The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and twenty-seven, the fourth natural disaster (17)

The Seven-Colored Light and Ute battleships entered the atmosphere and began to scan and survey the island on the line of fire between the original faction and the fusion faction.

The secondary group consciousness of the original faction had no concept of "external evil spirits", so they cautiously stopped fighting and shrank slightly.

But this is not the case for the Fusion Faction. Sorian obviously left a clear order to be careful of the outer demons. In addition, I did not inform him of the specific members of the "Galaxy Alliance". Therefore, Pamela will order to use anti-air plant weapons to deal with the enemy. It is natural to fire the seven-color light.

The Seven-Colored Light inexplicably received several shots without any sign of the enemy. They thought there were natives here who were hostile to them, so they had to give up scanning and turn around to evacuate, and their evacuation direction was towards the area controlled by the native Bao.

As for those "peashooters"...

【Spore Cannon】

[Physical attack: 30, energy attack: 0, electromagnetic interference: 0.]

[Basic structure: 150, basic armor: 0, basic shield: 0,]

[Basic speed: 0, lock speed: 75, acceleration: 0,]

The "Pea Shooter" created by the Fusion Faction lacks a lot of data compared to the "Seven-Colored Light", but its strength can still be seen from its basic offensive and defensive attributes.

To briefly summarize, this cannon will be exploded by three cannons of seven-color light, and to destroy the seven-color light, it must hit the spacecraft at least 20 times.

[No, 27 times to be precise, because physical attacks can only cause 50% damage to the shield. 】

Well... physical attacks are 50% efficient against shields, energy attacks are 50% efficient against armor, while electromagnetic attacks are 50% efficient against structures, so if you want to hit a seven-color light that has both shields and armor, any single attribute will cause damage Neither has an advantage.

As for the locking speed, it corresponds to the target's moving speed. Any target with a speed lower than 75 will not be able to avoid the spore cannon's aim, but whether the "cannonball" can hit after it comes out of the chamber is another matter.

In addition to "Peashooter", Pamela also created "Cherry Bomb".

[Kill tomatoes with one hit]

[Physical attack: 50, energy attack: 100, electromagnetic interference: 0.]

[Basic structure: 30, basic armor: 0, basic shield: 0,]

This time the attributes are more streamlined,

Because it cannot move at all or move on its own, it is a thing created by Pamela using her own abilities.

She can "evolve" any plant within the "fusion" range that can bear fruit, causing them to ignore species differences and produce such "tomatoes" that explode at the touch of a touch, and most of the damage components of this thing are actually It's energy that I didn't expect.

Although a mere 150 points of damage is not too exaggerated, it can indeed be "killed with one hit" when used against those primitive vines.

After Pamela discovered and defeated the "extraterrestrial demon", she was obviously out of her mind. She tried to contact Solian but had no results, so she began to hypnotize herself, muttering something like "[Twenty thousand years is still early]" ".

[I believe this woman will become a great person in the future. 】

‘Yes, the sand sculpture is invincible. ’

【Fu? 】


On the other side, on the bridge of the seven-colored light, Green Light Zero was listening to the report at the captain's seat, and the crew members were busy running back and forth.

Although I cultivated this race from the cell stage, it is still difficult to distinguish the differences in their appearance. dog

"Captain, about 12% of our shield was damaged. It has been restored. There are no abnormalities in other parts of the hull." The adjutant held a record board in his hand.

Green Light Zero looked at the projected image of the "Spore Cannon" with a puzzled expression: "So, what were we attacked just now?"

"The analysis results show that it is beans, Captain." The adjutant moved his hand: "In other words, it is a cannonball with the same ingredients as beans."

"Are you kidding?" Green Light Zero narrowed his eyes.

"No kidding, they seem familiar." The adjutant read the contents of the note board in an attitude that he didn't even believe.

"Beans? Ripe?" The liaison officer, who was dozing next to Green Light Zero, jumped up.

"Even if it is, that thing has been smashed to pieces by our ship's hull. Don't even think about eating it." No. 0's green light pushed her back.

"Well," the liaison officer expressed dissatisfaction: "We eat too much fish over there in Ute. I want to refresh my taste."

"Hmm... So, can we think that it was an attack by indigenous civilization on us?" Green Light Zero skipped the question directly.

"This is still uncertain. Our scanning results show that there are almost no large birds on this planet, but those devices that launch beans are obviously designed to target the air." The adjutant paused: "There are currently two possibilities. They The original target they were dealing with was not us, or they created this kind of anti-aircraft weapon at an extremely high speed after discovering us."

"Guessing is just a waste of time. If you ask me, we will just find a place to land. If anyone dares to cause trouble, we will beat him up and then interrogate - I mean interrogate." Hanuman was playing with his stick boredly.

"[Don't make enemies for Green Light!]" The ship's doctor's communication screen appeared in the air next to him: "[But in order to avoid being attacked again, I agree to land for investigation.]"



"[Me too.]"

Several green light consultants who were busy in other cabins of Seven Color Light also sent messages one by one.

"Then, choose an island to land far away from the location of the previous attack," Green Light Zero decided: "If you encounter aliens, first negotiate with cultural advisors and translators. Others are not allowed to interrupt, especially military and military personnel. Economic Advisor.”

"[Hey, that's not fair!]"

"[Where do you get the confidence that we can directly translate the language of an unknown civilization?]"

Military and economic advisers took offense.

Green Light Zero folded his hands and placed his chin on them:

"[I think it should be fine.]"


Although Green Light Zero said it was going to land, the size of the Seven-Colored Light and the Ute Battleship was obviously not enough to land on the terrain all over the Broken Islands. They could only hover at low altitudes and let the cultural consultants and translators in charge of negotiations ride. The shuttle heads to the surface.

The shuttle found a place to land safely on the edge of the island, and then the cultural consultant and translator stepped out of the shuttle together.

Before they could comment on the scenery, the "secondary group consciousness" that originally evacuated all the native Bao because they didn't know the purpose of these "aliens" suddenly became excited, directly making those Bao who stayed behind to observe Swarmed towards them.

When the cultural consultants and translators raised their weapons vigilantly, the excited Baozi bodies stopped in front of them in time and sent them a message through telepathy:

"[Welcome! My fellow plants!]"_

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