The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and twenty-six, the fourth natural disaster (16)

Since there was no time rollback on Bao's side, their development time was basically synchronized with the "Galaxy Standard Time". When the original faction and the fusion faction were fighting fiercely, the Green Light's sphere of influence also extended.

As far as living space is concerned, there is no obstacle to the cooperation between Ute and Green Light. After all, one is a land creature and the other is a marine creature.

When I was observing the survival and evolution of Bao, Green Light also had many exchanges with them on Ute, assisting them in tasks such as exploring the planet, fighting ecological disasters, establishing trade routes, etc., and interacting with them. The relationship between them has been greatly shortened.

Later, the Ute Alliance even proposed that both parties could jointly develop aliens, with Green Light occupying the land and Ute occupying the ocean.

After careful consideration, Green Light rejected this proposal and took a step back, stating that as long as Ute establishes a colony in any galaxy, Green Light will no longer conduct any colonization, scientific research or resource collection on other planets in the galaxy. action.

I have to say that Green Light is quite keen. Once this joint development begins, the two will only be regarded as a symbiotic relationship by other space civilizations. If Ute messes with any powerful characters, they will definitely be implicated. Even the reason is Off the shelf: "Alliance with our enemies: -100."

[Awesome character? Where? 】

‘I think the native Bao is quite strong. ’

[Then the fusion faction won. 】

‘This is not poisonous milk. ’

Since Green Light and Ute have reached a non-interference agreement and must avoid all galaxies with ocean planets, the route taken by Seven Colored Light to reach the lush monster planet is much more tortuous than the route taken by the Therazoido.

As the seven-color light ship arrives at the lush monster planet, two achievements are also refreshed.

[Achievement: Collect spices 20002000.]

[New achievement: Collect spices 20115000.]

It’s not surprising that Green Light collected spices without landing, because Bao from any faction has little interest in developing planetary resources. Although the land is covered with vegetation, there are many spices in the ocean. The fountain is always erupting, and it is normal for the seven-colored light to extract spices from the atmosphere.

However, these two achievements are not the point. The point is that after its completion, it directly fills up a small section of the "green bar" in the space stage.

After this section is filled,

A rotating flying saucer icon suddenly pops up in the middle of the "screen". It occupies one-third of the "screen" and fills up the sense of presence before slowly disappearing.

The next moment, messages reminding my sister came one after another:

[Tip: From strange to familiar, you have already had enough experience in space travel and adventure, it’s time to accelerate. 】

[Tip: Upgrade the space engine, MKI→MKII, and the space vehicle will be able to fly longer distances. 】

I had been looking forward to this prompt for a long time. After they disappeared, I immediately cut the screen to the "galaxy level" star map to observe the farthest distance traveled by Therazoido.

The "jump radius" that was originally only equivalent to 1.5 times the average distance between galaxies has now been extended by about three times. In other words, if Thera Soido wants to return to the Star of the Emerald Grassland, the number of jumps required It has been reduced by about two-thirds, and many surrounding galaxies that were originally inaccessible due to engine distance limitations have also been included in the suddenly expanded "moving range". 8090

Although the star map is still the same as before, it feels like the field of vision has been broadened inexplicably.

Of course, now is not the time to let Malefia walk away. After all, the two factions of Bao are still evenly matched and incompatible. If they really unite to fight against the "extraterrestrial evil" Green Light, it will be great fun, at least it will have to wait. The two sides have to finish the fight.


When I switched back to the lush monster planet, the seven-color light had already entered the satellite orbit and began to scan the entire planet, and only then did I notice that it was carrying a "little tail".

It was a spaceship that was very similar in appearance to Ute, but its volume was only about half that of Seven-Color Light, and its weapons and armor were not outstanding. It was probably Ute's experimental spaceship, joining Green Light's fleet. Just enough to shine and heat.

As far as specific operations are concerned, the seven-color light cannot directly control the friendly ship. It will independently cooperate according to the actions of the green light on the target, exactly the same as the behavior of the little brother recruited in the biological stage.

However, there are still certain differences compared to that time, because they are now in the same fleet, and there is no situation where the younger brother is on top and refuses to leave. As long as the Seven-Colored Light turns around and leaves, the Ute battleship must follow.

"My dear green light friend, is this the planet you said is constantly sending out strange signals? But the current scanning results show that there are no traces of civilization on this planet."

"Don't worry, friend Ute, we are convinced that that signal is not naturally formed. If we look for it again, I think their civilization may be different from ours."

"I hope you are right. We will enhance the scanning signal, but for now, it seems that apart from tropical rainforests and lower organisms, there are only seaweeds and fish on this planet."

[I wonder if you are also fish, right? 】

‘Don’t make comments while eavesdropping on other people’s communications! ’

[There is no way, they are too stupid, Bao is fighting in full swing and still turns a blind eye. 】

"The normal situation when civilizations are too different is like when the clouds in the sky gather and disperse due to strong winds, no human being can conclude that the war between the clouds in the sky is already in full swing." ’

A simple example is that if there are gaseous creatures, then the sky will have turned upside down on Jupiter in reality (the Great Red Spot), but humans define this as only a natural phenomenon.

[Even if there is not much difference between Pamela and those native Bao plants, are tree beards, dryads, and hybrid animals ordinary plants? What about their attack on the native Bao? 】

‘I guess this scene will show up on their scan results as [pre-civilized primitive creatures hunting]. ’

[Hmm, let’s see when they find out. 】

In my opinion, the fusion faction Ba'ao and the original faction Ba'ao are constantly fighting a war on the long border, but the scanning results of the seven-color light only show that the original animals and plants on this line are extremely active.

Although there is suppression of the civilization stage by the space stage, the essence is still a difference in the definition of the concept of "civilization" between different civilizations.

The battleships of Green Light and Ute briefly exchanged a few words with each other, and unanimously decided to conduct a detailed scan of this strange active zone. Then they both lowered their altitude and plunged into the atmosphere to try to observe those "primitive animals and plants."

Then, they were beaten by peashooters. _

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