The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred and Eighteen, The Matrix (22)


Normandie, landing module.

Anderson had just sat up from the frame in a daze when he heard bursts of applause coming from around him.

The mouse, switch, pager, tank, bulldozer, and a few other crew members who looked familiar but could not be named were looking at him with admiration and clapping their hands desperately.


"Truly a savior!"

"It turns out he is more than just a talented warrior."

"Those tricks are not something ordinary people can do!"

"..." Anderson looked at them speechlessly. Could it be that they only recognized him as the savior because of Morpheus's face?

"I never doubted it, but it's a surprise that you can do it to this extent." Morpheus's dark face didn't show much expression, but his tone sounded quite happy.

"When you were caught by the agents just now, my heart almost stopped. Fortunately, you are okay." Trinity held Anderson's arm tightly.

Anderson twitched his hand in embarrassment, but did not twitch.

"Neo, I recorded your heroic performance in defeating Smith and sent it to Zion's internal network. It's guaranteed to be popular~" Mouse winked.

Although I am not sure of the specific form of expression, the scene must be coded no matter how I think about it, right?

Anderson raised his eyebrows, recalling the previous situation in the matrix.

Obviously, in that virtual world, in addition to "believing that you will die", another way to die is "the matrix thinks you will die."

That move was a half-step collapsing fist of Bajiquan. If it was in the training program, Anderson would have had a hundred ways to deal with it, but the matrix thought that he would die after this punch, so he "died".

Obviously, when dealing with ordinary agents, it is still a competition of willpower and moves, but when it comes to Smith, it becomes a confrontation of program priorities. This kind of behavior is generally called by the victims——

Permission dog!

If he hadn't fallen into that strange BUG space, his savior would have died young.

The little mistress of that space didn't seem to be satisfied with Smith's bullying behavior based on his authority.

So I gave myself a second chance.

When Anderson woke up, although there was still severe pain and serious injuries in his chest and abdomen, he had no problem counterattacking an enemy who carelessly turned his back towards him.

So, after Anderson rolled over to take away the pistol from Agent Maculle and put it against Smith's back, since the two had the same authority, there was no doubt about the outcome.

However, the other party's death method is still very shocking.

Different from the reaction of a normal object being hit by a bullet, Smith did not open a big hole in his back and fall to the ground to vomit blood. He froze directly on the spot. Centered on the part hit by the bullet, a greenish color continued to spread to other parts of his body. Braving the cracks of green flames, when those dense cracks covered Smith's body like a spider web, the agent exploded from it, causing the originally straight corridor to become as turbulent as water waves.

It seemed that Agent Smith was killed before he even had time to use Castling, but Anderson didn't think he was that easy to defeat. The reactions of other agents who turned around and ran away told him otherwise. .

Then, the bell in Room 303 rang again, and Anderson picked up the phone and returned to Normandy, being applauded and praised by all the crew members. Lingyi Reading Network


Star map command room.

Although I admire Anderson's brilliant behavior in the matrix, it is not of much use to the Normandy itself. If you really encounter the Grox spacecraft, it depends on the firepower, speed and armor shield.

So, after praising Anderson, the crew members returned to work and began to prepare for their return to Zion.

Morpheus naturally pressed his hands on the huge star chart table again.

"Is there any special reaction in the matrix? What are the movements of Grox?" Morpheus asked while planning the route to Zion.

"[The dispatch of armed helicopters was explained as a movie, while the 'Hive' accident was turned a blind eye by the public,]" Tank, still inside the surveillance matrix, responded: "[As for the hotel where Neo finally left, it is said that there are criminals there. There was a fire there, causing a gas explosion, and it was temporarily blocked.]"

"[There are no signs of Grox approaching us, so we can judge that they failed to find our access location,]" the mouse in the cockpit responded: "[However, the density of patrols has increased, and the safety level of some routes has been reduced. You may encounter interception.】"

"In this case, we will abandon those lines," Morpheus sketched on the star map: "The matrix suffered a big loss this time. It will be very troublesome if they discover the general direction of Zion."


"Hey, Link, what kind of place is Zion?"

Since all the crew members were busy at their posts, Anderson, who was new to the ship and had no responsibilities, was embarrassed to interrupt, so he spoke to the dark-skinned operator next to him who was also idle.

Although Trinity probably didn't mind his interruption, he didn't plan on causing public wrath just yet.

After all, there are not too many women on the Normandy, and there are even fewer who are as dazzling and active as Trinity. She probably had a lot of fans before she got on the ship, although she is currently pretending to be a "savior" The halo is also suitable, but... let's wait until we get to Zion.

"Zion, that is humanity's last hope, the frontline and last position against matrix rule, the home we must protect, and we must love her like we love our own eyes." Link read in a poem-reciting tone.

"..." Anderson was speechless for a moment.

Link is the external liaison officer of the Normandy, and occasionally plays a guest role as the operator. It is said that he and the sister of the brothers Tank and Bulldozer who stayed in Zion are lovers, and they always suffer from literary youth syndrome from time to time.

In addition, the sister of the tank and the bulldozer, according to common sense, must be a tractor or an excavator, but it is a pity that the girl is called Zelda (Zelda), Link calls her Ze (Zee), and often takes out pictures Show off to others.

If he were a character from one of those TV shows in The Matrix, he would not survive three episodes.

"I'm asking about geography, climate, population ecology, and management systems." Anderson interrupted Link's poetry recitation.

"You don't know?" Link looked at Anderson.

"Should I know?"

"Okay," Link shook his head: "Zion is 150 million kilometers away from the star, with an inclination of 23.26 degrees, an equatorial radius of 6,300 kilometers, a surface area of ​​510 million square kilometers, 71% of which is ocean, and 29% of which is land..."

"Wait?" Even though Anderson is not very good at geography, these data sound more and more familiar. Why are they exactly the same as the earth?

Obviously Link didn't intend to stop. He winked at Anderson and said the last sentence:

"Total population: 7,053 million."_

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