war was not Ute, but the [starfish] they had always treated as domestic animals. This was something that no Ute had expected.

It turns out that after two world wars, the population dropped sharply due to losses, and when the Utes focused on scientific research and military industry, there was a serious shortage of manpower needed in civil industry, agriculture, infrastructure, economic circulation, cultural communication, etc. Some Ute scientists So I came up with the idea of ​​​​companion creature "starfish", improved their intelligence through various methods, taught them to take on jobs that the Utes were unwilling to do, and finally, in order to save trouble, even invented black technology that directly infused knowledge and abilities. Let the status of starfish jump from pets and food to close allies.

However, this is only an approximation. Although the Utes rely extensively on starfish, they still treat them as domestic animals. This fact has led to dissatisfaction with some starfish who had accidents during the infusion process and whose intelligence was greatly improved.

They did not expose themselves rashly. While maintaining the illusion of being domestic animals, they secretly summoned all their partners with sufficient intelligence. Because starfish were heavily involved in security monitoring and other tasks, this action was completely undetected. In the end, the Utes were able to When Dean's death caused them to fall into brief chaos, they directly launched what they don't know how to classify as the Third Ute World War.

The initiators of this war came from other species, and the meaning was completely different from the previous two games. The Utes paid attention to it immediately, but unfortunately, because all the living supplies were strangled, this time the Utes did not have it at all. The slightest possibility of victory.

However, the Starfish themselves do not intend to kill all the Utes. After all, due to their physical fitness and lifespan, many important positions, especially in the military, must rely on the strong and long-lived Utes. Therefore, after showing their own force, they Negotiation was chosen directly.

The final result of the negotiations was that the Starfish gained equal status with Utes, and controlled all powers except military on the Dark Sea planet and all future colonial planets. They also promised to fully provide an army composed of pure Utes, except for the security of various places. No armament is carried out outside the officialdom.

On the surface, the Utes who retain force have the power to overturn the table at any time, but in order not to starve to death, they will never dare to do so. The balance of the symbiotic relationship between the two has been seriously tilted from the beginning, and will be irreversible. The hopelessly continued to tilt.

Obviously, this "Yuge" jumped out angrily after anticipating the future of the Ute race "becoming a thug".

‘Seriously, can this be considered the destruction of the population? Or does Ute Alaya have a weird brain circuit? ’ After watching the deduction, I couldn’t understand it.

[This kind of thing... As expected, humans who call cats and dogs 'master' cannot understand it. ] The stupid system responded.

"So? What do you want?" Malefia on the Thela Soido asked, pointing her stone spear at the huge Ute shadow.

"[Exterminate the starfish, stop the war, and fly into space, as you wish.]" Yug continued to answer with his pronunciation like blowing bubbles.

‘... A new member of the group consciousness has learned to flatter others even before he has learned how to do it. It must be the fault of the stupid system. ’

【That's impossible! As long as there is a suitable groove, I will complain even if I am shattered to pieces! 】

‘Then you’ll be smashed to pieces! ’

Malefia began to jump and poke around on the Therazoido.

"[Withdraw the preface, stop the war, minimum requirements.]" Yug's tone did not change, but he sounded timid.

[Look at how scared you are of this poor kid. 】

'Is that my fault? ’

There was no way, the act of beating up the stupid system was misunderstood as being very unsatisfactory, so the mistake could only be continued.

"Every living thing has the right to exist. You can't decide to eliminate them now just because they will cause serious harm in the future." Malefia waved her stone spear towards the planet below: "The other things you said are up to you. Just figure it out."

"[As you wish.]"

Yuge responded, and the huge Ute shadow began to "sink" slowly. _

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