The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred and Nineteen, The Matrix (23)


Zion galaxy.

This is a weird star system with only one star, one planet and an asteroid belt. Its distance from any nearby star is more than a hundred times the distance between regular stars, and that star is not originally Stars in the orange spectrum are so bright that they are completely invisible against the cosmic background.

In other words, without special navigation methods, reaching this galaxy would have to take tens of thousands of years to try your luck.

At the edge of this star system, a giant artificial object that is all silver and shaped like a key is floating there quietly.

There was a blue stream of light surging in the position of its "key grip", and this light illuminated a large number of nearby space ships.

Some of them are golden in color and quite beautiful, others are green in color and distorted in shape; some are in line with modern craftsmanship, but the forced asymmetry makes people angry, and some are only intended to have complete functions without considering the shape at all, just like assembly. Get up the garbage.

In addition, there are some perfect circles, oblate squares, acute triangles, and even weird long-shaped spaceships like street lamps. Some spaceships shaped like paper clips even leave no space for the operator at all.

They wandered aimlessly around the giant key, but never strayed far away.


The blue light in the "key grip" suddenly shines brightly, and continuously projects blue light lightning to the surroundings. Although there is no sound that can be transmitted in space, any intelligent creature that sees this scene will make up for it in its mind. sound effects.

The originally scattered cluster of spaceships paused for a moment, and then dispersed around a certain location.


With the last burst of blue light, the slender, silver-white Normandy suddenly appeared in the cleared airspace.

"Well done, Mouse." Morpheus praised through the intercom.

"[Just 'good'?]" Mouse seemed to be dissatisfied with this evaluation: "[Ordinary spaceships will have an error of 5,000 to 10,000 meters after passing through the 'Mass Effect Channel', but the distance to my destination this time is Only 1,500 meters, this is not called 'NoBad', this is called 'Amazing'."

"Mouse, you are fortified." Anderson, who was observing the cab, praised him.


Neo, you don’t know, back then I was——”

"[This is the Zion Garrison Fleet, I am Commander Naobi (), please enter the ship for inspection.]"

Contact from the outside interrupted Mouse's bragging.

"[This is the Zion Investigation Fleet, I am Captain Morpheus, the power has been turned off and awaiting inspection.]" Morpheus responded.

"Check...what?" Anderson didn't quite understand: "If the key is matched, wouldn't there be no problem?"

"To prevent the spacecraft itself from being attached with some positioning gadget," the mouse turned off all power on the bridge: "In addition, whether the crew may betray the possibility must also be evaluated."

" 'password'?" Anderson thought of the unlucky bald man: "What punishment will he receive?"

"All Internet connections will be cut off, and they will be sent to work as laborers in certain places in Zion. I don't know the details." Mouse shrugged, and suddenly looked at Anderson: "But, do you have time to worry about others? 'Savior' gentlemen?"

"Uh..." Anderson was at a loss for words. The series of actions he had committed since his "awakening" would be impossible for an outsider to believe without personal experience. Especially with his status as a "savior", he didn't know how many people Zion would have. People recognize it.

While Anderson was thinking about it, he saw a large shadow coming out of the porthole out of the corner of his eye. When he took a closer look, he was shocked to find that it was a huge ship that looked like some kind of deep-sea fish approaching the Normandy. The huge black hole at its front made Anderson tremble unconsciously.

"That's the 'Leviathan'. Some people in other cultural circles also call it 'Kun'. Although it looks scary, it's just a transport ship. What it does next is just a routine 'disinfection'. There's no need to be afraid." Noticing that Anderson's expression was different, Mouse looked back and said nonchalantly.

"I'm not afraid, I'm just a little bit phobic of the deep sea..." Anderson watched the giant ship slowly but resolutely swallow the Normandy. With the savior's firm will, he didn't blink until the lights of the Normandy shone outside the porthole. When the familiar mechanical structure was revealed, Anderson quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Tsk - click.

The sound of connecting and opening came from the landing channel near the cockpit, and then a group of armed personnel with uniforms that were very different from the Normandy crew walked in from there.

The leader was a black woman with a stern expression, full of business-like aura. She only glanced at the surrounding staff and went straight to Morpheus at the star map table.

"Captain Morpheus, the Parliament is very dissatisfied with the betrayal of your senior crew members. After his trial and sentencing, you may be questioned. You'd better think about what to say." The black woman Her voice is as capable as her own.

Although she was speaking to Morpheus, Anderson somehow felt as if she glanced at him.

Perhaps, there are not too many people who believe in the savior and prophecies? Is she hinting to Morpheus not to mention anything about herself?

"Don't worry, Commander Naobi, I won't cover up or hide anything." Morpheus responded in a decent manner, not sure if he understood.

Naobi nodded without any other expression, and waved her hand to signal the men she brought to start working.

The armed men walked directly towards the cabin where the codes were kept, while other civilian staff began to copy and record all non-private records on the Normandy. Trinity, as the adjutant, and Link, who was in charge of liaison, cooperated throughout the process.

"Hmm...she just mentioned 'Parliament'?" Anderson, who had nothing to do, spoke to Mouse, who also had nothing to do.

"Ah, yes, Zion is managed by thirteen members and the speaker who is not one of the members," the mouse responded: "Routine matters are decided by the vote of the thirteen members. The speaker cannot vote, but has the power to submit motions and make comments on veto power over the outcome of the bill.”

"Only a veto?"

"Of course, the speaker can only veto and cannot force the passage of a certain motion. And if members are dissatisfied with him and propose a motion to remove the speaker and pass it, he cannot veto it."

"Well... what is the name of the current Speaker?" Anderson thought about the system he knew and felt that this Speaker was a bit inferior.

"Don't worry, as far as I know, he is more inclined to believe in prophecies and saviors," Mouse patted Anderson on the shoulder: "His name is Hackett."


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