The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixteen, The Matrix (20)


Matrix, Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

"You came."

"I am coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"But I'm already here."



After the prophet and Anderson had an unclear conversation, they fell into silence at the same time. Little girl Raven and some other children poked their heads outside the door to look at this and that.

According to Morpheus's plan, he, Trinity and "Savior" Anderson, who are more attractive to the firepower of Matrix agents, will escape from the Matrix first, and then let the mouse return Raven to the Prophet.

However, when Anderson was about to jump out of the helicopter, he suddenly thought that his evaluation of the savior from the prophet was still "can be". If he allowed his companions to fall into danger and went to the safe zone first, would he be one step further away from being qualified as a savior?

With the idea of ​​giving it a try without spending any money, Anderson asked the tank to "instill" him with the relevant knowledge of helicopter driving, and sent the mouse down at the next escape point, while he stumbled and drove the helicopter to bring Raven. The School of the Prophet.

Afterwards, just as Morpheus said, the three armed helicopters that were originally following him turned around and left after he entered the academy's airspace. Only then did Anderson, a novice pilot, safely park the aircraft on the roof of the academy. on the tarmac.

"I brought Raven back specially. You have worked hard." After a brief silence, the prophet first changed the subject.

"Ah, she was captured by the agents because she turned into Morpheus. It is our responsibility to do so." Anderson responded.

"You could have asked the mouse to bring her back. The agents have no interest in that young man." The prophet said again.

"If they want to stop their losses and grab anyone to make up the numbers, I'll be better than him." Anderson shook his head.

"So confident?"

"That's how confident he is."

Since the prophet refused to speak properly, Anderson had no choice but to play along after she opened her mouth.

For the prophet himself,

Anderson's true attitude is one of "vigilant trust."

And as his understanding of the "Matrix" deepens, his vigilance becomes more serious.

Why can the Prophet's "Academy" block outside communications like the "Hive"?

Why was she able to find and gather a group of super-powered children who were a serious destabilizer to the Matrix?

Why does she maintain close contact with people who have escaped from the Matrix without being targeted and attacked by the Matrix?

The most important thing is, if she is so capable, why hasn't she escaped from the control of the Matrix?

There is only one truth: she herself is part of the matrix, a special "program".

If this guess is correct, then a new question arises: What is the purpose of the Matrix setting up such an "NPC" that can "predict the future" and is not hostile to those who leave the Matrix?

All the "prophecies" she told everyone came true. What's going on?

Finally, whether her evaluation of herself as "a savior? Maybe." can be changed.

"Prophet, can I still be the savior?" Anderson decided to hit a straight shot.

"No, child," the prophet looked at Anderson carefully: "You are now [hoped to be] the savior."

Look, she refused to speak properly at all. Does this sentence mean "I hope I am the savior" or "Someone else hopes I am the savior"?

The former is too conceited, while the latter is too narcissistic.

"Thank you for your answer." Anderson was sure that even if he asked, he would not get an answer, so he nodded and got down to business: "So, if the 'mouse' is here, how do you plan to send him out of the matrix?"

"I can't do that kind of thing, you have to work hard on your own." The prophet began to say some unclear words again.

Anderson decided to wait until she had sold out before speaking.

"You seem to call those places 'detachment points'," the prophet made a phone call gesture: "If it's the boy 'Mouse', there are quite a lot of escape points, and I can send him wherever I want. But it’s you who remain, Neo.”

"...So?" Anderson felt a little bad, but he was still calm.

"So, there is only the last escape point left, and your enemy will definitely be waiting for you there." The prophet spread his hands in helplessness.

"It's okay, please send me there." Anderson thought that dealing with two or three agents should be no problem.

"If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences in front of you," the prophet babbled as he stood up and walked to the door, drove out the children who were watching the fun, and then closed the door: "I wish you good luck, you really need some good luck now."


Before Anderson could understand what he meant, the prophet opened the door again. This time, the door outside was not the living room of the Youth Academy, but the lobby of an old hotel.

"The escape point is in Room 303," the prophet sighed: "Go and face your fate, Neo."

"Thank you." Anderson adjusted his windbreaker and stepped out of the kitchen door.

"[Agents are searching everywhere, we can't--Oh, Neo! We finally contacted you!]" Tank's voice came out from the headset almost immediately: "[What the hell, why are you at that abandoned escape point? The place has been stopped because it was discovered by the agents——Oh, Shet.】"

"What's wrong?" Anderson asked as he walked quickly upstairs.

"[All other escape points were disabled! In an instant!]" Tank's voice was full of disbelief: "[And the one near you is very unsafe, but it can still be used!]"

"Sounds like good news." Anderson continued climbing.

"[There is also bad news. The two armed helicopters turned around to look for you. The nearby SWAT and agents are also rushing over. Fortunately, there are no enemies inside the hotel. You have to leave quickly!]"

Are there no enemies inside the hotel? Ah.

"Boom!" "Wow!" "[Damn! Where did they come from!]"

As soon as Anderson arrived on the third floor, Agent Gozier and Agent Zaid broke through the doors of rooms 301 and 302 and rushed out and punched them. Then, Anderson, who was well prepared, kicked them back.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Agent Makur rushed out from 304, raised his pistol and shot Anderson three times.

Sa! Sa! Sa! "Ah da!"

Anderson panned before each shot, dodging all the bullets while getting in front of the diminutive agent, and kicked him away with an upper whip as he tried to keep firing.

Ding-a-ling-a phone ringing came from room 303.

"[Very good! Next, just pick up the phone receiver in the room——]"

Anderson opened the door and ran into a stern face wearing sunglasses. The distance between the two was less than one meter.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson, we-" "Boom!" "-met again."

Smith hit Anderson in the chest with an inch-strength fist that was unable to recover, knocking him out and knocking a huge dent into the opposite wall.

"Ahem!" Anderson spat out a large mouthful of blood, and his vision gradually darkened.

"[I] usually don't take action because [Bajiquan] can kill people too easily," Smith retracted his fist and said slowly: "Have a sweet dream, Mr. Anderson."_

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