The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and twenty-three, the fourth natural disaster (13)

“[But I don’t know when the ‘outer demon’ will invade the world again?]” Solian continued to ask after basically believing what I said.

Well... because the "Dimensional Demon" has only come once so far, there is no way to summarize the pattern.

‘Wait a minute, when was the last time a dimensional demon invaded? ’

[According to the earth’s calendar, twenty-five thousand years ago. 】


【I did not say anything! 】

The desire to survive is very strong.

‘It doesn’t matter. If you really want to calculate it, you have to at least calculate it from the Big Bang. From now on, just calculate the age of each incarnation separately. ’

"[Immortal?]" Because Malefia was silent, Sorian asked doubtfully.

"Fifty thousand years," Malefia said again, "The last time the demons from outside invaded was 25,000 years ago, so the Bao family has plenty of time to prepare."

"[This is very good,]" Solian looked relaxed: "[There are ten thousand years, enough for me to choose a few from the living creatures in the world to coexist with, make them prosperous, and then go to the outer world.]"

Um? etc?

"Why not choose to make Bao prosper again?" Malefia asked doubtfully.

"[The Immortal may have seen me move freely and thought that Bao's vitality is still there,]" Solian shook his head slightly and gestured around: "[If the Immortal visited this world when Bao was still active, I would not only be able to We will weave a ladder to reach the sky to welcome you, and even turn the place where the immortal lands within a hundred miles into a fairy garden.】"

"...That's not necessary." Merlin had seen that situation many times.

"[The decline of the Ba'ao ethnic group is due to their own laziness. Even I can hardly reawaken them, let alone help them flourish enough to resist the evil spirits from outside the world in a mere 20,000 years.]"

Thorian didn't hesitate to make a fool of himself, but the words "just twenty thousand years" were really a bit ridiculed by the crowd.

"So, how will the 'symbiosis' proceed?" Malefia asked.

"[Shangxian, please take a look]."

Solian's shadow pointed to a nearby big tree.

There are about two "baao" entrenched in that tree.

After being pointed at by their group consciousness, they became active instantly, swimming quickly among the trunks and branches, and the huge force caused the bark and leaves to fly in all directions.

Well... some people believe that they are giant pythons that mimic the shape of vines.

Finally, after Bao finished his work and stopped again, the tree stretched its arms and legs stretched out by "Bao" and stood up with a rumble.

"[I am 'Treebeard'.]" The twenty-meter-tall "ancient war tree" said in a voice that sounded like bark cracking.

"[Such a powerful force, must it be enough to fight against evil spirits from outside the world?]" Sorian looked at it in admiration, and then asked Malefia.

'There is no problem in dealing with the soldiers, but...'

[This is what is called sitting in a well and looking at the sky. 】

"Indeed, the height of the ordinary minions of the Outer Demon is less than 11 times higher." Malefia used the stone spear in her hand to mark the height and then made a throw gesture: "However, its attack methods tend to be long-range and spell-based. With the speed of 'Treebeard' , it may be difficult to pursue or hit."

"[This is easy.]" Solian raised his hand again.

What moved this time was a Bao entrenched on the ground. It suddenly rose from the surface and turned into a large net. It accurately caught a deer-like creature that was running away because it was frightened by the giant tree man. 2k

Different from the previous "symbiotic" tree-man situation, this time Baona's vine-like body wrapped the deer tightly with dead branches and leaves, and then continued to stir and twist, gradually changing its own appearance. In the end, the two merged into one, turning into a strange creature with a girl's upper body and a deer's lower body. The girl's appearance was at least seventy-nine similar to Malefia's.

"[Ah, beautiful nature~]" the new species said, waving the wooden spear in its hand, and then jumped up and ran to find the Treebeard.

[Is this considered an infringement of portrait rights? ] The stupid system gloated.

‘Let’s just think of it as a tribute. ’

"[This is the 'Tree Demon'. He moves quickly. The wooden spear in his hand contains toxins that cause slowness. He is not immune to spell attacks. Can he cooperate with the 'Tree Beard' to fight against the evil demon?" Solian seemed quite pleased with himself. .

Although there are a lot of shortcomings, at least there is really nothing wrong with the ground force. The remaining shortcomings are...

"Since the evil demon outside the world is called Tianwai, it naturally has the means to cross the void and the world. Its appearance is roughly like this, and it has many long-range means and spells. How can fellow Taoists fight against the enemy?" Malefia raised her finger and pointed at the sky. The Lasoido broke into the atmosphere in coordination, circled at low altitude for several times, and launched an attack into the sea, allowing Solian to see its shape and capabilities clearly.

"[This...]" Solian fell into deep thought.

Obviously, no plant body can fly. This is completely a blind spot in his knowledge.

"If fellow Taoist can't, you can transform specific plants and only strengthen the long-range ability, so that it can knock down the flying boat of the evil demon from the sky with one blow." Malefia suggested.

Solian's expression was slightly relaxed, but he still looked worried: "[Although this method treats the symptoms, it does not cure the root cause. The Immortal travels in all directions. If he supports a certain ethnic group, but it can only stay in one area, it must not be what the Immortal wants.] "

Well, in fact, as long as you can discover the "extraterrestrial evil demon" when it emerges and hold on, and provide a "doomsday element" when it is eliminated - but there is no way to say this.

"Manpower is sometimes poor, but heaven has its own way." Malefia said while maintaining her superior demeanor.

"[Could the Immortal's words be referring to...]" Suolian pondered for a moment, and showed admiration: "[The intelligent creatures in the three thousand worlds only need to do what they can. For those who cannot do what they can, the Immortal will take action?" "

[This guy must have peeked at the settings, right? 】

‘I think anyone with a normal IQ can think of this kind of inference. ’

[I think you are mocking me. 】

‘That’s right. ’

"Of course it is. Otherwise, why would we, the 'transcendants', enlighten the ignorant races? Just to prevent them from being harvested by evil spirits from outside the world?" Malefia nodded: "It's okay if fellow Taoists don't have any good ideas for a while. You can wait for ten thousand years. Let’s see if the Ba’ao tribe will have a flash of inspiration.”

"[Ten thousand years is too long...]" Solian sighed, and the shadow turned into a whirlwind and dispersed as it appeared.

Just when I thought He was just sighing casually, all the BAOs in the surrounding area started to move, and they all converged towards the location where Solian had just disappeared.

After these plants were entangled with each other, combined and compressed, they turned into a beautiful woman whose whole body was covered with branches, vines and leaves.

Her facial features are vaguely similar to Malefia's, but there is a hint of wildness and sharpness in the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

"[Please give me your name.]" She spread her hands and squatted towards Malefia, not knowing what etiquette was.

"Huh? Where's Sorian?" Malefia asked.

"[Father God has fallen into a deep sleep.]" the plant woman responded.

God the Father? Immortal? This system is a bit messy.

"Venom or Zyra... No, forget it, your name is Pamela Lillian Eisley."

[Did you just activate ‘fusion’? 】_

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