The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and twenty-four, the fourth natural disaster (14)

"As for anti-aircraft cannons, I think peas are good. The damage they do by spraying seeds is pretty good."

"[The Immortal is right.]"

"Is your ability to control plants? You can choose some explosive varieties to improve and enhance the lethality to create a portable one-time range attack."

"【I will consider.】"

"As for movement methods, tumbleweeds or dandelions are actually pretty good."

"【I think so too.】"

After I named Pamela, I started to patrol the island where "New Bao" starts, and Pamela has been following Malefia respectfully, listening to whatever she said to her, and echoing a few words from time to time, but not Express any subjective opinions.

[After all, it is a vine plant, and it is instinctive to cling to strong people. 】

‘The image is beautiful, and the language is much easier to understand than that old man Sorian. There are no shortcomings except insisting on using the weird title [Shangxian]. ’

[I must have created this image to win your favor. The old man is very bad. 】

‘No, if you think about it carefully, these three images He created are enough to deal with foreign invasion. ’

"[I am——Treebeard.]" The huge ancient war tree opened the way ahead, and its strong body swept away all the rocks blocking the road.

"[Wow, look what I found, a little rabbit~]" The tree demon jumped around in the forest, teasing some daring onlookers from time to time.

In addition, no matter how they move, the plants on the path will avoid them on their own, and those that cannot be avoided will try their best not to become an obstacle - these are the achievements of Pamela, who walks last.

Treebeard is physically strong and comparable to a tank, Dryad is flexible and counts as an infantryman, and Pamela is a logistics and scientific researcher as well as a "super weapon" that can unleash Bao's group consciousness ability in emergencies.

After all, she was made from the fusion of so many Bao, so it would be a big loss for anyone who thinks she is a weak woman like she looks like.

Regarding population reproduction, there is no need to worry too much.

Treebeard has the special ability to transform other trees into tree people. The transformed shape is related to the age of the tree being transformed. From oldest to youngest, it is "ancient war tree", "tree man" and "sapling".

The dryad is a bit more troublesome.

She must help Bao, who is not yet symbiotic, to come into contact with other animals, and suppress the animal during the symbiosis process to prevent it from escaping. The result of the transformation is basically the same as the dryad in a mixed state of animals and plants, but except for horses or deer, the hybrid As a result, there will be no "tree demons", and these hybrids will eventually become Bao's livestock or pets.

I studied this ability and found that it is actually an extended application of "Element Zero". Specifically, it synchronizes the attributes of Element Zero between different species so that they actually become part of the same individual, and then , that is, fusion.

Well, this element is really useful.

Pamela, on the other hand, had no idea of ​​adding more of her own kind, and seemed to have been thinking about something.

Finally, a group of people found a giant banyan tree in the middle of the island and decided to build a settlement here.

[Achievement: Reigniting from the Ashes (making a stagnant civilization start to develop again), 11. 】

[New achievement: Reignited from the Ashes, 15. 】

Hmm... Put it this way, although the shapes are completely different and the attributes are completely different, when I remind my sister, Bao is still Bao.

[This level of transformation will not be judged as another species in the civilization stage, but the tribe stage is relatively unreliable, and the biological stage will be directly counted as extinct. 】Stupid system explanation.

‘Because there is cultural inheritance, although I didn’t see where. ’

[Maybe it’s all about Pamela? 】

‘Nothing wrong. ’

When the new Ba'ao clan began to build their home in full swing, because I didn't have any technology that could be taught to plant civilization, I simply encouraged them casually and let Malefia turn into light and return to the Thela Soido.


The name of Bao's new capital is "Green of All Things". Although it fits their identity very well, I always wonder if someone named "Red of All Living Things" will come out to cause trouble.

As plants, they have an innate awareness of environmental protection. After their sphere of influence enveloped the entire island, they began to plan carefully. Treebeard's action of transforming into a tree man paused and began to sow seeds. The tree demon divided the nature reserve according to the specific situation of the island's animal population. , keeping the population of each organism stable.

As for Pamela, after having sufficient housing in the "Green of All Things", she finally began to try to create new individuals, but the efficiency was very low. Summoning vines to gather and merge into human form was fast, but she had to separate from herself. Several vines connect with the "newborn" and transmit various knowledge to it. This process will last two or even three days.

But the good news is that the "vegetative people" created in this way have most common sense and can start working immediately after waking up. Moreover, Pamela has absolute command over them, even if a thought directly kills a "person" Disintegration is also possible.

This pyramid structure is indeed "leaders", "elites" and "laborers".

[So who is the elite and who is the laborer, Treebeard or Dryad? 】

‘There is no doubt that they are Treebeards. Although they are larger and work more, the technical content of those jobs is extremely low. It can almost be said to be pure manual labor. Even the tree monsters can command them to do this and that. ’

【really. 】

Then, the Baos began to study vehicles. My unreliable "Dandelion Flying Vehicle" and "Tumbleweed Land Vehicle" were unanimously approved by Pamela and her assistants. What's even more outrageous is that this Two vehicles were successfully built, and the results after trial were quite good.


"I have no misunderstanding about my identity at all, no need to repeat that sentence."

The stupid system seemed to want to speak, but I interrupted him forcefully.

Bao's water vehicle is "a lotus leaf", or at least some kind of plant that looks like a lotus leaf. After folding and fixing their edges, they form a strange "ship" that is similar to a disk. This ship It has its own power system - some aquatic roots, which spin at twice the speed of the dryad running at full strength.

After that, after there was no shortage of "population" and "weapons", the Bao symbiotes began to move to other islands on lotus leaves.

Because the Ba'ao population has been dormant for too long and has not been involved in world affairs, the most violent resistance on the islands was those animals that did not want their homes to disappear. However, after being "criticized and educated" by the tree demons, they took the initiative to become Ba'ao's expansion. helper.

In the end, as expected, "New Bao" encountered "Old Bao" on an ancient island. The other party did not intend to listen to the explanation at all, and directly characterized Pamela, Treebeard and the Dryad as killing Bao and also accused him of killing Bao. Enemies whose corpses are fused to their bodies.

Sure enough, since Solian is a species consciousness, there must be individuals who lose control due to unexpected self-awakening. He just didn't have the nerve to say it before.

[Then which side do you think can win? 】

‘No matter which side I say, it will definitely win, so I won’t say anything. ’


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