The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and twenty-five, the fourth natural disaster (15)

The lush monster planet has turned into a pot of porridge.

Even looking down from Therasido, which is in satellite orbit, you can see the distinct colors of red and green.

The two factions of Bao currently fighting can be tentatively named the "fusion faction" and the "original faction."

The fusion faction is the group of Ba'ao who have been recognized by the group consciousness "Sorian" of Ba'ao and merged with the local creatures to create Treebeard, Dryad and Pamela. They are planning to unify the lush monster planet and then fight against the evil spirits outside the world.

The Primitive Faction is the Ba'ao ethnic group that awakened on its own without Solian's "initiation". They apparently refused to recognize the Fusion Faction as the Ba'ao, and launched an attack on Pamela's scouts and vanguards when they arrived on the island where they settled. .

Specifically, a small group of dryads led some fused small animals along the way to land in search of similar species. They were eating fruits and singing songs, and were suddenly attacked by a large group of vines emerging from all directions.

Of course, the vines, the shapes of these "original" Bao are the same as those of the "fusion faction" before they were enlightened by Solian, but their combat effectiveness is quite strong. The small animals and plants mixed by the "fusion faction" are directly beaten by the whip-like vines. A piece of death.

The dryads tried to fight back, but the plant toxins were not effective on the native Ba'ao, which are also plants. They fled in panic and called the ancient trees following for help. At first, they were invincible, but as the number of native Ba'ao increased, the ancient trees Instead, the tree was entangled and bound by a large number of vines that surged out, and eventually tore into pieces.

This encounter was just a trigger. The team of scouts returned to report their encounter with the enemy, and the native Bao who launched the attack also returned to the gathering place and said that he had discovered "monsters turned by compatriots." Then, the probing vanguard armies from both sides encountered again. , with no winner or loser, both sides suffered losses, and then, the two sides launched an all-out war around the island.

As always, neither side can help in this war. In terms of whether the group consciousness recognizes it, Bao, the fusion faction, is naturally the orthodox one, but his appearance has not changed at all. Isn’t Bao, the original faction, who is completely in his original form, not orthodox? Yet?

Judging from the current situation, it may be the best outcome for the fusion faction to forcibly conquer the original faction and let them learn to integrate and coexist.

But the problem is that the "fusion" ability of the fusion faction is ineffective against the original faction who is also Bao. Even if the vines of the two factions are forcibly entangled, it will only end with one of them withering and dying.

From this point of view, the "war" and "xenophobic" characteristics of the Bao population are truly worthy of the name, and they do not even spare their own people.

After encountering this unexpected situation, Pamela was obviously confused for a while, and tried to seek the guidance of her "Father God", but the group consciousness that expended power to awaken Pamela and fell into slumber would not be the same in the Bao race. Awakening again without encountering fatal crisis.

By the way, she seemed to be pretty smart. She probably understood that I would not interfere in this fight, so she did not try to fly into the sky on the "Dandelion" to find Malefia.

In the end, after discovering that it was impossible to capture the original faction for the time being, Pamela decided to temporarily bypass the islands where the original faction was entrenched, trying to keep a distance from them while incorporating other islands into the territory.

But it is a pity that although the original Bao have been sticking to one "island" since their awakening, it does not mean that they have no mobility. After noticing the appearance of "fusion monsters", they almost immediately woke up from the state of mist and chaos. Although there is no enlightenment from Solian and no leader like Pamela, he still takes the initiative to contact other similar people who have not been assimilated by the "monster" while taking action to prevent the expansion of the "monster".

In terms of specific combat effectiveness, on the fusion side, the actual combat effectiveness of Treebeard, Dryad, and those small animals is not too high. Vehicles such as "Dandelion", "Tumbleweed" and "Duckweed" can play a greater supporting role.

But it is completely different on the side of the original faction. This faction relies entirely on itself to fight Ba'ao, that is, through the slender body mixed with branches, vines and leaves. Their method of contacting compatriots on other islands across the sea is a large number of Bao gathers into a group, with a strange pattern of inner members "steering" and outer members "rowing".

After the two sides started fighting, the overall scene looked like, well... some kind of disaster movie with a snake or anaconda as the protagonist.

The final result of this ever-expanding war is that the fusion faction and the original faction each occupy 50% of the islands on the planet, and battles occur anytime and anywhere along the long and twisted borders and coastlines of both sides - after all, plants are not needed. rest.

In this ongoing war, although Pamela did not know the story of boiling beans and burning bean sprouts, she still wanted to negotiate with the "original Bao" more than once, but was never able to get in, even if the fusion faction " Bao, who had captured many Primitive Factions alive, had never shown any intention to negotiate. They even refused any form of communication, as if the Primitive Factions were really united in fighting to the death with the Fusion Factions.

Regarding this point, I do know the reason: At present, all the Bao of the original sect are under the jurisdiction of the same huge will. This will has not yet evolved to the extent that it can perceive what each sub-body sees and hears, so Pao Mira's negotiation with a sub-body alone will not yield any results.

This will is inferior to Solian and does not have a clear self-concept. In other words, it thinks that it is the entire Bao tribe that accidentally awakened. Now that there are monsters that will merge and exterminate the tribe, naturally Fight with all your might.

Speaking of which, I am also at fault. According to the "Bao introduction" given by the prompting sister, they are clearly a species that communicates through telepathy, but it was because of my behavior of "summoning the land" that the problem Lean uses "language" rather than "telepathy" as his primary means of communication.

As a result, the "original faction" who communicated through telepathy and the "fusion faction" who communicated through language saw the same thing: "The guys on the other side came over without saying anything? Just hit them!"

If Malefia, a person who is proficient in both languages, takes the initiative to become a translator after the contact war, they may still have a chance to coexist peacefully, but the problem is that Malefia is just a dummy. If she really becomes a translator, it will really It's actually me who's doing the work.

It's not that I'm lazy for not doing this. After all, this translation work can only last until they successfully decipher each other's communication method. The reason for not doing it is actually that because of my high status, if I try to connect to the telepathy of the original Pao, Then that ignorant "subgroup consciousness" will explode on the spot.

[So, you really don’t want to interfere? 】

‘It’s not impossible to let them continue fighting. After all, war is the biggest driving force for technological development. ’

[While fighting each other, improving technology, and finally joining forces to fight against the enemy when the ‘evil from outside’ appears? 】

‘It seems to be a very royal development. ’

[However, your green skin is about to come into contact with them. Do you think their appearance looks like an evil spirit from outside the world? 】



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