The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventeen, The Matrix (21)


Normandy, landing module.

"Neo's vital signs have disappeared," Tank looked at the real-time screen of the matrix, his voice dry: "Agent Smith can actually punch people to death?"

"It's all my fault... Neo asked me to come back first, I should have refused..." Mouse choked up.

"He can't be dead." Morpheus seemed to refuse to believe the truth.

"Look, the 'frame' shows that Neo is still alive!" On the other side, Trinity's surprised voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

At this time, Anderson's real body was lying quietly in the frame, with a calm expression, and his chest was still rising and falling. The green light outside the frame, which represented "everything is normal", did not switch to the yellow light of "user injured" or "use". "Death" red light.

"This..." The crew members looked at each other, completely confused as to what was happening.

"According to the rules of the matrix, if any consciousness connected to the matrix believes that he is dead, then he will die directly even if he does not suffer any harm. The current situation... Neo firmly believes that he will not die?" Tank's face was filled with disbelief.

"That's useless. If you firmly believe that you won't die if you don't die, the relevant skills must have spread long ago. Obviously this kind of psychological suggestion is of little use to the matrix with strict rules and logic." Morpheus slowly shook his head.

"Is the agent's 'castling' the king's car very logical?" Trinity touched the cover on the frame: "I believe that Neo must have used his strong will to break through the limitations of the matrix. Wake up quickly. , Neo.”

——? ? ? ——

[This moment suddenly feels so familiar,]

[It's like yesterday and today are being screened at the same time. 】

"A fist with such power is not enough to kill me - eh?"

Anderson was about to use the wall behind him to launch a counterattack against Agent Smith, but in the next second he fell directly to the floor because he had nowhere to use his strength. When he looked up in surprise, he found that the surrounding environment had silently changed. appearance.

This is no longer a dilapidated small hotel corridor, but a circular room that exudes a faint white light. This room has no entrances and exits. The four walls are covered with "monitors" showing different contents. Anderson looked at a few of them casually. The content seemed to be the daily life of ordinary people in the matrix, so he stopped paying attention and turned his attention to the "master" here.

At the other end of the white room, there was a white swivel chair with a soft and comfortable backrest. Sitting on the chair was a silver-haired girl who looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old at most.

The girl held her chin in one hand and rested the other on the armrest. Her eyes were closed and her body was rising and falling slightly. She seemed to be dozing off. Although the color of her eyes could not be seen clearly, Anderson subconsciously thought they must be ruby-like bright red.

【I know being hurt is a kind of luck,】

[But I cannot completely surrender myself. 】

She wore a pure white nun's uniform that reached her ankles and had wide sleeves. A pair of rose-red ribbons embroidered with gold ornate patterns hung forward from her shoulders, and a small bright gold crown was tilted on her head.

The girl didn't react at all to Anderson's appearance. She didn't respond to the intruder's attack, nor did she wake up to greet him.

"Uh, hello?" Anderson waited some more, and finally couldn't help but take the initiative to say hello to her, but still didn't receive any response.

Could this be the hidden space of the matrix? Did he fall through the mold because of that punch from Smith?

No, how could a program that could sustain an entire world be so stupid?

That is, there was some unknown connection between his actions just now and the actions of the agents, triggering the preset conditions that brought the trigger person here?

Anderson began to use a programmer's thinking to understand the current situation, but he was still confused.

"Excuse me, are you the owner of this place?"

【It seems like yesterday,】

[But yesterday is very far away,]

[But I can still see with my eyes closed. 】


The girl still didn't respond, but the "display screens" on both sides of the circular room separated, revealing two technologically-sounding doors with screens.

One of them shows the scene of Trinity calling Anderson in the frame in the Normandy landing module, and the other one shows the scene of Agent Smith leaving Anderson's "body" and turning away in the abandoned hotel. Two pictures. The movements of the characters appear extremely slow, leaving Anderson enough time to make decisions.

"This... I was really beaten to death with just one punch?" Anderson thought about it.

In fact, there is not much difference between these two choices. The former should be to return directly to the Normandy after his "death", which can be explained by the firmness of his mind and the specialness of the savior, while the latter is to "resurrect" after his own death, which is not only unexplainable. , and had to fight with Smith before he could leave.

"There is no need for us to fight life and death with the agents to rescue Raven. The purpose of this trip has been achieved. If we don't go to Zion as soon as possible, we will be targeted by the matrix again..." Anderson said as he walked towards the representative of Normandy. That door.

[Thank you for being you,]

【Take my hand,】

【You can still feel the tenderness. 】

Wait, that's not right.

Just as he was about to push the door open, Anderson stopped.

He is now [hoped to be] the savior. In any case, this title goes further than [can be].

Regardless of whether it is your own wish to become a savior or someone else's wish, directly "resurrecting in place" should be more "hopeful" than running away.

The most important thing is that the guy used Gatling to attack me before, and the black tiger took out his heart. If he couldn't retaliate but ran away in embarrassment, what was the point of being a savior?

With this thought, Anderson turned around and walked towards the other door without hesitation. In the picture displayed on the screen of that door, Smith had just taken less than two steps, and Markul, who had shot himself before, had already passed the "King's Car". "Castling" turned into a special police officer, lying not far away, equipped with a gun, so naturally he was also there.

After thinking for a moment, Anderson made a plan and opened the door directly.

【Unfortunately, not you,】

【Stay with me till the end,】

【We once walked together but lost the intersection. 】


"Have sweet dreams, Mr. Anderson."

Agent Smith left the "dead" Anderson behind and turned to walk up the stairs of the hotel. He had just taken three steps when he found Zaid and Gozier standing there gesticulating with their hands and feet.

―There are enemies behind you.

While understanding the meaning of those two actions, his heart was also pressed against by a cold gun barrel, and from behind came Anderson's voice, which was somewhat short of breath due to pain:

"Have sweet dreams too, Agent Smith."



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